April 12th
Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov
Jakob Nedoh
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Yagshimuradov wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Nedoh wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Yagshimuradov wins by submission
Any other result
Nedoh wins by submission
Any other result
Yagshimuradov wins inside distance
Not Yagshimuradov inside distance
Nedoh wins inside distance
Not Nedoh inside distance
Yagshimuradov wins by decision
Not Yagshimuradov by decision
Nedoh wins by decision
Not Nedoh by decision
Yagshimuradov wins in round 1
Any other result
Nedoh wins in round 1
Any other result
Yagshimuradov wins in round 2
Any other result
Nedoh wins in round 2
Any other result
Yagshimuradov wins in round 3
Any other result
Nedoh wins in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Yagshimuradov wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Nedoh wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Yagshimuradov wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Nedoh wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Yagshimuradov wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Nedoh wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Brent Primus
Bruno Miranda
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Primus wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Miranda wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Primus wins by submission
Any other result
Miranda wins by submission
Any other result
Primus wins inside distance
Not Primus inside distance
Miranda wins inside distance
Not Miranda inside distance
Primus wins by decision
Not Primus by decision
Miranda wins by decision
Not Miranda by decision
Primus wins in round 1
Any other result
Miranda wins in round 1
Any other result
Primus wins in round 2
Any other result
Miranda wins in round 2
Any other result
Primus wins in round 3
Any other result
Miranda wins in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Primus wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Miranda wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Primus wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Miranda wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Primus wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Miranda wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Gadzhi Rabadanov
Solomon Renfro
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Rabadanov wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Renfro wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Rabadanov wins by submission
Any other result
Renfro wins by submission
Any other result
Rabadanov wins inside distance
Not Rabadanov inside distance
Renfro wins inside distance
Not Renfro inside distance
Rabadanov wins by decision
Not Rabadanov by decision
Renfro wins by decision
Not Renfro by decision
Rabadanov wins in round 1
Any other result
Renfro wins in round 1
Any other result
Rabadanov wins in round 2
Any other result
Renfro wins in round 2
Any other result
Rabadanov wins in round 3
Any other result
Renfro wins in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Rabadanov wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Renfro wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Rabadanov wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Renfro wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Rabadanov wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Renfro wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Adam Piccolotti
Elvin Espinoza
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Piccolotti wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Espinoza wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Piccolotti wins by submission
Any other result
Espinoza wins by submission
Any other result
Piccolotti wins inside distance
Not Piccolotti inside distance
Espinoza wins inside distance
Not Espinoza inside distance
Piccolotti wins by decision
Not Piccolotti by decision
Espinoza wins by decision
Not Espinoza by decision
Piccolotti wins in round 1
Any other result
Espinoza wins in round 1
Any other result
Piccolotti wins in round 2
Any other result
Espinoza wins in round 2
Any other result
Piccolotti wins in round 3
Any other result
Espinoza wins in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Piccolotti wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Espinoza wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Piccolotti wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Espinoza wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Piccolotti wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Espinoza wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Jordan Heiderman
Marcelo Nunes
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Heiderman wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Nunes wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Heiderman wins by submission
Any other result
Nunes wins by submission
Any other result
Heiderman wins inside distance
Not Heiderman inside distance
Nunes wins inside distance
Not Nunes inside distance
Heiderman wins by decision
Not Heiderman by decision
Nunes wins by decision
Not Nunes by decision
Heiderman wins in round 1
Any other result
Nunes wins in round 1
Any other result
Heiderman wins in round 2
Any other result
Nunes wins in round 2
Any other result
Heiderman wins in round 3
Any other result
Nunes wins in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Heiderman wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Nunes wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Heiderman wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Nunes wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Heiderman wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Nunes wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Anthony Romero
Elvin Espinoza
Adam Piccolotti
Jay Jay Wilson
Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov+124+115+100+108+122+120+108 29
Jakob Nedoh-148-140-130-143-156-150-143 29
Over 1½ rounds-110
Under 1½ rounds-120
Over 2½ rounds+200
Under 2½ rounds-275
Fight goes to decision+215-100000+240
Fight doesn't go to decision-300-100000-350
Fight is a draw+5000+5000-100000+8000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/a
Yagshimuradov wins by TKO/KO+400+400+500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Nedoh wins by TKO/KO+120+100+100
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Yagshimuradov wins by submission+700+700-100000+600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Nedoh wins by submission+800+800+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Yagshimuradov wins inside distance+250+240
Not Yagshimuradov inside distance-360-350
Nedoh wins inside distance-105-120
Not Nedoh inside distance-125-110
Yagshimuradov wins by decision+350+350+275
Not Yagshimuradov by decisionn/an/a-400
Nedoh wins by decision+800+800+500
Not Nedoh by decisionn/an/a-1000
Yagshimuradov wins in round 1-100000+700
Any other resultn/an/a
Nedoh wins in round 1-100000+200
Any other resultn/an/a
Yagshimuradov wins in round 2-100000+900
Any other resultn/an/a
Nedoh wins in round 2-100000+450
Any other resultn/an/a
Yagshimuradov wins in round 3-100000+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Nedoh wins in round 3-100000+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+120
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+300
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+600
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+650
Any other result-1400
Yagshimuradov wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Nedoh wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Yagshimuradov wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Nedoh wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Yagshimuradov wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Nedoh wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Brent Primus-135-140-145-129-132-125-129 29
Bruno Miranda+114+115+115-108+104+100-108 29
Over 1½ rounds-250
Under 1½ rounds+175
Over 2½ rounds-110
Under 2½ rounds-120
Fight goes to decision-110-100000+100
Fight doesn't go to decision-120-100000-138
Fight is a draw+5000+5000-100000+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/a
Primus wins by TKO/KO+700+700+900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Miranda wins by TKO/KO+275+275+300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Primus wins by submission+400+400+400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Miranda wins by submission+1400+1400+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Primus wins inside distance+250+240
Not Primus inside distance-370-350
Miranda wins inside distance+240+240
Not Miranda inside distance-360-350
Primus wins by decision+225+225+175
Not Primus by decisionn/an/a-250
Miranda wins by decision+300+300+240
Not Miranda by decisionn/an/a-350
Primus wins in round 1-100000+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Miranda wins in round 1-100000+550
Any other resultn/an/a
Primus wins in round 2-100000+800
Any other resultn/an/a
Miranda wins in round 2-100000+800
Any other resultn/an/a
Primus wins in round 3-100000+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Miranda wins in round 3-100000+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+250
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+600
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1200
Any other result-10000
Primus wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Miranda wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Primus wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Miranda wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Primus wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Miranda wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Gadzhi Rabadanov-310-275-300-215-260-250-215 29
Solomon Renfro+250+225+215+150+192+200+150 29
Over 1½ rounds-350
Under 1½ rounds+240
Over 2½ rounds-200
Under 2½ rounds+150
Fight goes to decision-190-100000-163
Fight doesn't go to decision+140-100000+120
Fight is a draw+5000+5000-100000+5000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/a
Rabadanov wins by TKO/KO+600+500+600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Renfro wins by TKO/KO+380+375+400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Rabadanov wins by submission+800+900+600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Renfro wins by submission+1600+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Rabadanov wins inside distance+380+350
Not Rabadanov inside distance-650-549
Renfro wins inside distance+330+300
Not Renfro inside distance-500-450
Rabadanov wins by decision-135-135-163
Not Rabadanov by decisionn/an/a+120
Renfro wins by decision+650+650+600
Not Renfro by decisionn/an/a-1408
Rabadanov wins in round 1-100000+700
Any other resultn/an/a
Renfro wins in round 1-100000+550
Any other resultn/an/a
Rabadanov wins in round 2-100000+1000
Any other resultn/an/a
Renfro wins in round 2-100000+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Rabadanov wins in round 3-100000+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Renfro wins in round 3-100000+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+300
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+500
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1800
Any other resultn/a
Rabadanov wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Renfro wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Rabadanov wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Renfro wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Rabadanov wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Renfro wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Adam Piccolotti-130-115-135-118-118-110-118 29
Elvin Espinoza+110-105+105-118-108-110-118 29
Over 1½ rounds-400
Under 1½ rounds+275
Over 2½ rounds-225
Under 2½ rounds+163
Fight goes to decision-175-100000-200
Fight doesn't go to decision+130-100000+150
Fight is a draw+5000+5000-100000+5000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/a
Piccolotti wins by TKO/KO+1200+1200+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Espinoza wins by TKO/KO+600+750+600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Piccolotti wins by submission+400+400+300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Espinoza wins by submission+650+550+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Piccolotti wins inside distance+330+240
Not Piccolotti inside distance-500-350
Espinoza wins inside distance+330+350
Not Espinoza inside distance-500-549
Piccolotti wins by decision+165+150+163
Not Piccolotti by decisionn/an/a-225
Espinoza wins by decision+215+225+200
Not Espinoza by decisionn/an/a-275
Piccolotti wins in round 1-100000+700
Any other resultn/an/a
Espinoza wins in round 1-100000+700
Any other resultn/an/a
Piccolotti wins in round 2-100000+900
Any other resultn/an/a
Espinoza wins in round 2-100000+1000
Any other resultn/an/a
Piccolotti wins in round 3-100000+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Espinoza wins in round 3-100000+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+350
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+600
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+850
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1800
Any other resultn/a
Piccolotti wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Espinoza wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Piccolotti wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Espinoza wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Piccolotti wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Espinoza wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Jordan Heiderman+150+135+135+143+136+130+143 26
Marcelo Nunes-180-165-175-200-174-160-200 26
Over 1½ rounds+200
Under 1½ rounds-275
Over 2½ rounds+350
Under 2½ rounds-549
Fight goes to decision+450-100000+450
Fight doesn't go to decision-750-100000-800
Fight is a draw+5000+5000-100000+8000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/a
Heiderman wins by TKO/KO+500+800+600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Nunes wins by TKO/KO+350+300+500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Heiderman wins by submission+350+300+400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Nunes wins by submission+120+125+110
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Heiderman wins inside distance+200+225
Not Heiderman inside distance-280-333
Nunes wins inside distance-150-150
Not Nunes inside distance+110+110
Heiderman wins by decision+900+900+700
Not Heiderman by decisionn/an/a-1587
Nunes wins by decision+1000+1000+700
Not Nunes by decisionn/an/a-1587
Heiderman wins in round 1-100000+550
Any other resultn/an/a
Nunes wins in round 1-100000+120
Any other resultn/an/a
Heiderman wins in round 2-100000+800
Any other resultn/an/a
Nunes wins in round 2-100000+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Heiderman wins in round 3-100000+1000
Any other resultn/an/a
Nunes wins in round 3-100000+1000
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+350
Any other result-550
Heiderman wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Nunes wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Heiderman wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Nunes wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Heiderman wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Nunes wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Anthony Romero+140
Elvin Espinoza-188
Adam Piccolotti+130
Jay Jay Wilson-175
Last change: 178 days ago
Expected outcome
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