Aspen Ladd
Norma Dumont
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Over 3½ rounds
Under 3½ rounds
Over 4½ rounds
Under 4½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Ladd wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Dumont wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission
Any other result
Dumont wins by submission
Any other result
Ladd wins inside distance
Not Ladd inside distance
Dumont wins inside distance
Not Dumont inside distance
Ladd wins by decision
Not Ladd by decision
Dumont wins by decision
Not Dumont by decision
Ladd wins in round 1
Any other result
Dumont wins in round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 2
Any other result
Dumont wins in round 2
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 3
Any other result
Dumont wins in round 3
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 4
Any other result
Dumont wins in round 4
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 5
Any other result
Dumont wins in round 5
Any other result
Ladd wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Dumont wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Ladd wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Dumont wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Ladd points handicap -5½
Dumont points handicap +5½
Ladd (scorecards = no action)
Dumont (scorecards = no action)
Dumont (scorecards = no action)
Ladd (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Dumont wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Dumont wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Dumont wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Dumont wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Dumont wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Dumont wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Dumont wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Ladd wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Dumont wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Andrei Arlovski
Carlos Felipe
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Arlovski wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Felipe wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Arlovski wins by submission
Any other result
Felipe wins by submission
Any other result
Arlovski wins inside distance
Not Arlovski inside distance
Felipe wins inside distance
Not Felipe inside distance
Arlovski wins by decision
Not Arlovski by decision
Felipe wins by decision
Not Felipe by decision
Arlovski wins in round 1
Any other result
Felipe wins in round 1
Any other result
Arlovski wins in round 2
Any other result
Felipe wins in round 2
Any other result
Arlovski wins in round 3
Any other result
Felipe wins in round 3
Any other result
Arlovski wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Felipe wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Arlovski wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Felipe wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Felipe points handicap -3½
Arlovski points handicap +3½
Arlovski (scorecards = no action)
Felipe (scorecards = no action)
Felipe (scorecards = no action)
Arlovski (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Arlovski wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Felipe wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Arlovski wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Felipe wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Arlovski wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Felipe wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Arlovski wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Felipe wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Arlovski wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Felipe wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Arlovski wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Felipe wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Arlovski wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Felipe wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Arlovski wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Felipe wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Erick Gonzalez
Jim Miller
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Gonzalez wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Miller wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Gonzalez wins by submission
Any other result
Miller wins by submission
Any other result
Gonzalez wins inside distance
Not Gonzalez inside distance
Miller wins inside distance
Not Miller inside distance
Gonzalez wins by decision
Not Gonzalez by decision
Miller wins by decision
Not Miller by decision
Gonzalez wins in round 1
Any other result
Miller wins in round 1
Any other result
Gonzalez wins in round 2
Any other result
Miller wins in round 2
Any other result
Gonzalez wins in round 3
Any other result
Miller wins in round 3
Any other result
Gonzalez wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Miller wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Gonzalez wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Miller wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Miller points handicap -3½
Gonzalez points handicap +3½
Gonzalez (scorecards = no action)
Miller (scorecards = no action)
Miller (scorecards = no action)
Gonzalez (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Gonzalez wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Miller wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Gonzalez wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Miller wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Gonzalez wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Miller wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Gonzalez wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Miller wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Gonzalez wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Miller wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Gonzalez wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Miller wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Gonzalez wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Miller wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Gonzalez wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Miller wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Manon Fiorot
Mayra Bueno
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Fiorot wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Bueno wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Fiorot wins by submission
Any other result
Bueno wins by submission
Any other result
Fiorot wins inside distance
Not Fiorot inside distance
Bueno wins inside distance
Not Bueno inside distance
Fiorot wins by decision
Not Fiorot by decision
Bueno wins by decision
Not Bueno by decision
Fiorot wins in round 1
Any other result
Bueno wins in round 1
Any other result
Fiorot wins in round 2
Any other result
Bueno wins in round 2
Any other result
Fiorot wins in round 3
Any other result
Bueno wins in round 3
Any other result
Fiorot wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Bueno wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Fiorot wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Bueno wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fiorot points handicap -3½
Bueno points handicap +3½
Fiorot (scorecards = no action)
Bueno (scorecards = no action)
Bueno (scorecards = no action)
Fiorot (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Fiorot wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Bueno wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Fiorot wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Bueno wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Fiorot wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Bueno wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Fiorot wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Bueno wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Fiorot wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Bueno wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Fiorot wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Bueno wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Fiorot wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Bueno wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fiorot wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Bueno wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Ludovit Klein
Nate Landwehr
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Klein wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Landwehr wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Klein wins by submission
Any other result
Landwehr wins by submission
Any other result
Klein wins inside distance
Not Klein inside distance
Landwehr wins inside distance
Not Landwehr inside distance
Klein wins by decision
Not Klein by decision
Landwehr wins by decision
Not Landwehr by decision
Klein wins in round 1
Any other result
Landwehr wins in round 1
Any other result
Klein wins in round 2
Any other result
Landwehr wins in round 2
Any other result
Klein wins in round 3
Any other result
Landwehr wins in round 3
Any other result
Klein wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Landwehr wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Klein wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Landwehr wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Klein points handicap -3½
Landwehr points handicap +3½
Klein (scorecards = no action)
Landwehr (scorecards = no action)
Landwehr (scorecards = no action)
Klein (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Klein wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Landwehr wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Klein wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Landwehr wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Klein wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Landwehr wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Klein wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Landwehr wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Klein wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Landwehr wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Klein wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Landwehr wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Klein wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Landwehr wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Klein wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Landwehr wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Andrew Sanchez
Bruno Silva
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Silva wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Sanchez wins by submission
Any other result
Silva wins by submission
Any other result
Sanchez wins inside distance
Not Sanchez inside distance
Silva wins inside distance
Not Silva inside distance
Sanchez wins by decision
Not Sanchez by decision
Silva wins by decision
Not Silva by decision
Sanchez wins in round 1
Any other result
Silva wins in round 1
Any other result
Sanchez wins in round 2
Any other result
Silva wins in round 2
Any other result
Sanchez wins in round 3
Any other result
Silva wins in round 3
Any other result
Sanchez wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Silva wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Sanchez wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Silva wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Silva points handicap -3½
Sanchez points handicap +3½
Sanchez (scorecards = no action)
Silva (scorecards = no action)
Silva (scorecards = no action)
Sanchez (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Silva wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Sanchez wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Silva wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Silva wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Silva wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Sanchez wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Silva wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Sanchez wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Silva wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Sanchez wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Silva wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Sanchez wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Silva wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Danny Roberts
Ramazan Emeev
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Roberts wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Emeev wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Roberts wins by submission
Any other result
Emeev wins by submission
Any other result
Roberts wins inside distance
Not Roberts inside distance
Emeev wins inside distance
Not Emeev inside distance
Roberts wins by decision
Not Roberts by decision
Emeev wins by decision
Not Emeev by decision
Roberts wins in round 1
Any other result
Emeev wins in round 1
Any other result
Roberts wins in round 2
Any other result
Emeev wins in round 2
Any other result
Roberts wins in round 3
Any other result
Emeev wins in round 3
Any other result
Roberts wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Emeev wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Roberts wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Emeev wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Emeev points handicap -3½
Roberts points handicap +3½
Roberts (scorecards = no action)
Emeev (scorecards = no action)
Emeev (scorecards = no action)
Roberts (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Roberts wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Emeev wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Roberts wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Emeev wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Roberts wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Emeev wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Roberts wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Emeev wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Roberts wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Emeev wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Roberts wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Emeev wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Roberts wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Emeev wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Roberts wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Emeev wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Luana Carolina
Lupita Godinez
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Carolina wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Godinez wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Carolina wins by submission
Any other result
Godinez wins by submission
Any other result
Carolina wins inside distance
Not Carolina inside distance
Godinez wins inside distance
Not Godinez inside distance
Carolina wins by decision
Not Carolina by decision
Godinez wins by decision
Not Godinez by decision
Carolina wins in round 1
Any other result
Godinez wins in round 1
Any other result
Carolina wins in round 2
Any other result
Godinez wins in round 2
Any other result
Carolina wins in round 3
Any other result
Godinez wins in round 3
Any other result
Carolina wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Godinez wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Carolina wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Godinez wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Godinez points handicap -3½
Carolina points handicap +3½
Carolina (scorecards = no action)
Godinez (scorecards = no action)
Godinez (scorecards = no action)
Carolina (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Carolina wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Godinez wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Carolina wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Godinez wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Carolina wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Godinez wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Carolina wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Godinez wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Carolina wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Godinez wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Carolina wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Godinez wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Carolina wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Godinez wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Carolina wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Godinez wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Brandon Davis
Danaa Batgerel
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Davis wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Batgerel wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Davis wins by submission
Any other result
Batgerel wins by submission
Any other result
Davis wins inside distance
Not Davis inside distance
Batgerel wins inside distance
Not Batgerel inside distance
Davis wins by decision
Not Davis by decision
Batgerel wins by decision
Not Batgerel by decision
Davis wins in round 1
Any other result
Batgerel wins in round 1
Any other result
Davis wins in round 2
Any other result
Batgerel wins in round 2
Any other result
Davis wins in round 3
Any other result
Batgerel wins in round 3
Any other result
Davis wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Batgerel wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Davis wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Batgerel wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Batgerel points handicap -3½
Davis points handicap +3½
Davis (scorecards = no action)
Batgerel (scorecards = no action)
Batgerel (scorecards = no action)
Davis (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Davis wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Batgerel wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Davis wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Batgerel wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Davis wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Batgerel wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Davis wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Batgerel wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Davis wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Batgerel wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Davis wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Batgerel wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Davis wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Batgerel wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Davis wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Batgerel wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Ariane Carnelossi
Istela Nunes
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Carnelossi wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Nunes wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Carnelossi wins by submission
Any other result
Nunes wins by submission
Any other result
Carnelossi wins inside distance
Not Carnelossi inside distance
Nunes wins inside distance
Not Nunes inside distance
Carnelossi wins by decision
Not Carnelossi by decision
Nunes wins by decision
Not Nunes by decision
Carnelossi wins in round 1
Any other result
Nunes wins in round 1
Any other result
Carnelossi wins in round 2
Any other result
Nunes wins in round 2
Any other result
Carnelossi wins in round 3
Any other result
Nunes wins in round 3
Any other result
Carnelossi wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Nunes wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Carnelossi wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Nunes wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Carnelossi points handicap -3½
Nunes points handicap +3½
Carnelossi (scorecards = no action)
Nunes (scorecards = no action)
Nunes (scorecards = no action)
Carnelossi (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Carnelossi wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Nunes wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Carnelossi wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Nunes wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Carnelossi wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Nunes wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Carnelossi wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Nunes wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Carnelossi wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Nunes wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Carnelossi wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Nunes wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Carnelossi wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Nunes wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Carnelossi wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Nunes wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Holly Holm
Norma Dumont
Daniel Santos
Marcelo Rojo
Aspen Ladd-140-135-135-139-154-138-161-139-149 97
Norma Dumont+120+115+115+115+130+110+130+115+120 97
Over 1½ rounds-350
Under 1½ rounds+240
Over 2½ rounds-175
Under 2½ rounds+130
Over 3½ rounds-162-120
Under 3½ rounds+120-110
Over 4½ rounds-110-113+106-105-113
Under 4½ rounds-120-113-134-125-113
Fight goes to decision+120+100+110+116+110+120+110
Fight doesn't go to decision-165-130-148-144-149-164-148
Fight starts round 2-500-450
Fight won't start round 2+330+310
Fight starts round 3-225-200
Fight won't start round 3+165+150
Fight starts round 4-135-136
Fight won't start round 4+100+106
Fight starts round 5+100-110
Fight won't start round 5-135-118
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+5000+5000+5000+5000+6600+5000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins by TKO/KO+225+250+275+260+260+260+260
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Dumont wins by TKO/KO+450+600+550+550+550+500+550
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins by submission+600+700+650+750+700+600+750
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Dumont wins by submission+700+750+750+750+750+600+750
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins inside distance+150+190+195+175+140+195
Not Ladd inside distance-200n/a-278-250n/a-278
Dumont wins inside distance+275+350+333+275+350+333
Not Dumont inside distance-400n/a-560-400n/a-560
Ladd wins by decision+350+275+250+260+310+275+333+260
Not Ladd by decisionn/an/an/a-400n/a-400n/a-400
Dumont wins by decision+300+250+220+250+300+300+300+250
Not Dumont by decisionn/an/an/a-385n/a-450n/a-385
Ladd wins in round 1+500+500+550+450+600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Dumont wins in round 1+900+1000+850+800+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins in round 2+800+750+850+600+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Dumont wins in round 2+1100+1200+1400+1000+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins in round 3+1000+1000+1400+1200+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Dumont wins in round 3+1400+1400+2600+1200+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins in round 4+1400+1600+2200+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Dumont wins in round 4+2200+1600+2900+1800+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins in round 5+2200+2200+2400+2200+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Dumont wins in round 5+2800+2200+3100+2500+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins by unanimous decision+450
Any other resultn/a
Dumont wins by unanimous decision+400
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins by split/majority decision+1100
Any other resultn/a
Dumont wins by split/majority decision+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+330+375+300+300+375
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+600
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+1000
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+500+550+500+600+550
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+900
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+650+750+900+800+750
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 4+950+950+1300+1200+950
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/an/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 4+1600
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 4+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 5+1400+1200+1400+1400+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/an/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 5+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends in round 5+2800
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Ladd points handicap -5½
Dumont points handicap +5½
Ladd (scorecards = no action)
Dumont (scorecards = no action)
Dumont (scorecards = no action)
Ladd (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1800+1600
Any other result-100000n/a
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 1+800+800+600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1500+1600+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 1+1900+2200+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by submission in round 1+2000+1600+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1200+1200+800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 2+2300+2500+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1900+1600+1100
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 3+4000+3300+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 4+3000+2200+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 4+4500+4000+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 5+3100+2800+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by TKO/KO in round 5+4900+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 2+2900+2800+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by submission in round 2+3000+2200+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 3+4100+3300+3300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by submission in round 3+5000+2800+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 4+5000+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by submission in round 4+5000+3300+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 5+5000+6600+6600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Dumont wins by submission in round 5+5000+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+120+140
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+300+370
Any other resultn/an/a
Ladd wins in round 1 or 2+375+375
Any other resultn/an/a
Dumont wins in round 1 or 2+600+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Ladd wins in round 3 or 4+700+700
Any other resultn/an/a
Dumont wins in round 3 or 4+1000+1000
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+200+200
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 3 or 4+400+400
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-134-134
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+240
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+225
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins in final round or by decision+240
Any other resultn/a
Dumont wins in final round or by decision+225
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1300
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4+1900
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5+2100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 4+3300
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 5+3600
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+3500
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision+180
Any other result-250
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision+500
Any other result-900
Andrei Arlovski+105-110-105+100+116-115+100+100-109 68
Carlos Felipe-125-110-115-125-136-105-125-125-118 68
Over 1½ rounds-350
Under 1½ rounds+240
Over 2½ rounds-225-225-220-225-225
Under 2½ rounds+163+162+170+163+162
Fight goes to decision-190-187-190-176-200-189-190
Fight doesn't go to decision+140+138+140+126+150+137+140
Fight starts round 2-650-550
Fight won't start round 2+380+310
Fight starts round 3-280-250
Fight won't start round 3+200+170
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+5000+6600+5000+5000+6600+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Arlovski wins by TKO/KO+600+550+500+500+500+500+500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Felipe wins by TKO/KO+275+275+275+280+310+275+280
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Arlovski wins by submission+2000+2000+1600+2000+2300+1600+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Felipe wins by submission+2000+2000+2000+2000+3400+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Arlovski wins inside distance+500+450+475+400+450+475
Not Arlovski inside distance-900n/a-910-699n/a-910
Felipe wins inside distance+250+250+265+240+275+265
Not Felipe inside distance-360n/a-400-350n/a-400
Arlovski wins by decision+140+150+150+150+140+135+187+150
Not Arlovski by decisionn/an/an/a-210n/a-175n/a-210
Felipe wins by decision+240+225+275+225+310+225+210+225
Not Felipe by decisionn/an/an/a-335n/a-333n/a-335
Arlovski wins in round 1+900+800+750+900+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Felipe wins in round 1+550+550+600+500+600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Arlovski wins in round 2+1400+1100+1400+1200+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Felipe wins in round 2+750+700+1100+800+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Arlovski wins in round 3+2200+1800+2200+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Felipe wins in round 3+1400+1200+1600+1400+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Arlovski wins by unanimous decision+225
Any other resultn/a
Felipe wins by unanimous decision+350
Any other resultn/a
Arlovski wins by split/majority decision+600
Any other resultn/a
Felipe wins by split/majority decision+900
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+380+290+350
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+900
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+600
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+550+600+550
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+800
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+900+950+1000
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+2000
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Felipe points handicap -3½
Arlovski points handicap +3½
Arlovski (scorecards = no action)
Felipe (scorecards = no action)
Felipe (scorecards = no action)
Arlovski (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1800+1600
Any other result-50000n/a
Arlovski wins by TKO/KO in round 1+900
Any other resultn/a
Felipe wins by TKO/KO in round 1+650
Any other resultn/a
Arlovski wins by submission in round 1+4000
Any other resultn/a
Felipe wins by submission in round 1+5000
Any other resultn/a
Arlovski wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1600
Any other resultn/a
Felipe wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1200
Any other resultn/a
Arlovski wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2600
Any other resultn/a
Felipe wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1700
Any other resultn/a
Arlovski wins by submission in round 2+5000
Any other resultn/a
Felipe wins by submission in round 2+5000
Any other resultn/a
Arlovski wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Felipe wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+165+150
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+1000+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Arlovski wins in round 1 or 2+500+470+500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Felipe wins in round 1 or 2+300+360+300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+185+185
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-265-265
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+135
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+190
Any other resultn/a
Arlovski wins in final round or by decision+120+135
Any other resultn/an/a
Felipe wins in final round or by decision+230+190
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+340
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+2700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+4500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+3500
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision+110
Any other result-150
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision+330
Any other result-500
Erick Gonzalez+225+210+240+195+250+200+240+195+215 68
Jim Miller-280-275-300-250-310-250-303-250-280 68
Over 1½ rounds-225
Under 1½ rounds+163
Over 2½ rounds-162-167-118-125-167
Under 2½ rounds+120+125-108-105+125
Fight goes to decision-110-137-139-106-111-111-139
Fight doesn't go to decision-120+100+105-118-125-125+105
Fight starts round 2-330-280
Fight won't start round 2+225+205
Fight starts round 3-165-126
Fight won't start round 3+120-106
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+5000+5000+5000+5000+6600+5000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Gonzalez wins by TKO/KO+650+500+450+500+700+600+500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Miller wins by TKO/KO+800+1000+800+1200+500+700+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Gonzalez wins by submission+2500+2000+2000+2000+3400+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Miller wins by submission+165+250+200+200+160+135+200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Gonzalez wins inside distance+600+350+450+500+600+450
Not Gonzalez inside distance-1200n/a-835-1000n/a-835
Miller wins inside distance+130+200+200+130+125+200
Not Miller inside distance-175n/a-286-175n/a-286
Gonzalez wins by decision+400+400+400+375+420+350+400+375
Not Gonzalez by decisionn/an/an/a-670n/a-549n/a-670
Miller wins by decision+180+150+140+140+220+200+187+140
Not Miller by decisionn/an/an/a-195n/a-275n/a-195
Gonzalez wins in round 1+1200+700+1200+800+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Miller wins in round 1+275+400+280+300+400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Gonzalez wins in round 2+1600+900+1800+1200+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Miller wins in round 2+500+600+550+500+700
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Gonzalez wins in round 3+2200+1400+2900+1600+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Miller wins in round 3+1000+1000+1400+1200+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Gonzalez wins by unanimous decision+600
Any other resultn/a
Miller wins by unanimous decision+275
Any other resultn/a
Gonzalez wins by split/majority decision+1200
Any other resultn/a
Miller wins by split/majority decision+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+225+200+250
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+900
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+400
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+425+400+350
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+700
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+750+950+700
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+1800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Miller points handicap -3½
Gonzalez points handicap +3½
Gonzalez (scorecards = no action)
Miller (scorecards = no action)
Miller (scorecards = no action)
Gonzalez (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1200+1200
Any other result-10000n/a
Gonzalez wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1400
Any other resultn/a
Miller wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1000
Any other resultn/a
Gonzalez wins by submission in round 1+5000
Any other resultn/a
Miller wins by submission in round 1+450
Any other resultn/a
Gonzalez wins by TKO/KO in round 2+2100
Any other resultn/a
Miller wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1800
Any other resultn/a
Gonzalez wins by TKO/KO in round 3+3200
Any other resultn/a
Miller wins by TKO/KO in round 3+3900
Any other resultn/a
Gonzalez wins by submission in round 2+5000
Any other resultn/a
Miller wins by submission in round 2+800
Any other resultn/a
Gonzalez wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Miller wins by submission in round 3+1900
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+350+280
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+150+180
Any other resultn/an/a
Gonzalez wins in round 1 or 2+500+700+500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Miller wins in round 1 or 2+215+145+215
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+145+145
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-200-200
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+320
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+120
Any other resultn/a
Gonzalez wins in final round or by decision+360
Any other resultn/a
Miller wins in final round or by decision+170+120
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+2000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+410
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+750
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+1800
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+3500
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision+165
Any other result-225
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision+450
Any other result-750
Manon Fiorot-320-275-310-240-320-300-357-240-290 68
Mayra Bueno+250+220+250+188+260+230+275+188+220 68
Over 1½ rounds-250
Under 1½ rounds+175
Over 2½ rounds-150-134-156-138-134
Under 2½ rounds+110+100+122+105+100
Fight goes to decision-125-125-106-106-120-120-106
Fight doesn't go to decision-110-110-125-122-110-120-125
Fight starts round 2-400-410
Fight won't start round 2+275+280
Fight starts round 3-190-174
Fight won't start round 3+140+138
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+5000+5000+5000+5000+6600+5000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Fiorot wins by TKO/KO+165+150+150+150+160+140+150
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Bueno wins by TKO/KO+1400+1200+1100+1100+1200+1200+1100
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Fiorot wins by submission+1600+1600+1200+1400+2600+1600+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Bueno wins by submission+900+700+650+700+750+700+700
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Fiorot wins inside distance+165+150+150+140+140+150
Not Fiorot inside distance-225n/a-210-175n/a-210
Bueno wins inside distance+600+450+450+400+600+450
Not Bueno inside distance-1200n/a-835-649n/a-835
Fiorot wins by decision+140+175+175+188+195+163+140+188
Not Fiorot by decisionn/an/an/a-275n/a-225n/a-275
Bueno wins by decision+400+375+350+400+380+450+600+400
Not Bueno by decisionn/an/an/a-715n/a-649n/a-715
Fiorot wins in round 1+350+350+420+350+375
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bueno wins in round 1+1200+900+1100+900+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Fiorot wins in round 2+550+500+650+550+550
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bueno wins in round 2+1800+1100+1600+1200+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Fiorot wins in round 3+1000+1000+850+1000+850
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bueno wins in round 3+2200+1800+2200+1600+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Fiorot wins by unanimous decision+225
Any other resultn/a
Bueno wins by unanimous decision+600
Any other resultn/a
Fiorot wins by split/majority decision+600
Any other resultn/a
Bueno wins by split/majority decision+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+275+270+250
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+375
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+900
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+450+460+400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+550
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+750+600+800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+850
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+2000
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fiorot points handicap -3½
Bueno points handicap +3½
Fiorot (scorecards = no action)
Bueno (scorecards = no action)
Bueno (scorecards = no action)
Fiorot (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1400+1200
Any other result-50000n/a
Fiorot wins by TKO/KO in round 1+450
Any other resultn/a
Bueno wins by TKO/KO in round 1+2900
Any other resultn/a
Fiorot wins by submission in round 1+5000
Any other resultn/a
Bueno wins by submission in round 1+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fiorot wins by TKO/KO in round 2+700
Any other resultn/a
Bueno wins by TKO/KO in round 2+3800
Any other resultn/a
Fiorot wins by TKO/KO in round 3+950
Any other resultn/a
Bueno wins by TKO/KO in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Fiorot wins by submission in round 2+5000
Any other resultn/a
Bueno wins by submission in round 2+2500
Any other resultn/a
Fiorot wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Bueno wins by submission in round 3+3200
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+140+125
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+600+650
Any other resultn/an/a
Fiorot wins in round 1 or 2+185+210+185
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Bueno wins in round 1 or 2+500+650+500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+120+120
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-167-167
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+138
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+325
Any other resultn/a
Fiorot wins in final round or by decision+130+138
Any other resultn/an/a
Bueno wins in final round or by decision+310+325
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+380
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+2000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2700
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+3500
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision+140
Any other result-190
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision+400
Any other result-650
Ludovit Klein-365-400-380-400-350-400-400-400-375 68
Nate Landwehr+280+300+300+285+280+300+300+285+280 68
Over 1½ rounds-148-138-148
Under 1½ rounds+110+105+110
Over 2½ rounds+125+124+140
Under 2½ rounds-175-158-188
Fight goes to decision+150+163+165+170+163+175+165
Fight doesn't go to decision-200-225-230-240-225-250-230
Fight starts round 2-190-176
Fight won't start round 2+140+132
Fight starts round 3+110+126
Fight won't start round 3-150-168
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+5000+6600+5000+5000+6600+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Klein wins by TKO/KO-120-125-137-121-125-110-121
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Landwehr wins by TKO/KO+700+800+600+700+700+600+700
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Klein wins by submission+900+750+800+800+1000+800+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Landwehr wins by submission+2800+2800+2200+2200+2600+2500+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Klein wins inside distance-150-137-143-138-152-143
Not Klein inside distance+110n/a+105+105n/a+105
Landwehr wins inside distance+650+550+650+500+600+650
Not Landwehr inside distance-1400n/a-1667-1000n/a-1667
Klein wins by decision+275+275+275+300+360+275+300+300
Not Klein by decisionn/an/an/a-480n/a-400n/a-480
Landwehr wins by decision+550+600+500+550+600+500+600+550
Not Landwehr by decisionn/an/an/a-1115n/a-1000n/a-1115
Klein wins in round 1+165+160+165+175+165
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Landwehr wins in round 1+1200+1000+1500+1200+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Klein wins in round 2+400+400+430+450+400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Landwehr wins in round 2+1800+1400+1900+1400+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Klein wins in round 3+900+650+1000+900+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Landwehr wins in round 3+2500+2000+2400+2000+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Klein wins by unanimous decision+400
Any other resultn/a
Landwehr wins by unanimous decision+800
Any other resultn/a
Klein wins by split/majority decision+1000
Any other resultn/a
Landwehr wins by split/majority decision+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+140+130+140
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+165
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+350+330+400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+1800
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+750+700+700
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+900
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Klein points handicap -3½
Landwehr points handicap +3½
Klein (scorecards = no action)
Landwehr (scorecards = no action)
Landwehr (scorecards = no action)
Klein (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+800+800
Any other result-2500n/a
Klein wins by TKO/KO in round 1+200
Any other resultn/a
Landwehr wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1800
Any other resultn/a
Klein wins by submission in round 1+1900
Any other resultn/a
Landwehr wins by submission in round 1+5000
Any other resultn/a
Klein wins by TKO/KO in round 2+500
Any other resultn/a
Landwehr wins by TKO/KO in round 2+2300
Any other resultn/a
Klein wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1100
Any other resultn/a
Landwehr wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2900
Any other resultn/a
Klein wins by submission in round 2+3500
Any other resultn/a
Landwehr wins by submission in round 2+5000
Any other resultn/a
Klein wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Landwehr wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO-165-185
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+700+850
Any other resultn/an/a
Klein wins in round 1 or 2-125-130-125
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Landwehr wins in round 1 or 2+700+850+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2-150-150
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+110+110
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+210
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+475
Any other resultn/a
Klein wins in final round or by decision+240+210
Any other resultn/an/a
Landwehr wins in final round or by decision+500+475
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+165
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+390
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+2700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+4400
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+3500
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision+250
Any other result-360
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision+600
Any other result-1200
Andrew Sanchez+135+125+130+130+122+130+130+130+128 68
Bruno Silva-155-155-155-162-144-163-161-162-160 68
Over 1½ rounds-167-138-167
Under 1½ rounds+125+105+125
Over 2½ rounds+120+120+120
Under 2½ rounds-152-152-163
Fight goes to decision+140+138+150+160+140+137+150
Fight doesn't go to decision-190-187-200-215-188-189-200
Fight starts round 2-250-240
Fight won't start round 2+180+166
Fight starts round 3-105-110
Fight won't start round 3-125-126
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+6600+5000+5000+6600+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO+600+400+400+400+500+350+400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Silva wins by TKO/KO+120+125+120+125+130+130+125
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Sanchez wins by submission+1000+900+900+1100+950+900+1100
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Silva wins by submission+1200+1400+1200+1200+1300+1000+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Sanchez wins inside distance+400+275+300+275+375+300
Not Sanchez inside distance-650n/a-480-400n/a-480
Silva wins inside distance+110+110+115+110+110+115
Not Silva inside distance-150n/a-159-150n/a-159
Sanchez wins by decision+275+350+333+333+310+350+275+333
Not Sanchez by decisionn/an/an/a-560n/a-549n/a-560
Silva wins by decision+450+400+400+400+500+400+500+400
Not Silva by decisionn/an/an/a-715n/a-649n/a-715
Sanchez wins in round 1+800+550+850+600+650
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Silva wins in round 1+250+250+250+275+300
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Sanchez wins in round 2+1100+750+1200+900+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Silva wins in round 2+400+450+600+450+475
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Sanchez wins in round 3+1800+1400+1400+1400+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Silva wins in round 3+1000+900+1100+900+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Sanchez wins by unanimous decision+400
Any other resultn/a
Silva wins by unanimous decision+650
Any other resultn/a
Sanchez wins by split/majority decision+1000
Any other resultn/a
Silva wins by split/majority decision+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+180+160+175
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+650
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+300
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+300+370+333
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+900
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+475
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+700+600+800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+1600
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+900
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Silva points handicap -3½
Sanchez points handicap +3½
Sanchez (scorecards = no action)
Silva (scorecards = no action)
Silva (scorecards = no action)
Sanchez (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1000+900
Any other result-5000n/a
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1200
Any other resultn/a
Silva wins by TKO/KO in round 1+300
Any other resultn/a
Sanchez wins by submission in round 1+2400
Any other resultn/a
Silva wins by submission in round 1+2600
Any other resultn/a
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1800
Any other resultn/a
Silva wins by TKO/KO in round 2+650
Any other resultn/a
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2000
Any other resultn/a
Silva wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1300
Any other resultn/a
Sanchez wins by submission in round 2+3200
Any other resultn/a
Silva wins by submission in round 2+4600
Any other resultn/a
Sanchez wins by submission in round 3+3600
Any other resultn/a
Silva wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO-135-145
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+550+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Sanchez wins in round 1 or 2+333+480+333
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Silva wins in round 1 or 2+138+140+138
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2-125-125
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-110-110
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+280
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+275
Any other resultn/a
Sanchez wins in final round or by decision+220+280
Any other resultn/an/a
Silva wins in final round or by decision+320+275
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+210
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+480
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+750
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1300
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+2100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2800
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+3500
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision+225
Any other result-330
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision+600
Any other result-1200
Danny Roberts+250+260+240+250+260+260+250+250+260 68
Ramazan Emeev-320-350-300-335-320-350-333-335-350 68
Over 1½ rounds-350
Under 1½ rounds+240
Over 2½ rounds-187-190-192-188-190
Under 2½ rounds+138+140+150+140+140
Fight goes to decision-165-162-167-166-163-189-167
Fight doesn't go to decision+120+120+125+120+120+137+125
Fight starts round 2-500-700
Fight won't start round 2+330+380
Fight starts round 3-225-270
Fight won't start round 3+165+174
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+5000+5000+5000+5000+6600+5000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Roberts wins by TKO/KO+600+700+600+650+750+450+650
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Emeev wins by TKO/KO+450+450+550+550+550+600+550
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Roberts wins by submission+2000+2200+2000+2000+1800+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Emeev wins by submission+350+400+200+350+420+350+350
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Roberts wins inside distance+500+500+525+450+500+525
Not Roberts inside distance-900n/a-1115-800n/a-1115
Emeev wins inside distance+215+210+210+200+250+200
Not Emeev inside distance-300n/a-305-275n/a-286
Roberts wins by decision+600+500+400+500+550+450+600+500
Not Roberts by decisionn/an/an/a-1000n/a-800n/a-1000
Emeev wins by decision-110+100+110+100-105+105-111+100
Not Emeev by decisionn/an/an/a-136n/a-138n/a-136
Roberts wins in round 1+1000+1000+1300+1000+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Emeev wins in round 1+450+450+600+450+475
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Roberts wins in round 2+1400+1200+1600+1400+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Emeev wins in round 2+700+600+750+700+700
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Roberts wins in round 3+2200+1800+2100+2000+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Emeev wins in round 3+1200+1100+1200+1200+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Roberts wins by unanimous decision+900
Any other resultn/a
Emeev wins by unanimous decision+165
Any other resultn/a
Roberts wins by split/majority decision+1800
Any other resultn/a
Emeev wins by split/majority decision+450
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+330+380+300
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+1000
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+475
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+500+500+500
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+1600
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+700
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+850+750+800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Emeev points handicap -3½
Roberts points handicap +3½
Roberts (scorecards = no action)
Emeev (scorecards = no action)
Emeev (scorecards = no action)
Roberts (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1600+1400
Any other result-50000n/a
Roberts wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1800
Any other resultn/a
Emeev wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1400
Any other resultn/a
Roberts wins by submission in round 1+4000
Any other resultn/a
Emeev wins by submission in round 1+1000
Any other resultn/a
Roberts wins by TKO/KO in round 2+2200
Any other resultn/a
Emeev wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1700
Any other resultn/a
Roberts wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2900
Any other resultn/a
Emeev wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2700
Any other resultn/a
Roberts wins by submission in round 2+4800
Any other resultn/a
Emeev wins by submission in round 2+1300
Any other resultn/a
Roberts wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Emeev wins by submission in round 3+2100
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+250+310
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+330+340
Any other resultn/an/a
Roberts wins in round 1 or 2+550+700+550
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Emeev wins in round 1 or 2+250+290+250
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+165+165
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-240-240
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+425
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-125
Any other resultn/a
Roberts wins in final round or by decision+450+425
Any other resultn/an/a
Emeev wins in final round or by decision-145-125
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+850
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+1700
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+3500
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision+120
Any other result-165
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision+350
Any other result-550
Luana Carolina+180+180+210+183+188+175+187+183+180 68
Lupita Godinez-220-225-260-235-225-225-227-235-230 68
Over 1½ rounds-350
Under 1½ rounds+240
Over 2½ rounds-600-200-200-200-200
Under 2½ rounds+150+145+154+150+145
Fight goes to decision-150-162-167-148-163-164-167
Fight doesn't go to decision+110+120+125+120+120+120+125
Fight starts round 2-500-480
Fight won't start round 2+330+330
Fight starts round 3-225-225
Fight won't start round 3+165+168
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+5000+6000+5000+5000+6600+6000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Carolina wins by TKO/KO+1000+1200+1200+1000+1000+900+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Godinez wins by TKO/KO+400+350+350+375+420+400+375
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Carolina wins by submission+1200+1400+1400+1300+1200+900+1300
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Godinez wins by submission+400+450+450+450+500+400+450
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Carolina wins inside distance+600+650+500+600+650
Not Carolina inside distance-1200-1667-1000n/a-1667
Godinez wins inside distance+200+190+200+200+190
Not Godinez inside distance-280-275-275n/a-275
Carolina wins by decision+300+350+350+300+330+300+300+300
Not Carolina by decisionn/an/an/a-480n/a-450n/a-480
Godinez wins by decision+150+140+138+135+150+150+150+135
Not Godinez by decisionn/an/an/a-186n/a-200n/a-186
Carolina wins in round 1+1200+1200+1200+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Godinez wins in round 1+400+500+400+400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Carolina wins in round 2+1600+2400+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Godinez wins in round 2+650+750+600+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Carolina wins in round 3+2200+2900+2000+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Godinez wins in round 3+1100+1100+1200+1100
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Carolina wins by unanimous decision+450
Any other resultn/a
Godinez wins by unanimous decision+240
Any other resultn/a
Carolina wins by split/majority decision+1000
Any other resultn/a
Godinez wins by split/majority decision+600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+330+320+300
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+400
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+475+550+500
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+1600
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+800
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+800+800+800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1100
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Godinez points handicap -3½
Carolina points handicap +3½
Carolina (scorecards = no action)
Godinez (scorecards = no action)
Godinez (scorecards = no action)
Carolina (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1600+1400
Any other result-50000n/a
Carolina wins by TKO/KO in round 1+2100
Any other resultn/a
Godinez wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1000
Any other resultn/a
Carolina wins by submission in round 1+2600
Any other resultn/a
Godinez wins by submission in round 1+1100
Any other resultn/a
Carolina wins by TKO/KO in round 2+3900
Any other resultn/a
Godinez wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1400
Any other resultn/a
Carolina wins by TKO/KO in round 3+4700
Any other resultn/a
Godinez wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2100
Any other resultn/a
Carolina wins by submission in round 2+4600
Any other resultn/a
Godinez wins by submission in round 2+1600
Any other resultn/a
Carolina wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Godinez wins by submission in round 3+2400
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+275+280
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+300+350
Any other resultn/an/a
Carolina wins in round 1 or 2+650+800+650
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Godinez wins in round 1 or 2+225+260+225
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+170+170
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-240-240
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+275
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+115
Any other resultn/a
Carolina wins in final round or by decision+280+275
Any other resultn/an/a
Godinez wins in final round or by decision+110+115
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+650
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+1800
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+3500
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision+130
Any other result-175
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision+380
Any other result-650
Brandon Davis+120+135+120+130+120+130+130+130+130 68
Danaa Batgerel-140-165-140-165-142-163-161-165-165 68
Over 1½ rounds-350
Under 1½ rounds+240
Over 2½ rounds-175-177-188-177
Under 2½ rounds+125+130+140+130
Fight goes to decision-150-150-152-138-167error-152
Fight doesn't go to decision+110+110+115+110+120error+115
Fight starts round 2-500-550
Fight won't start round 2+330+340
Fight starts round 3-225-215
Fight won't start round 3+165+158
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+5000+6600+5000+5000error+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Davis wins by TKO/KO+700+700+500+600+750+450+600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Batgerel wins by TKO/KO+275+250+300+275+310+275+275
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Davis wins by submission+800+1000+800+900+750+700+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Batgerel wins by submission+1400+1200+1400+1200+1400+1600+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Davis wins inside distance+400+400+400+500error+400
Not Davis inside distance-650n/a-715-1000n/a-715
Batgerel wins inside distance+240+220+240+250error+240
Not Batgerel inside distance-350n/a-360-350n/a-360
Davis wins by decision+275+300+275+300+300+275error+300
Not Davis by decisionn/an/an/a-480n/a-400n/a-480
Batgerel wins by decision+165+150+150+150+175+150error+150
Not Batgerel by decisionn/an/an/a-210n/a-200n/a-210
Davis wins in round 1+800+750+950+800+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Batgerel wins in round 1+500+450+600+500+500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Davis wins in round 2+1100+1000+1100+1000+1100
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Batgerel wins in round 2+800+650+950+700+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Davis wins in round 3+1800+1400+1900+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Batgerel wins in round 3+1100+1000+1400+1000+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Davis wins by unanimous decision+400
Any other resultn/a
Batgerel wins by unanimous decision+250
Any other resultn/a
Davis wins by split/majority decision+1000
Any other resultn/a
Batgerel wins by split/majority decision+650
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+330+330+300
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+900
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+500
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+500+500+500
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+1100
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+800
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+750+800+800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+1600
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Batgerel points handicap -3½
Davis points handicap +3½
Davis (scorecards = no action)
Batgerel (scorecards = no action)
Batgerel (scorecards = no action)
Davis (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1600+1400
Any other result-50000n/a
Davis wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1900
Any other resultn/a
Batgerel wins by TKO/KO in round 1+750
Any other resultn/a
Davis wins by submission in round 1+1900
Any other resultn/a
Batgerel wins by submission in round 1+3000
Any other resultn/a
Davis wins by TKO/KO in round 2+2200
Any other resultn/a
Batgerel wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1200
Any other resultn/a
Davis wins by TKO/KO in round 3+3400
Any other resultn/a
Batgerel wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1600
Any other resultn/a
Davis wins by submission in round 2+2200
Any other resultn/a
Batgerel wins by submission in round 2+4500
Any other resultn/a
Davis wins by submission in round 3+3400
Any other resultn/a
Batgerel wins by submission in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+180+195
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+500+500
Any other resultn/an/a
Davis wins in round 1 or 2+425+500+425
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Batgerel wins in round 1 or 2+275+330+275
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+160+160
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-225-225
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+250
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+130
Any other resultn/a
Davis wins in final round or by decision+240+250
Any other resultn/an/a
Batgerel wins in final round or by decision+135+130
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+750
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2400
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+3500
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by unanimous decision+130
Any other result-175
Either fighter wins by split/majority decision+380
Any other result-650
Ariane Carnelossi-135-140-140-143-142-138-152-143-145 68
Istela Nunes+115+115+120+115+120+110+125+115+115 68
Over 1½ rounds-350
Under 1½ rounds+240
Over 2½ rounds-200-190-200-190
Under 2½ rounds+150+140+150+140
Fight goes to decision-165-162-159-166-163-164-159
Fight doesn't go to decision+120+120+120+132+120+120+120
Fight starts round 2-500-600
Fight won't start round 2+330+380
Fight starts round 3-225-260
Fight won't start round 3+165+186
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+5000+6600+5000+5000+6600+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Carnelossi wins by TKO/KO+350+250+260+300+320+300+300
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Nunes wins by TKO/KO+550+550+550+550+550+500+550
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Carnelossi wins by submission+1000+1200+800+800+1000+800+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Nunes wins by submission+1200+1800+1200+1400+2100+1200+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Carnelossi wins inside distance+275+225+215+240+250+215
Not Carnelossi inside distance-400n/a-315-350n/a-315
Nunes wins inside distance+400+400+475+400+400+475
Not Nunes inside distance-650n/a-910-649n/a-910
Carnelossi wins by decision+180+175+163+175+210+175+187+175
Not Carnelossi by decisionn/an/an/a-250n/a-250n/a-250
Nunes wins by decision+225+250+250+250+220+240+250+250
Not Nunes by decisionn/an/an/a-385n/a-350n/a-385
Carnelossi wins in round 1+500+650+450+450
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Nunes wins in round 1+800+1000+900+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Carnelossi wins in round 2+850+900+700+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Nunes wins in round 2+1100+1600+1400+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Carnelossi wins in round 3+1400+1400+1200+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Nunes wins in round 3+1800+2200+2000+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Carnelossi wins by unanimous decision+275
Any other resultn/a
Nunes wins by unanimous decision+330
Any other resultn/a
Carnelossi wins by split/majority decision+700
Any other resultn/a
Nunes wins by split/majority decision+850
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+330+380+300
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+450
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+900
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+500+550+500
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+800
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+850+850+800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Carnelossi points handicap -3½
Nunes points handicap +3½
Carnelossi (scorecards = no action)
Nunes (scorecards = no action)
Nunes (scorecards = no action)
Carnelossi (scorecards = no action)
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1600+1200