Demian Maia
Kamaru Usman
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Maia wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Usman wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Maia wins by submission
Any other result
Usman wins by submission
Any other result
Maia wins inside distance
Not Maia inside distance
Usman wins inside distance
Not Usman inside distance
Maia wins by decision
Not Maia by decision
Usman wins by decision
Not Usman by decision
Maia wins in round 1
Any other result
Usman wins in round 1
Any other result
Maia wins in round 2
Any other result
Usman wins in round 2
Any other result
Maia wins in round 3
Any other result
Usman wins in round 3
Any other result
Maia wins in round 4
Any other result
Usman wins in round 4
Any other result
Maia wins in round 5
Any other result
Usman wins in round 5
Any other result
Maia wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Usman wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Maia wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Usman wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Usman points handicap -5½
Maia points handicap +5½
Maia (scorecards = no action)
Usman (scorecards = no action)
Alexa Grasso
Tatiana Suarez
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Grasso wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Suarez wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Grasso wins by submission
Any other result
Suarez wins by submission
Any other result
Grasso wins inside distance
Not Grasso inside distance
Suarez wins inside distance
Not Suarez inside distance
Grasso wins by decision
Not Grasso by decision
Suarez wins by decision
Not Suarez by decision
Grasso wins in round 1
Any other result
Suarez wins in round 1
Any other result
Grasso wins in round 2
Any other result
Suarez wins in round 2
Any other result
Grasso wins in round 3
Any other result
Suarez wins in round 3
Any other result
Suarez points handicap -3½
Grasso points handicap +3½
Grasso (scorecards = no action)
Suarez (scorecards = no action)
Dominick Reyes
Jared Cannonier
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Reyes wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Cannonier wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Reyes wins by submission
Any other result
Cannonier wins by submission
Any other result
Reyes wins inside distance
Not Reyes inside distance
Cannonier wins inside distance
Not Cannonier inside distance
Reyes wins by decision
Not Reyes by decision
Cannonier wins by decision
Not Cannonier by decision
Reyes wins in round 1
Any other result
Cannonier wins in round 1
Any other result
Reyes wins in round 2
Any other result
Cannonier wins in round 2
Any other result
Reyes wins in round 3
Any other result
Cannonier wins in round 3
Any other result
Reyes points handicap -3½
Cannonier points handicap +3½
Cannonier (scorecards = no action)
Reyes (scorecards = no action)
Diego Rivas
Guido Cannetti
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Rivas wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Cannetti wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Rivas wins by submission
Any other result
Cannetti wins by submission
Any other result
Rivas wins inside distance
Not Rivas inside distance
Cannetti wins inside distance
Not Cannetti inside distance
Rivas wins by decision
Not Rivas by decision
Cannetti wins by decision
Not Cannetti by decision
Rivas wins in round 1
Any other result
Cannetti wins in round 1
Any other result
Rivas wins in round 2
Any other result
Cannetti wins in round 2
Any other result
Rivas wins in round 3
Any other result
Cannetti wins in round 3
Any other result
Rivas points handicap -3½
Cannetti points handicap +3½
Cannetti (scorecards = no action)
Rivas (scorecards = no action)
Andrea Lee
Veronica Macedo
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Lee wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Macedo wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Lee wins by submission
Any other result
Macedo wins by submission
Any other result
Lee wins inside distance
Not Lee inside distance
Macedo wins inside distance
Not Macedo inside distance
Lee wins by decision
Not Lee by decision
Macedo wins by decision
Not Macedo by decision
Lee wins in round 1
Any other result
Macedo wins in round 1
Any other result
Lee wins in round 2
Any other result
Macedo wins in round 2
Any other result
Lee wins in round 3
Any other result
Macedo wins in round 3
Any other result
Lee points handicap -3½
Macedo points handicap +3½
Lee (scorecards = no action)
Macedo (scorecards = no action)
Chad Laprise
Vicente Luque
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Laprise wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Luque wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Laprise wins by submission
Any other result
Luque wins by submission
Any other result
Laprise wins inside distance
Not Laprise inside distance
Luque wins inside distance
Not Luque inside distance
Laprise wins by decision
Not Laprise by decision
Luque wins by decision
Not Luque by decision
Laprise wins in round 1
Any other result
Luque wins in round 1
Any other result
Laprise wins in round 2
Any other result
Luque wins in round 2
Any other result
Laprise wins in round 3
Any other result
Luque wins in round 3
Any other result
Luque points handicap -3½
Laprise points handicap +3½
Laprise (scorecards = no action)
Luque (scorecards = no action)
Michel Prazeres
Zak Cummings
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Prazeres wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Cummings wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Prazeres wins by submission
Any other result
Cummings wins by submission
Any other result
Prazeres wins inside distance
Not Prazeres inside distance
Cummings wins inside distance
Not Cummings inside distance
Prazeres wins by decision
Not Prazeres by decision
Cummings wins by decision
Not Cummings by decision
Prazeres wins in round 1
Any other result
Cummings wins in round 1
Any other result
Prazeres wins in round 2
Any other result
Cummings wins in round 2
Any other result
Prazeres wins in round 3
Any other result
Cummings wins in round 3
Any other result
Cummings points handicap -3½
Prazeres points handicap +3½
Cummings (scorecards = no action)
Prazeres (scorecards = no action)
Gabriel Benitez
Humberto Bandenay
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Benitez wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Bandenay wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Benitez wins by submission
Any other result
Bandenay wins by submission
Any other result
Benitez wins inside distance
Not Benitez inside distance
Bandenay wins inside distance
Not Bandenay inside distance
Benitez wins by decision
Not Benitez by decision
Bandenay wins by decision
Not Bandenay by decision
Benitez wins in round 1
Any other result
Bandenay wins in round 1
Any other result
Benitez wins in round 2
Any other result
Bandenay wins in round 2
Any other result
Benitez wins in round 3
Any other result
Bandenay wins in round 3
Any other result
Benitez points handicap -3½
Bandenay points handicap +3½
Bandenay (scorecards = no action)
Benitez (scorecards = no action)
Alexandre Pantoja
Brandon Moreno
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Pantoja wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Moreno wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Pantoja wins by submission
Any other result
Moreno wins by submission
Any other result
Pantoja wins inside distance
Not Pantoja inside distance
Moreno wins inside distance
Not Moreno inside distance
Pantoja wins by decision
Not Pantoja by decision
Moreno wins by decision
Not Moreno by decision
Pantoja wins in round 1
Any other result
Moreno wins in round 1
Any other result
Pantoja wins in round 2
Any other result
Moreno wins in round 2
Any other result
Pantoja wins in round 3
Any other result
Moreno wins in round 3
Any other result
Pantoja points handicap -3½
Moreno points handicap +3½
Moreno (scorecards = no action)
Pantoja (scorecards = no action)
Poliana Botelho
Syuri Kondo
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Botelho wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Kondo wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Botelho wins by submission
Any other result
Kondo wins by submission
Any other result
Botelho wins inside distance
Not Botelho inside distance
Kondo wins inside distance
Not Kondo inside distance
Botelho wins by decision
Not Botelho by decision
Kondo wins by decision
Not Kondo by decision
Botelho wins in round 1
Any other result
Kondo wins in round 1
Any other result
Botelho wins in round 2
Any other result
Kondo wins in round 2
Any other result
Botelho wins in round 3
Any other result
Kondo wins in round 3
Any other result
Botelho points handicap -3½
Kondo points handicap +3½
Botelho (scorecards = no action)
Kondo (scorecards = no action)
Brandon Davis
Enrique Barzola
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Davis wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Barzola wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Davis wins by submission
Any other result
Barzola wins by submission
Any other result
Davis wins inside distance
Not Davis inside distance
Barzola wins inside distance
Not Barzola inside distance
Davis wins by decision
Not Davis by decision
Barzola wins by decision
Not Barzola by decision
Davis wins in round 1
Any other result
Barzola wins in round 1
Any other result
Davis wins in round 2
Any other result
Barzola wins in round 2
Any other result
Davis wins in round 3
Any other result
Barzola wins in round 3
Any other result
Barzola points handicap -3½
Davis points handicap +3½
Barzola (scorecards = no action)
Davis (scorecards = no action)
Frankie Saenz
Henry Briones
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Saenz wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Briones wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Saenz wins by submission
Any other result
Briones wins by submission
Any other result
Saenz wins inside distance
Not Saenz inside distance
Briones wins inside distance
Not Briones inside distance
Saenz wins by decision
Not Saenz by decision
Briones wins by decision
Not Briones by decision
Saenz wins in round 1
Any other result
Briones wins in round 1
Any other result
Saenz wins in round 2
Any other result
Briones wins in round 2
Any other result
Saenz wins in round 3
Any other result
Briones wins in round 3
Any other result
Saenz points handicap -3½
Briones points handicap +3½
Briones (scorecards = no action)
Saenz (scorecards = no action)
Claudio Puelles
Felipe Silva
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Puelles wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Silva wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Puelles wins by submission
Any other result
Silva wins by submission
Any other result
Puelles wins inside distance
Not Puelles inside distance
Silva wins inside distance
Not Silva inside distance
Puelles wins by decision
Not Puelles by decision
Silva wins by decision
Not Silva by decision
Puelles wins in round 1
Any other result
Silva wins in round 1
Any other result
Puelles wins in round 2
Any other result
Silva wins in round 2
Any other result
Puelles wins in round 3
Any other result
Silva wins in round 3
Any other result
Silva points handicap -3½
Puelles points handicap +3½
Puelles (scorecards = no action)
Silva (scorecards = no action)
Event props
Exactly one fight ends in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly two fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly three fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly four fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly five fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly six fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly seven fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly eight fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly nine fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
No fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly one fight ends in submission
Any other result
Exactly two fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly three fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly four fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly five fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly six fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly seven fights end in submission
Any other result
No fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly two fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly three fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly four fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly five fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly six fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly seven fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly eight fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly nine fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly ten fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly eleven fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly twelve fights go the distance
Any other result
Over 1½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 1½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 2½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 2½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 3½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 3½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 4½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 4½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 5½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 5½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 6½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 6½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 7½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 7½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 8½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 8½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 1½ fights end in submission
Under 1½ fights end in submission
Over 2½ fights end in submission
Under 2½ fights end in submission
Over 3½ fights end in submission
Under 3½ fights end in submission
Over 4½ fights end in submission
Under 4½ fights end in submission
Over 5½ fights end in submission
Under 5½ fights end in submission
Over 6½ fights end in submission
Under 6½ fights end in submission
Over 2½ fights go the distance
Under 2½ fights go the distance
Over 3½ fights go the distance
Under 3½ fights go the distance
Over 4½ fights go the distance
Under 4½ fights go the distance
Over 5½ fights go the distance
Under 5½ fights go the distance
Over 6½ fights go the distance
Under 6½ fights go the distance
Over 7½ fights go the distance
Under 7½ fights go the distance
Over 8½ fights go the distance
Under 8½ fights go the distance
Over 9½ fights go the distance
Under 9½ fights go the distance
Over 10½ fights go the distance
Under 10½ fights go the distance
Over 11½ fights go the distance
Under 11½ fights go the distance
Demian Maia 31
Kamaru Usman 31
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Maia wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Usman wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Maia wins by submission
Any other result
Usman wins by submission
Any other result
Maia wins inside distance
Not Maia inside distance
Usman wins inside distance
Not Usman inside distance
Maia wins by decision
Not Maia by decision
Usman wins by decision
Not Usman by decision
Maia wins in round 1
Any other result
Usman wins in round 1
Any other result
Maia wins in round 2
Any other result
Usman wins in round 2
Any other result
Maia wins in round 3
Any other result
Usman wins in round 3
Any other result
Maia wins in round 4
Any other result
Usman wins in round 4
Any other result
Maia wins in round 5
Any other result
Usman wins in round 5
Any other result
Maia wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Usman wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Maia wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Usman wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Usman points handicap -5½
Maia points handicap +5½
Maia (scorecards = no action)
Usman (scorecards = no action)
Alexa Grasso 21
Tatiana Suarez 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Grasso wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Suarez wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Grasso wins by submission
Any other result
Suarez wins by submission
Any other result
Grasso wins inside distance
Not Grasso inside distance
Suarez wins inside distance
Not Suarez inside distance
Grasso wins by decision
Not Grasso by decision
Suarez wins by decision
Not Suarez by decision
Grasso wins in round 1
Any other result
Suarez wins in round 1
Any other result
Grasso wins in round 2
Any other result
Suarez wins in round 2
Any other result
Grasso wins in round 3
Any other result
Suarez wins in round 3
Any other result
Suarez points handicap -3½
Grasso points handicap +3½
Grasso (scorecards = no action)
Suarez (scorecards = no action)
Dominick Reyes 21
Jared Cannonier 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Reyes wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Cannonier wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Reyes wins by submission
Any other result
Cannonier wins by submission
Any other result
Reyes wins inside distance
Not Reyes inside distance
Cannonier wins inside distance
Not Cannonier inside distance
Reyes wins by decision
Not Reyes by decision
Cannonier wins by decision
Not Cannonier by decision
Reyes wins in round 1
Any other result
Cannonier wins in round 1
Any other result
Reyes wins in round 2
Any other result
Cannonier wins in round 2
Any other result
Reyes wins in round 3
Any other result
Cannonier wins in round 3
Any other result
Reyes points handicap -3½
Cannonier points handicap +3½
Cannonier (scorecards = no action)
Reyes (scorecards = no action)
Diego Rivas 21
Guido Cannetti 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Rivas wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Cannetti wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Rivas wins by submission
Any other result
Cannetti wins by submission
Any other result
Rivas wins inside distance
Not Rivas inside distance
Cannetti wins inside distance
Not Cannetti inside distance
Rivas wins by decision
Not Rivas by decision
Cannetti wins by decision
Not Cannetti by decision
Rivas wins in round 1
Any other result
Cannetti wins in round 1
Any other result
Rivas wins in round 2
Any other result
Cannetti wins in round 2
Any other result
Rivas wins in round 3
Any other result
Cannetti wins in round 3
Any other result
Rivas points handicap -3½
Cannetti points handicap +3½
Cannetti (scorecards = no action)
Rivas (scorecards = no action)
Andrea Lee 21
Veronica Macedo 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Lee wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Macedo wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Lee wins by submission
Any other result
Macedo wins by submission
Any other result
Lee wins inside distance
Not Lee inside distance
Macedo wins inside distance
Not Macedo inside distance
Lee wins by decision
Not Lee by decision
Macedo wins by decision
Not Macedo by decision
Lee wins in round 1
Any other result
Macedo wins in round 1
Any other result
Lee wins in round 2
Any other result
Macedo wins in round 2
Any other result
Lee wins in round 3
Any other result
Macedo wins in round 3
Any other result
Lee points handicap -3½
Macedo points handicap +3½
Lee (scorecards = no action)
Macedo (scorecards = no action)
Chad Laprise 21
Vicente Luque 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Laprise wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Luque wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Laprise wins by submission
Any other result
Luque wins by submission
Any other result
Laprise wins inside distance
Not Laprise inside distance
Luque wins inside distance
Not Luque inside distance
Laprise wins by decision
Not Laprise by decision
Luque wins by decision
Not Luque by decision
Laprise wins in round 1
Any other result
Luque wins in round 1
Any other result
Laprise wins in round 2
Any other result
Luque wins in round 2
Any other result
Laprise wins in round 3
Any other result
Luque wins in round 3
Any other result
Luque points handicap -3½
Laprise points handicap +3½
Laprise (scorecards = no action)
Luque (scorecards = no action)
Michel Prazeres 21
Zak Cummings 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Prazeres wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Cummings wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Prazeres wins by submission
Any other result
Cummings wins by submission
Any other result
Prazeres wins inside distance
Not Prazeres inside distance
Cummings wins inside distance
Not Cummings inside distance
Prazeres wins by decision
Not Prazeres by decision
Cummings wins by decision
Not Cummings by decision
Prazeres wins in round 1
Any other result
Cummings wins in round 1
Any other result
Prazeres wins in round 2
Any other result
Cummings wins in round 2
Any other result
Prazeres wins in round 3
Any other result
Cummings wins in round 3
Any other result
Cummings points handicap -3½
Prazeres points handicap +3½
Cummings (scorecards = no action)
Prazeres (scorecards = no action)
Gabriel Benitez 21
Humberto Bandenay 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Benitez wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Bandenay wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Benitez wins by submission
Any other result
Bandenay wins by submission
Any other result
Benitez wins inside distance
Not Benitez inside distance
Bandenay wins inside distance
Not Bandenay inside distance
Benitez wins by decision
Not Benitez by decision
Bandenay wins by decision
Not Bandenay by decision
Benitez wins in round 1
Any other result
Bandenay wins in round 1
Any other result
Benitez wins in round 2
Any other result
Bandenay wins in round 2
Any other result
Benitez wins in round 3
Any other result
Bandenay wins in round 3
Any other result
Benitez points handicap -3½
Bandenay points handicap +3½
Bandenay (scorecards = no action)
Benitez (scorecards = no action)
Alexandre Pantoja 21
Brandon Moreno 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Pantoja wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Moreno wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Pantoja wins by submission
Any other result
Moreno wins by submission
Any other result
Pantoja wins inside distance
Not Pantoja inside distance
Moreno wins inside distance
Not Moreno inside distance
Pantoja wins by decision
Not Pantoja by decision
Moreno wins by decision
Not Moreno by decision
Pantoja wins in round 1
Any other result
Moreno wins in round 1
Any other result
Pantoja wins in round 2
Any other result
Moreno wins in round 2
Any other result
Pantoja wins in round 3
Any other result
Moreno wins in round 3
Any other result
Pantoja points handicap -3½
Moreno points handicap +3½
Moreno (scorecards = no action)
Pantoja (scorecards = no action)
Poliana Botelho 21
Syuri Kondo 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Botelho wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Kondo wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Botelho wins by submission
Any other result
Kondo wins by submission
Any other result
Botelho wins inside distance
Not Botelho inside distance
Kondo wins inside distance
Not Kondo inside distance
Botelho wins by decision
Not Botelho by decision
Kondo wins by decision
Not Kondo by decision
Botelho wins in round 1
Any other result
Kondo wins in round 1
Any other result
Botelho wins in round 2
Any other result
Kondo wins in round 2
Any other result
Botelho wins in round 3
Any other result
Kondo wins in round 3
Any other result
Botelho points handicap -3½
Kondo points handicap +3½
Botelho (scorecards = no action)
Kondo (scorecards = no action)
Brandon Davis 21
Enrique Barzola 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Davis wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Barzola wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Davis wins by submission
Any other result
Barzola wins by submission
Any other result
Davis wins inside distance
Not Davis inside distance
Barzola wins inside distance
Not Barzola inside distance
Davis wins by decision
Not Davis by decision
Barzola wins by decision
Not Barzola by decision
Davis wins in round 1
Any other result
Barzola wins in round 1
Any other result
Davis wins in round 2
Any other result
Barzola wins in round 2
Any other result
Davis wins in round 3
Any other result
Barzola wins in round 3
Any other result
Barzola points handicap -3½
Davis points handicap +3½
Barzola (scorecards = no action)
Davis (scorecards = no action)
Frankie Saenz 21
Henry Briones 21
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Saenz wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Briones wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Saenz wins by submission
Any other result
Briones wins by submission
Any other result
Saenz wins inside distance
Not Saenz inside distance
Briones wins inside distance
Not Briones inside distance
Saenz wins by decision
Not Saenz by decision
Briones wins by decision
Not Briones by decision
Saenz wins in round 1
Any other result
Briones wins in round 1
Any other result
Saenz wins in round 2
Any other result
Briones wins in round 2
Any other result
Saenz wins in round 3
Any other result
Briones wins in round 3
Any other result
Saenz points handicap -3½
Briones points handicap +3½
Briones (scorecards = no action)
Saenz (scorecards = no action)
Claudio Puelles 21
Felipe Silva 21
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Puelles wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Silva wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Puelles wins by submission
Any other result
Silva wins by submission
Any other result
Puelles wins inside distance
Not Puelles inside distance
Silva wins inside distance
Not Silva inside distance
Puelles wins by decision
Not Puelles by decision
Silva wins by decision
Not Silva by decision
Puelles wins in round 1
Any other result
Silva wins in round 1
Any other result
Puelles wins in round 2
Any other result
Silva wins in round 2
Any other result
Puelles wins in round 3
Any other result
Silva wins in round 3
Any other result
Silva points handicap -3½
Puelles points handicap +3½
Puelles (scorecards = no action)
Silva (scorecards = no action)
Event props 53 
Exactly one fight ends in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly two fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly three fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly four fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly five fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly six fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly seven fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly eight fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly nine fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
No fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly one fight ends in submission
Any other result
Exactly two fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly three fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly four fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly five fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly six fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly seven fights end in submission
Any other result
No fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly two fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly three fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly four fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly five fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly six fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly seven fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly eight fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly nine fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly ten fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly eleven fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly twelve fights go the distance
Any other result
Over 1½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 1½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 2½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 2½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 3½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 3½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 4½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 4½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 5½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 5½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 6½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 6½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 7½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 7½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 8½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 8½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 1½ fights end in submission
Under 1½ fights end in submission
Over 2½ fights end in submission
Under 2½ fights end in submission
Over 3½ fights end in submission
Under 3½ fights end in submission
Over 4½ fights end in submission
Under 4½ fights end in submission
Over 5½ fights end in submission
Under 5½ fights end in submission
Over 6½ fights end in submission
Under 6½ fights end in submission
Over 2½ fights go the distance
Under 2½ fights go the distance
Over 3½ fights go the distance
Under 3½ fights go the distance
Over 4½ fights go the distance
Under 4½ fights go the distance
Over 5½ fights go the distance
Under 5½ fights go the distance
Over 6½ fights go the distance
Under 6½ fights go the distance
Over 7½ fights go the distance
Under 7½ fights go the distance
Over 8½ fights go the distance
Under 8½ fights go the distance
Over 9½ fights go the distance
Under 9½ fights go the distance
Over 10½ fights go the distance
Under 10½ fights go the distance
Over 11½ fights go the distance
Under 11½ fights go the distance
Last change: 2465 days ago
Expected outcome
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