Claudia Gadelha |
Joanna Jedrzejczyk |
Over 4½ rounds |
Under 4½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight starts round 4 |
Fight won't start round 4 |
Fight starts round 5 |
Fight won't start round 5 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Gadelha wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Gadelha wins by submission |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins by submission |
Any other result |
Gadelha wins inside distance |
Not Gadelha inside distance |
Jedrzejczyk wins inside distance |
Not Jedrzejczyk inside distance |
Gadelha wins by decision |
Not Gadelha by decision |
Jedrzejczyk wins by decision |
Not Jedrzejczyk by decision |
Gadelha wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Gadelha wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Gadelha wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Gadelha wins in round 4 |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 4 |
Any other result |
Gadelha wins in round 5 |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 5 |
Any other result |
Gadelha wins by unanimous decision |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins by unanimous decision |
Any other result |
Gadelha wins by split/majority decision |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins by split/majority decision |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Jedrzejczyk points handicap -5½ |
Gadelha points handicap +5½ |
Gadelha (scorecards = no action) |
Jedrzejczyk (scorecards = no action) |
Andrew Sanchez |
Khalil Rountree |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Rountree wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Sanchez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Rountree wins by submission |
Any other result |
Sanchez wins inside distance |
Not Sanchez inside distance |
Rountree wins inside distance |
Not Rountree inside distance |
Sanchez wins by decision |
Not Sanchez by decision |
Rountree wins by decision |
Not Rountree by decision |
Sanchez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Rountree wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Sanchez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Rountree wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Sanchez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Rountree wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Sanchez points handicap -3½ |
Rountree points handicap +3½ |
Rountree (scorecards = no action) |
Sanchez (scorecards = no action) |
Amanda Bobby Cooper |
Tatiana Suarez |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Suarez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Cooper wins by submission |
Any other result |
Suarez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Cooper wins inside distance |
Not Cooper inside distance |
Suarez wins inside distance |
Not Suarez inside distance |
Cooper wins by decision |
Not Cooper by decision |
Suarez wins by decision |
Not Suarez by decision |
Cooper wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Suarez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Cooper wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Suarez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Cooper wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Suarez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Suarez points handicap -3½ |
Cooper points handicap +3½ |
Cooper (scorecards = no action) |
Suarez (scorecards = no action) |
Ross Pearson |
Will Brooks |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Pearson wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Brooks wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Pearson wins by submission |
Any other result |
Brooks wins by submission |
Any other result |
Pearson wins inside distance |
Not Pearson inside distance |
Brooks wins inside distance |
Not Brooks inside distance |
Pearson wins by decision |
Not Pearson by decision |
Brooks wins by decision |
Not Brooks by decision |
Pearson wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Brooks wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Pearson wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Brooks wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Pearson wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Brooks wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Brooks points handicap -3½ |
Pearson points handicap +3½ |
Brooks (scorecards = no action) |
Pearson (scorecards = no action) |
Doo Ho Choi |
Thiago Tavares |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Choi wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Tavares wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Choi wins by submission |
Any other result |
Tavares wins by submission |
Any other result |
Choi wins inside distance |
Not Choi inside distance |
Tavares wins inside distance |
Not Tavares inside distance |
Choi wins by decision |
Not Choi by decision |
Tavares wins by decision |
Not Tavares by decision |
Choi wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Tavares wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Choi wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Tavares wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Choi wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Tavares wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Choi points handicap -3½ |
Tavares points handicap +3½ |
Choi (scorecards = no action) |
Tavares (scorecards = no action) |
Fernando Bruno |
Gray Maynard |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Bruno wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Maynard wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Bruno wins by submission |
Any other result |
Maynard wins by submission |
Any other result |
Bruno wins inside distance |
Not Bruno inside distance |
Maynard wins inside distance |
Not Maynard inside distance |
Bruno wins by decision |
Not Bruno by decision |
Maynard wins by decision |
Not Maynard by decision |
Bruno wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Maynard wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Bruno wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Maynard wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Bruno wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Maynard wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Maynard points handicap -3½ |
Bruno points handicap +3½ |
Bruno (scorecards = no action) |
Maynard (scorecards = no action) |
Andrew Holbrook |
Joaquim Silva |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Holbrook wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Silva wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Holbrook wins by submission |
Any other result |
Silva wins by submission |
Any other result |
Holbrook wins inside distance |
Not Holbrook inside distance |
Silva wins inside distance |
Not Silva inside distance |
Holbrook wins by decision |
Not Holbrook by decision |
Silva wins by decision |
Not Silva by decision |
Holbrook wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Silva wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Holbrook wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Silva wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Holbrook wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Silva wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Holbrook points handicap -3½ |
Silva points handicap +3½ |
Holbrook (scorecards = no action) |
Silva (scorecards = no action) |
John Moraga |
Matheus Nicolau |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Moraga wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Moraga wins by submission |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins by submission |
Any other result |
Moraga wins inside distance |
Not Moraga inside distance |
Nicolau wins inside distance |
Not Nicolau inside distance |
Moraga wins by decision |
Not Moraga by decision |
Nicolau wins by decision |
Not Nicolau by decision |
Moraga wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Moraga wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Moraga wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Moraga points handicap -3½ |
Nicolau points handicap +3½ |
Moraga (scorecards = no action) |
Nicolau (scorecards = no action) |
Cory Hendricks |
Josh Stansbury |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Hendricks wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Stansbury wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Hendricks wins by submission |
Any other result |
Stansbury wins by submission |
Any other result |
Hendricks wins inside distance |
Not Hendricks inside distance |
Stansbury wins inside distance |
Not Stansbury inside distance |
Hendricks wins by decision |
Not Hendricks by decision |
Stansbury wins by decision |
Not Stansbury by decision |
Hendricks wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Stansbury wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Hendricks wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Stansbury wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Hendricks wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Stansbury wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Hendricks points handicap -3½ |
Stansbury points handicap +3½ |
Hendricks (scorecards = no action) |
Stansbury (scorecards = no action) |
Anthony Smith |
Cezar Ferreira |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Smith wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Smith wins by submission |
Any other result |
Ferreira wins by submission |
Any other result |
Smith wins inside distance |
Not Smith inside distance |
Ferreira wins inside distance |
Not Ferreira inside distance |
Smith wins by decision |
Not Smith by decision |
Ferreira wins by decision |
Not Ferreira by decision |
Smith wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Ferreira wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Smith wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Ferreira wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Smith wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Ferreira wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Ferreira points handicap -3½ |
Smith points handicap +3½ |
Ferreira (scorecards = no action) |
Smith (scorecards = no action) |
Jake Matthews |
Kevin Lee |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Matthews wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Lee wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Matthews wins by submission |
Any other result |
Lee wins by submission |
Any other result |
Matthews wins inside distance |
Not Matthews inside distance |
Lee wins inside distance |
Not Lee inside distance |
Matthews wins by decision |
Not Matthews by decision |
Lee wins by decision |
Not Lee by decision |
Matthews wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Lee wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Matthews wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Lee wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Matthews wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Lee wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Matthews points handicap -3½ |
Lee points handicap +3½ |
Lee (scorecards = no action) |
Matthews (scorecards = no action) |
Anton Zafir |
Li Jingliang |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Zafir wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Jingliang wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Zafir wins by submission |
Any other result |
Jingliang wins by submission |
Any other result |
Zafir wins inside distance |
Not Zafir inside distance |
Jingliang wins inside distance |
Not Jingliang inside distance |
Zafir wins by decision |
Not Zafir by decision |
Jingliang wins by decision |
Not Jingliang by decision |
Zafir wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Jingliang wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Zafir wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Jingliang wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Zafir wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Jingliang wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Jingliang points handicap -3½ |
Zafir points handicap +3½ |
Jingliang (scorecards = no action) |
Zafir (scorecards = no action) |
DraftKings | BetMGM | Caesars | BetRivers | FanDuel | BetWay | Bet365 | Unibet | PointsBet | Props | |||
Claudia Gadelha | 32 | |||||||||||
Joanna Jedrzejczyk | 32 | |||||||||||
Over 4½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 4½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 4 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 4 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 5 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 5 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Gadelha inside distance | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Jedrzejczyk inside distance | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Gadelha by decision | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Jedrzejczyk by decision | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins in round 4 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 4 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins in round 5 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 5 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins by unanimous decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins by unanimous decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gadelha wins by split/majority decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins by split/majority decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk points handicap -5½ | ||||||||||||
Gadelha points handicap +5½ | ||||||||||||
Gadelha (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Andrew Sanchez | 22 | |||||||||||
Khalil Rountree | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Sanchez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rountree wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Sanchez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rountree wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Sanchez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Sanchez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Rountree wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Rountree inside distance | ||||||||||||
Sanchez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Sanchez by decision | ||||||||||||
Rountree wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Rountree by decision | ||||||||||||
Sanchez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rountree wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Sanchez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rountree wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Sanchez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rountree wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Sanchez points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Rountree points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Rountree (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Sanchez (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Amanda Bobby Cooper | 22 | |||||||||||
Tatiana Suarez | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Suarez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Suarez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Cooper inside distance | ||||||||||||
Suarez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Suarez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Cooper by decision | ||||||||||||
Suarez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Suarez by decision | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Suarez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Suarez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Suarez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Suarez points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Cooper points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Cooper (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Suarez (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Ross Pearson | 22 | |||||||||||
Will Brooks | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brooks wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brooks wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Pearson inside distance | ||||||||||||
Brooks wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Brooks inside distance | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Pearson by decision | ||||||||||||
Brooks wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Brooks by decision | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brooks wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brooks wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brooks wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Brooks points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Pearson points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Brooks (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Pearson (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Doo Ho Choi | 22 | |||||||||||
Thiago Tavares | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Choi wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Choi wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Choi wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Choi inside distance | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Tavares inside distance | ||||||||||||
Choi wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Choi by decision | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Tavares by decision | ||||||||||||
Choi wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Choi wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Choi wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Tavares wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Choi points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Tavares points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Choi (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Tavares (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Fernando Bruno | 22 | |||||||||||
Gray Maynard | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Bruno wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Maynard wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bruno wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Maynard wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bruno wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Bruno inside distance | ||||||||||||
Maynard wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Maynard inside distance | ||||||||||||
Bruno wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Bruno by decision | ||||||||||||
Maynard wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Maynard by decision | ||||||||||||
Bruno wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Maynard wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bruno wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Maynard wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bruno wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Maynard wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Maynard points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Bruno points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Bruno (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Maynard (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Andrew Holbrook | 22 | |||||||||||
Joaquim Silva | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Holbrook wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Silva wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Holbrook wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Silva wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Holbrook wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Holbrook inside distance | ||||||||||||
Silva wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Silva inside distance | ||||||||||||
Holbrook wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Holbrook by decision | ||||||||||||
Silva wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Silva by decision | ||||||||||||
Holbrook wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Silva wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Holbrook wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Silva wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Holbrook wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Silva wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Holbrook points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Silva points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Holbrook (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Silva (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
John Moraga | 22 | |||||||||||
Matheus Nicolau | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Moraga wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Moraga wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Moraga wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Moraga inside distance | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Nicolau inside distance | ||||||||||||
Moraga wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Moraga by decision | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Nicolau by decision | ||||||||||||
Moraga wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Moraga wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Moraga wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Moraga points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Nicolau points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Moraga (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Nicolau (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Cory Hendricks | 22 | |||||||||||
Josh Stansbury | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Hendricks wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stansbury wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hendricks wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stansbury wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hendricks wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Hendricks inside distance | ||||||||||||
Stansbury wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Stansbury inside distance | ||||||||||||
Hendricks wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Hendricks by decision | ||||||||||||
Stansbury wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Stansbury by decision | ||||||||||||
Hendricks wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stansbury wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hendricks wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stansbury wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hendricks wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stansbury wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Hendricks points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Stansbury points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Hendricks (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Stansbury (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Anthony Smith | 22 | |||||||||||
Cezar Ferreira | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Smith wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ferreira wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Smith inside distance | ||||||||||||
Ferreira wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Ferreira inside distance | ||||||||||||
Smith wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Smith by decision | ||||||||||||
Ferreira wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Ferreira by decision | ||||||||||||
Smith wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ferreira wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ferreira wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ferreira wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Ferreira points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Smith points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Ferreira (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Smith (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Jake Matthews | 22 | |||||||||||
Kevin Lee | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Matthews wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lee wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Matthews wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lee wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Matthews wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Matthews inside distance | ||||||||||||
Lee wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Lee inside distance | ||||||||||||
Matthews wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Matthews by decision | ||||||||||||
Lee wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Lee by decision | ||||||||||||
Matthews wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lee wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Matthews wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lee wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Matthews wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lee wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Matthews points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Lee points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Lee (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Matthews (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Anton Zafir | 22 | |||||||||||
Li Jingliang | 22 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Zafir wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jingliang wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Zafir wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jingliang wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Zafir wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Zafir inside distance | ||||||||||||
Jingliang wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Jingliang inside distance | ||||||||||||
Zafir wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Zafir by decision | ||||||||||||
Jingliang wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Jingliang by decision | ||||||||||||
Zafir wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jingliang wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Zafir wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jingliang wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Zafir wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jingliang wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Jingliang points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Zafir points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Jingliang (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Zafir (scorecards = no action) |