Dustin Poirier |
Eddie Alvarez |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight starts round 4 |
Fight won't start round 4 |
Fight starts round 5 |
Fight won't start round 5 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Poirier wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Alvarez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Poirier wins by submission |
Any other result |
Alvarez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Poirier wins inside distance |
Not Poirier inside distance |
Alvarez wins inside distance |
Not Alvarez inside distance |
Poirier wins by decision |
Not Poirier by decision |
Alvarez wins by decision |
Not Alvarez by decision |
Poirier wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Alvarez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Poirier wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Alvarez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Poirier wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Alvarez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Poirier wins in round 4 |
Any other result |
Alvarez wins in round 4 |
Any other result |
Poirier wins in round 5 |
Any other result |
Alvarez wins in round 5 |
Any other result |
Poirier wins by unanimous decision |
Any other result |
Alvarez wins by unanimous decision |
Any other result |
Poirier wins by split/majority decision |
Any other result |
Alvarez wins by split/majority decision |
Any other result |
Poirier points handicap -5½ |
Alvarez points handicap +5½ |
Alvarez (scorecards = no action) |
Poirier (scorecards = no action) |
Jeremy Stephens |
Jose Aldo |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Stephens wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Aldo wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Stephens wins by submission |
Any other result |
Aldo wins by submission |
Any other result |
Stephens wins inside distance |
Not Stephens inside distance |
Aldo wins inside distance |
Not Aldo inside distance |
Stephens wins by decision |
Not Stephens by decision |
Aldo wins by decision |
Not Aldo by decision |
Stephens wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Aldo wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Stephens wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Aldo wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Stephens wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Aldo wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Stephens points handicap -3½ |
Aldo points handicap +3½ |
Aldo (scorecards = no action) |
Stephens (scorecards = no action) |
Joanna Jedrzejczyk |
Tecia Torres |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Jedrzejczyk wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Torres wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins by submission |
Any other result |
Torres wins by submission |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins inside distance |
Not Jedrzejczyk inside distance |
Torres wins inside distance |
Not Torres inside distance |
Jedrzejczyk wins by decision |
Not Jedrzejczyk by decision |
Torres wins by decision |
Not Torres by decision |
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Torres wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Torres wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Torres wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Jedrzejczyk points handicap -3½ |
Torres points handicap +3½ |
Jedrzejczyk (scorecards = no action) |
Torres (scorecards = no action) |
Alexander Hernandez |
Olivier Aubin-Mercier |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Hernandez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Hernandez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission |
Any other result |
Hernandez wins inside distance |
Not Hernandez inside distance |
Aubin-Mercier wins inside distance |
Not Aubin-Mercier inside distance |
Hernandez wins by decision |
Not Hernandez by decision |
Aubin-Mercier wins by decision |
Not Aubin-Mercier by decision |
Hernandez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Hernandez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Hernandez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Aubin-Mercier points handicap -3½ |
Hernandez points handicap +3½ |
Hernandez (scorecards = no action) |
Aubin-Mercier (scorecards = no action) |
Alex Morono |
Jordan Mein |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Morono wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Mein wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Morono wins by submission |
Any other result |
Mein wins by submission |
Any other result |
Morono wins inside distance |
Not Morono inside distance |
Mein wins inside distance |
Not Mein inside distance |
Morono wins by decision |
Not Morono by decision |
Mein wins by decision |
Not Mein by decision |
Morono wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Mein wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Morono wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Mein wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Morono wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Mein wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Mein points handicap -3½ |
Morono points handicap +3½ |
Mein (scorecards = no action) |
Morono (scorecards = no action) |
Islam Makhachev |
Kajan Johnson |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Makhachev wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Johnson wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Makhachev wins by submission |
Any other result |
Johnson wins by submission |
Any other result |
Makhachev wins inside distance |
Not Makhachev inside distance |
Johnson wins inside distance |
Not Johnson inside distance |
Makhachev wins by decision |
Not Makhachev by decision |
Johnson wins by decision |
Not Johnson by decision |
Makhachev wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Johnson wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Makhachev wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Johnson wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Makhachev wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Johnson wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Makhachev points handicap -3½ |
Johnson points handicap +3½ |
Johnson (scorecards = no action) |
Makhachev (scorecards = no action) |
Austin Arnett |
Hakeem Dawodu |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Arnett wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Dawodu wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Arnett wins by submission |
Any other result |
Dawodu wins by submission |
Any other result |
Arnett wins inside distance |
Not Arnett inside distance |
Dawodu wins inside distance |
Not Dawodu inside distance |
Arnett wins by decision |
Not Arnett by decision |
Dawodu wins by decision |
Not Dawodu by decision |
Arnett wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Dawodu wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Arnett wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Dawodu wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Arnett wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Dawodu wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Dawodu points handicap -3½ |
Arnett points handicap +3½ |
Arnett (scorecards = no action) |
Dawodu (scorecards = no action) |
Gadzhimurad Antigulov |
Ion Cutelaba |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Antigulov wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Cutelaba wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Antigulov wins by submission |
Any other result |
Cutelaba wins by submission |
Any other result |
Antigulov wins inside distance |
Not Antigulov inside distance |
Cutelaba wins inside distance |
Not Cutelaba inside distance |
Antigulov wins by decision |
Not Antigulov by decision |
Cutelaba wins by decision |
Not Cutelaba by decision |
Antigulov wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Cutelaba wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Antigulov wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Cutelaba wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Antigulov wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Cutelaba wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Cutelaba points handicap -3½ |
Antigulov points handicap +3½ |
Antigulov (scorecards = no action) |
Cutelaba (scorecards = no action) |
John Makdessi |
Ross Pearson |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Makdessi wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Pearson wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Makdessi wins by submission |
Any other result |
Pearson wins by submission |
Any other result |
Makdessi wins inside distance |
Not Makdessi inside distance |
Pearson wins inside distance |
Not Pearson inside distance |
Makdessi wins by decision |
Not Makdessi by decision |
Pearson wins by decision |
Not Pearson by decision |
Makdessi wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Pearson wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Makdessi wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Pearson wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Makdessi wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Pearson wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Makdessi points handicap -3½ |
Pearson points handicap +3½ |
Makdessi (scorecards = no action) |
Pearson (scorecards = no action) |
Alexis Davis |
Katlyn Chookagian |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Davis wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Chookagian wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Davis wins by submission |
Any other result |
Chookagian wins by submission |
Any other result |
Davis wins inside distance |
Not Davis inside distance |
Chookagian wins inside distance |
Not Chookagian inside distance |
Davis wins by decision |
Not Davis by decision |
Chookagian wins by decision |
Not Chookagian by decision |
Davis wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Chookagian wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Davis wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Chookagian wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Davis wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Chookagian wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Chookagian points handicap -3½ |
Davis points handicap +3½ |
Chookagian (scorecards = no action) |
Davis (scorecards = no action) |
Dustin Ortiz |
Matheus Nicolau |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Ortiz wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Ortiz wins by submission |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins by submission |
Any other result |
Ortiz wins inside distance |
Not Ortiz inside distance |
Nicolau wins inside distance |
Not Nicolau inside distance |
Ortiz wins by decision |
Not Ortiz by decision |
Nicolau wins by decision |
Not Nicolau by decision |
Ortiz wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Ortiz wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Ortiz wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Nicolau wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Nicolau points handicap -3½ |
Ortiz points handicap +3½ |
Nicolau (scorecards = no action) |
Ortiz (scorecards = no action) |
Nina Nunes |
Randa Markos |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Nunes wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Markos wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Nunes wins by submission |
Any other result |
Markos wins by submission |
Any other result |
Nunes wins inside distance |
Not Nunes inside distance |
Markos wins inside distance |
Not Markos inside distance |
Nunes wins by decision |
Not Nunes by decision |
Markos wins by decision |
Not Markos by decision |
Nunes wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Markos wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Nunes wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Markos wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Nunes wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Markos wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Nunes points handicap -3½ |
Markos points handicap +3½ |
Nunes (scorecards = no action) |
Markos (scorecards = no action) |
Alvaro Herrera |
Devin Powell |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Herrera wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Powell wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Herrera wins by submission |
Any other result |
Powell wins by submission |
Any other result |
Herrera wins inside distance |
Not Herrera inside distance |
Powell wins inside distance |
Not Powell inside distance |
Herrera wins by decision |
Not Herrera by decision |
Powell wins by decision |
Not Powell by decision |
Herrera wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Powell wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Herrera wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Powell wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Herrera wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Powell wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Powell points handicap -3½ |
Herrera points handicap +3½ |
Herrera (scorecards = no action) |
Powell (scorecards = no action) |
Event props |
Exactly one fight ends in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
Exactly two fights end in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
Exactly three fights end in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
Exactly four fights end in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
Exactly five fights end in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
Exactly six fights end in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
Exactly seven fights end in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
Exactly eight fights end in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
Exactly nine fights end in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
No fights end in KO/TKO |
Any other result |
Exactly one fight ends in submission |
Any other result |
Exactly two fights end in submission |
Any other result |
Exactly three fights end in submission |
Any other result |
Exactly four fights end in submission |
Any other result |
Exactly five fights end in submission |
Any other result |
Exactly six fights end in submission |
Any other result |
Exactly seven fights end in submission |
Any other result |
No fights end in submission |
Any other result |
Exactly two fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly three fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly four fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly five fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly six fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly seven fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly eight fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly nine fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly ten fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly eleven fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Exactly twelve fights go the distance |
Any other result |
Over 1½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Under 1½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Over 2½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Under 2½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Over 3½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Under 3½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Over 4½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Under 4½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Over 5½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Under 5½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Over 6½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Under 6½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Over 7½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Under 7½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Over 8½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Under 8½ fights end in KO/TKO |
Over 1½ fights end in submission |
Under 1½ fights end in submission |
Over 2½ fights end in submission |
Under 2½ fights end in submission |
Over 3½ fights end in submission |
Under 3½ fights end in submission |
Over 4½ fights end in submission |
Under 4½ fights end in submission |
Over 5½ fights end in submission |
Under 5½ fights end in submission |
Over 6½ fights end in submission |
Under 6½ fights end in submission |
Over 2½ fights go the distance |
Under 2½ fights go the distance |
Over 3½ fights go the distance |
Under 3½ fights go the distance |
Over 4½ fights go the distance |
Under 4½ fights go the distance |
Over 5½ fights go the distance |
Under 5½ fights go the distance |
Over 6½ fights go the distance |
Under 6½ fights go the distance |
Over 7½ fights go the distance |
Under 7½ fights go the distance |
Over 8½ fights go the distance |
Under 8½ fights go the distance |
Over 9½ fights go the distance |
Under 9½ fights go the distance |
Over 10½ fights go the distance |
Under 10½ fights go the distance |
Over 11½ fights go the distance |
Under 11½ fights go the distance |
DraftKings | BetMGM | Caesars | BetRivers | FanDuel | BetWay | Bet365 | Unibet | PointsBet | Props | |||
Dustin Poirier | 31 | |||||||||||
Eddie Alvarez | 31 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 4 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 4 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 5 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 5 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Poirier inside distance | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Alvarez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Poirier by decision | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Alvarez by decision | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins in round 4 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins in round 4 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins in round 5 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins in round 5 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins by unanimous decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins by unanimous decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Poirier wins by split/majority decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alvarez wins by split/majority decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Poirier points handicap -5½ | ||||||||||||
Alvarez points handicap +5½ | ||||||||||||
Alvarez (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Poirier (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Jeremy Stephens | 21 | |||||||||||
Jose Aldo | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Stephens wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aldo wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stephens wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aldo wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stephens wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Stephens inside distance | ||||||||||||
Aldo wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Aldo inside distance | ||||||||||||
Stephens wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Stephens by decision | ||||||||||||
Aldo wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Aldo by decision | ||||||||||||
Stephens wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aldo wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stephens wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aldo wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stephens wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aldo wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Stephens points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Aldo points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Aldo (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Stephens (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Joanna Jedrzejczyk | 21 | |||||||||||
Tecia Torres | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Torres wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Torres wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Jedrzejczyk inside distance | ||||||||||||
Torres wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Torres inside distance | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Jedrzejczyk by decision | ||||||||||||
Torres wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Torres by decision | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Torres wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Torres wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Torres wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Torres points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Jedrzejczyk (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Torres (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Alexander Hernandez | 21 | |||||||||||
Olivier Aubin-Mercier | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Hernandez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hernandez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hernandez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Hernandez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Aubin-Mercier wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Aubin-Mercier inside distance | ||||||||||||
Hernandez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Hernandez by decision | ||||||||||||
Aubin-Mercier wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Aubin-Mercier by decision | ||||||||||||
Hernandez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hernandez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hernandez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Aubin-Mercier points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Hernandez points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Hernandez (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Aubin-Mercier (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Alex Morono | 21 | |||||||||||
Jordan Mein | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Morono wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mein wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Morono wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mein wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Morono wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Morono inside distance | ||||||||||||
Mein wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Mein inside distance | ||||||||||||
Morono wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Morono by decision | ||||||||||||
Mein wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Mein by decision | ||||||||||||
Morono wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mein wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Morono wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mein wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Morono wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mein wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Mein points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Morono points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Mein (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Morono (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Islam Makhachev | 21 | |||||||||||
Kajan Johnson | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Makhachev wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Johnson wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makhachev wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Johnson wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makhachev wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Makhachev inside distance | ||||||||||||
Johnson wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Johnson inside distance | ||||||||||||
Makhachev wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Makhachev by decision | ||||||||||||
Johnson wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Johnson by decision | ||||||||||||
Makhachev wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Johnson wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makhachev wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Johnson wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makhachev wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Johnson wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makhachev points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Johnson points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Johnson (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Makhachev (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Austin Arnett | 21 | |||||||||||
Hakeem Dawodu | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Arnett wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Dawodu wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Arnett wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Dawodu wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Arnett wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Arnett inside distance | ||||||||||||
Dawodu wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Dawodu inside distance | ||||||||||||
Arnett wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Arnett by decision | ||||||||||||
Dawodu wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Dawodu by decision | ||||||||||||
Arnett wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Dawodu wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Arnett wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Dawodu wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Arnett wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Dawodu wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Dawodu points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Arnett points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Arnett (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Dawodu (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Gadzhimurad Antigulov | 21 | |||||||||||
Ion Cutelaba | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Antigulov wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cutelaba wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Antigulov wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cutelaba wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Antigulov wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Antigulov inside distance | ||||||||||||
Cutelaba wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Cutelaba inside distance | ||||||||||||
Antigulov wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Antigulov by decision | ||||||||||||
Cutelaba wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Cutelaba by decision | ||||||||||||
Antigulov wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cutelaba wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Antigulov wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cutelaba wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Antigulov wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cutelaba wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cutelaba points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Antigulov points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Antigulov (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Cutelaba (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
John Makdessi | 21 | |||||||||||
Ross Pearson | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Makdessi wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makdessi wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makdessi wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Makdessi inside distance | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Pearson inside distance | ||||||||||||
Makdessi wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Makdessi by decision | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Pearson by decision | ||||||||||||
Makdessi wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makdessi wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makdessi wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Pearson wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Makdessi points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Pearson points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Makdessi (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Pearson (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Alexis Davis | 21 | |||||||||||
Katlyn Chookagian | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Davis wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Chookagian wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Davis wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Chookagian wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Davis wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Davis inside distance | ||||||||||||
Chookagian wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Chookagian inside distance | ||||||||||||
Davis wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Davis by decision | ||||||||||||
Chookagian wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Chookagian by decision | ||||||||||||
Davis wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Chookagian wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Davis wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Chookagian wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Davis wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Chookagian wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Chookagian points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Davis points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Chookagian (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Davis (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Dustin Ortiz | 21 | |||||||||||
Matheus Nicolau | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Ortiz wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ortiz wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ortiz wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Ortiz inside distance | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Nicolau inside distance | ||||||||||||
Ortiz wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Ortiz by decision | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Nicolau by decision | ||||||||||||
Ortiz wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ortiz wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ortiz wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nicolau points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Ortiz points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Nicolau (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Ortiz (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Nina Nunes | 21 | |||||||||||
Randa Markos | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Nunes wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Markos wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nunes wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Markos wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nunes wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Nunes inside distance | ||||||||||||
Markos wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Markos inside distance | ||||||||||||
Nunes wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Nunes by decision | ||||||||||||
Markos wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Markos by decision | ||||||||||||
Nunes wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Markos wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nunes wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Markos wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nunes wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Markos wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Nunes points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Markos points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Nunes (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Markos (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Alvaro Herrera | 21 | |||||||||||
Devin Powell | 21 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Herrera wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Powell wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Herrera wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Powell wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Herrera wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Herrera inside distance | ||||||||||||
Powell wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Powell inside distance | ||||||||||||
Herrera wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Herrera by decision | ||||||||||||
Powell wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Powell by decision | ||||||||||||
Herrera wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Powell wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Herrera wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Powell wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Herrera wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Powell wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Powell points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Herrera points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Herrera (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Powell (scorecards = no action) | ||||||||||||
Event props | 53 | |||||||||||
Exactly one fight ends in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly two fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly three fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly four fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly five fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly six fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly seven fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly eight fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly nine fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
No fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly one fight ends in submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly two fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly three fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly four fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly five fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly six fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly seven fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
No fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly two fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly three fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly four fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly five fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly six fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly seven fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly eight fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly nine fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly ten fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly eleven fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Exactly twelve fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Over 1½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Over 2½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Over 3½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Under 3½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Over 4½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Under 4½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Over 5½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Under 5½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Over 6½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Under 6½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Over 7½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Under 7½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Over 8½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Under 8½ fights end in KO/TKO | ||||||||||||
Over 1½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Over 2½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Over 3½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Under 3½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Over 4½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Under 4½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Over 5½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Under 5½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Over 6½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Under 6½ fights end in submission | ||||||||||||
Over 2½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Over 3½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 3½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Over 4½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 4½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Over 5½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 5½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Over 6½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 6½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Over 7½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 7½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Over 8½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 8½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Over 9½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 9½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Over 10½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 10½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Over 11½ fights go the distance | ||||||||||||
Under 11½ fights go the distance |