Carlos Condit |
Martin Kampmann |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight starts round 4 |
Fight won't start round 4 |
Fight starts round 5 |
Fight won't start round 5 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Condit wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Kampmann wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Condit wins by submission |
Any other result |
Kampmann wins by submission |
Any other result |
Condit wins inside distance |
Not Condit inside distance |
Kampmann wins inside distance |
Not Kampmann inside distance |
Condit wins by decision |
Not Condit by decision |
Kampmann wins by decision |
Not Kampmann by decision |
Condit wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Kampmann wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Condit wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Kampmann wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Condit wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Kampmann wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Condit wins in round 4 |
Any other result |
Kampmann wins in round 4 |
Any other result |
Condit wins in round 5 |
Any other result |
Kampmann wins in round 5 |
Any other result |
Condit wins by unanimous decision |
Any other result |
Kampmann wins by unanimous decision |
Any other result |
Condit wins by split/majority decision |
Any other result |
Kampmann wins by split/majority decision |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Condit points handicap -3½ |
Kampmann points handicap +3½ |
Donald Cerrone |
Rafael Dos Anjos |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Cerrone wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Anjos wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Cerrone wins by submission |
Any other result |
Anjos wins by submission |
Any other result |
Cerrone wins inside distance |
Not Cerrone inside distance |
Anjos wins inside distance |
Not Anjos inside distance |
Cerrone wins by decision |
Not Cerrone by decision |
Anjos wins by decision |
Not Anjos by decision |
Cerrone wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Anjos wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Cerrone wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Anjos wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Cerrone wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Anjos wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Cerrone points handicap -3½ |
Anjos points handicap +3½ |
Court McGee |
Robert Whittaker |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
McGee wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Whittaker wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
McGee wins by submission |
Any other result |
Whittaker wins by submission |
Any other result |
McGee wins inside distance |
Not McGee inside distance |
Whittaker wins inside distance |
Not Whittaker inside distance |
McGee wins by decision |
Not McGee by decision |
Whittaker wins by decision |
Not Whittaker by decision |
McGee wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Whittaker wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
McGee wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Whittaker wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
McGee wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Whittaker wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Whittaker points handicap -3½ |
McGee points handicap +3½ |
Brad Tavares |
Robert McDaniel |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Tavares wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
McDaniel wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Tavares wins by submission |
Any other result |
McDaniel wins by submission |
Any other result |
Tavares wins inside distance |
Not Tavares inside distance |
McDaniel wins inside distance |
Not McDaniel inside distance |
Tavares wins by decision |
Not Tavares by decision |
McDaniel wins by decision |
Not McDaniel by decision |
Tavares wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
McDaniel wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Tavares wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
McDaniel wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Tavares wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
McDaniel wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Tavares points handicap -3½ |
McDaniel points handicap +3½ |
Brian Melancon |
Kelvin Gastelum |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Melancon wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Melancon wins by submission |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins by submission |
Any other result |
Melancon wins inside distance |
Not Melancon inside distance |
Gastelum wins inside distance |
Not Gastelum inside distance |
Melancon wins by decision |
Not Melancon by decision |
Gastelum wins by decision |
Not Gastelum by decision |
Melancon wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Melancon wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Melancon wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Gastelum points handicap -3½ |
Melancon points handicap +3½ |
Erik Perez |
Takeya Mizugaki |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Perez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Mizugaki wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Perez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Mizugaki wins by submission |
Any other result |
Perez wins inside distance |
Not Perez inside distance |
Mizugaki wins inside distance |
Not Mizugaki inside distance |
Perez wins by decision |
Not Perez by decision |
Mizugaki wins by decision |
Not Mizugaki by decision |
Perez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Mizugaki wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Perez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Mizugaki wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Perez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Mizugaki wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Perez points handicap -3½ |
Mizugaki points handicap +3½ |
Brandon Thatch |
Justin Edwards |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Thatch wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Edwards wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Thatch wins by submission |
Any other result |
Edwards wins by submission |
Any other result |
Thatch wins inside distance |
Not Thatch inside distance |
Edwards wins inside distance |
Not Edwards inside distance |
Thatch wins by decision |
Not Thatch by decision |
Edwards wins by decision |
Not Edwards by decision |
Thatch wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Edwards wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Thatch wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Edwards wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Thatch wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Edwards wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Thatch points handicap -3½ |
Edwards points handicap +3½ |
Dylan Andrews |
Papy Abedi |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Andrews wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Abedi wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Andrews wins by submission |
Any other result |
Abedi wins by submission |
Any other result |
Andrews wins inside distance |
Not Andrews inside distance |
Abedi wins inside distance |
Not Abedi inside distance |
Andrews wins by decision |
Not Andrews by decision |
Abedi wins by decision |
Not Abedi by decision |
Andrews wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Abedi wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Andrews wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Abedi wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Andrews wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Abedi wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Andrews points handicap -3½ |
Abedi points handicap +3½ |
Darren Elkins |
Hatsu Hioki |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Elkins wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Hioki wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Elkins wins by submission |
Any other result |
Hioki wins by submission |
Any other result |
Elkins wins inside distance |
Not Elkins inside distance |
Hioki wins inside distance |
Not Hioki inside distance |
Elkins wins by decision |
Not Elkins by decision |
Hioki wins by decision |
Not Hioki by decision |
Elkins wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Hioki wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Elkins wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Hioki wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Elkins wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Hioki wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Hioki points handicap -3½ |
Elkins points handicap +3½ |
Ben Alloway |
Zak Cummings |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Alloway wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Cummings wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Alloway wins by submission |
Any other result |
Cummings wins by submission |
Any other result |
Alloway wins inside distance |
Not Alloway inside distance |
Cummings wins inside distance |
Not Cummings inside distance |
Alloway wins by decision |
Not Alloway by decision |
Cummings wins by decision |
Not Cummings by decision |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Cummings points handicap -3½ |
Alloway points handicap +3½ |
Abel Trujillo |
Roger Bowling |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Trujillo wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Bowling wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Trujillo wins by submission |
Any other result |
Bowling wins by submission |
Any other result |
Trujillo wins inside distance |
Not Trujillo inside distance |
Bowling wins inside distance |
Not Bowling inside distance |
Trujillo wins by decision |
Not Trujillo by decision |
Bowling wins by decision |
Not Bowling by decision |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Trujillo points handicap -3½ |
Bowling points handicap +3½ |
James Head |
Jason High |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Head wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
High wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Head wins by submission |
Any other result |
High wins by submission |
Any other result |
Head wins inside distance |
Not Head inside distance |
High wins inside distance |
Not High inside distance |
Head wins by decision |
Not Head by decision |
High wins by decision |
Not High by decision |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Head points handicap -3½ |
High points handicap +3½ |
DraftKings | BetMGM | Caesars | BetRivers | FanDuel | BetWay | Bet365 | Unibet | PointsBet | Props | |||
Carlos Condit | 31 | |||||||||||
Martin Kampmann | 31 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 4 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 4 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 5 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 5 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Condit wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Condit wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Condit wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Condit inside distance | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Kampmann inside distance | ||||||||||||
Condit wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Condit by decision | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Kampmann by decision | ||||||||||||
Condit wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Condit wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Condit wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Condit wins in round 4 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins in round 4 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Condit wins in round 5 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins in round 5 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Condit wins by unanimous decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins by unanimous decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Condit wins by split/majority decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Kampmann wins by split/majority decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Condit points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Kampmann points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Donald Cerrone | 21 | |||||||||||
Rafael Dos Anjos | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Cerrone wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Anjos wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cerrone wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Anjos wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cerrone wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Cerrone inside distance | ||||||||||||
Anjos wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Anjos inside distance | ||||||||||||
Cerrone wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Cerrone by decision | ||||||||||||
Anjos wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Anjos by decision | ||||||||||||
Cerrone wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Anjos wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cerrone wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Anjos wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cerrone wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Anjos wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Cerrone points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Anjos points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Court McGee | 21 | |||||||||||
Robert Whittaker | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
McGee wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Whittaker wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
McGee wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Whittaker wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
McGee wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not McGee inside distance | ||||||||||||
Whittaker wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Whittaker inside distance | ||||||||||||
McGee wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not McGee by decision | ||||||||||||
Whittaker wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Whittaker by decision | ||||||||||||
McGee wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Whittaker wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
McGee wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Whittaker wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
McGee wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Whittaker wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Whittaker points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
McGee points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Brad Tavares | 21 | |||||||||||
Robert McDaniel | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
McDaniel wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
McDaniel wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Tavares inside distance | ||||||||||||
McDaniel wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not McDaniel inside distance | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Tavares by decision | ||||||||||||
McDaniel wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not McDaniel by decision | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
McDaniel wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
McDaniel wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
McDaniel wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Tavares points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
McDaniel points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Brian Melancon | 21 | |||||||||||
Kelvin Gastelum | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Melancon wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Melancon wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Melancon wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Melancon inside distance | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Gastelum inside distance | ||||||||||||
Melancon wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Melancon by decision | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Gastelum by decision | ||||||||||||
Melancon wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Melancon wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Melancon wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Gastelum points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Melancon points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Erik Perez | 21 | |||||||||||
Takeya Mizugaki | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Perez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mizugaki wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Perez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mizugaki wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Perez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Perez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Mizugaki wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Mizugaki inside distance | ||||||||||||
Perez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Perez by decision | ||||||||||||
Mizugaki wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Mizugaki by decision | ||||||||||||
Perez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mizugaki wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Perez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mizugaki wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Perez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mizugaki wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Perez points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Mizugaki points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Brandon Thatch | 21 | |||||||||||
Justin Edwards | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Thatch wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Edwards wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Thatch wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Edwards wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Thatch wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Thatch inside distance | ||||||||||||
Edwards wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Edwards inside distance | ||||||||||||
Thatch wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Thatch by decision | ||||||||||||
Edwards wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Edwards by decision | ||||||||||||
Thatch wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Edwards wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Thatch wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Edwards wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Thatch wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Edwards wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Thatch points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Edwards points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Dylan Andrews | 21 | |||||||||||
Papy Abedi | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Andrews wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Abedi wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Andrews wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Abedi wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Andrews wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Andrews inside distance | ||||||||||||
Abedi wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Abedi inside distance | ||||||||||||
Andrews wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Andrews by decision | ||||||||||||
Abedi wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Abedi by decision | ||||||||||||
Andrews wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Abedi wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Andrews wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Abedi wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Andrews wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Abedi wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Andrews points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Abedi points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Darren Elkins | 21 | |||||||||||
Hatsu Hioki | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Elkins wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hioki wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Elkins wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hioki wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Elkins wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Elkins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Hioki wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Hioki inside distance | ||||||||||||
Elkins wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Elkins by decision | ||||||||||||
Hioki wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Hioki by decision | ||||||||||||
Elkins wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hioki wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Elkins wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hioki wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Elkins wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hioki wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Hioki points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Elkins points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Ben Alloway | 13 | |||||||||||
Zak Cummings | 13 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Alloway wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alloway wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alloway wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Alloway inside distance | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Cummings inside distance | ||||||||||||
Alloway wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Alloway by decision | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Cummings by decision | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Cummings points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Alloway points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Abel Trujillo | 13 | |||||||||||
Roger Bowling | 13 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Trujillo wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bowling wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Trujillo wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bowling wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Trujillo wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Trujillo inside distance | ||||||||||||
Bowling wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Bowling inside distance | ||||||||||||
Trujillo wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Trujillo by decision | ||||||||||||
Bowling wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Bowling by decision | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Trujillo points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Bowling points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
James Head | 13 | |||||||||||
Jason High | 13 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Head wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
High wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Head wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
High wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Head wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Head inside distance | ||||||||||||
High wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not High inside distance | ||||||||||||
Head wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Head by decision | ||||||||||||
High wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not High by decision | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Head points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
High points handicap +3½ |