Jan Blachowicz
Thiago Santos
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Blachowicz wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Santos wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Blachowicz wins by submission
Any other result
Santos wins by submission
Any other result
Blachowicz wins inside distance
Not Blachowicz inside distance
Santos wins inside distance
Not Santos inside distance
Blachowicz wins by decision
Not Blachowicz by decision
Santos wins by decision
Not Santos by decision
Blachowicz wins in round 1
Any other result
Santos wins in round 1
Any other result
Blachowicz wins in round 2
Any other result
Santos wins in round 2
Any other result
Blachowicz wins in round 3
Any other result
Santos wins in round 3
Any other result
Blachowicz wins in round 4
Any other result
Santos wins in round 4
Any other result
Blachowicz wins in round 5
Any other result
Santos wins in round 5
Any other result
Blachowicz wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Santos wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Blachowicz wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Santos wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Santos points handicap -5½
Blachowicz points handicap +5½
Blachowicz (scorecards = no action)
Santos (scorecards = no action)
Marcos Rogerio de Lima
Stefan Struve
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Lima wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Struve wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Lima wins by submission
Any other result
Struve wins by submission
Any other result
Lima wins inside distance
Not Lima inside distance
Struve wins inside distance
Not Struve inside distance
Lima wins by decision
Not Lima by decision
Struve wins by decision
Not Struve by decision
Lima wins in round 1
Any other result
Struve wins in round 1
Any other result
Lima wins in round 2
Any other result
Struve wins in round 2
Any other result
Lima wins in round 3
Any other result
Struve wins in round 3
Any other result
Struve points handicap -3½
Lima points handicap +3½
Lima (scorecards = no action)
Struve (scorecards = no action)
Gian Villante
Michal Oleksiejczuk
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Villante wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Oleksiejczuk wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Villante wins by submission
Any other result
Oleksiejczuk wins by submission
Any other result
Villante wins inside distance
Not Villante inside distance
Oleksiejczuk wins inside distance
Not Oleksiejczuk inside distance
Villante wins by decision
Not Villante by decision
Oleksiejczuk wins by decision
Not Oleksiejczuk by decision
Villante wins in round 1
Any other result
Oleksiejczuk wins in round 1
Any other result
Villante wins in round 2
Any other result
Oleksiejczuk wins in round 2
Any other result
Villante wins in round 3
Any other result
Oleksiejczuk wins in round 3
Any other result
Oleksiejczuk points handicap -3½
Villante points handicap +3½
Oleksiejczuk (scorecards = no action)
Villante (scorecards = no action)
Liz Carmouche
Lucie Pudilova
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Carmouche wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Pudilova wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Carmouche wins by submission
Any other result
Pudilova wins by submission
Any other result
Carmouche wins inside distance
Not Carmouche inside distance
Pudilova wins inside distance
Not Pudilova inside distance
Carmouche wins by decision
Not Carmouche by decision
Pudilova wins by decision
Not Pudilova by decision
Carmouche wins in round 1
Any other result
Pudilova wins in round 1
Any other result
Carmouche wins in round 2
Any other result
Pudilova wins in round 2
Any other result
Carmouche wins in round 3
Any other result
Pudilova wins in round 3
Any other result
Carmouche (scorecards = no action)
Pudilova (scorecards = no action)
John Dodson
Petr Yan
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Dodson wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Yan wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Dodson wins by submission
Any other result
Yan wins by submission
Any other result
Dodson wins inside distance
Not Dodson inside distance
Yan wins inside distance
Not Yan inside distance
Dodson wins by decision
Not Dodson by decision
Yan wins by decision
Not Yan by decision
Dodson wins in round 1
Any other result
Yan wins in round 1
Any other result
Dodson wins in round 2
Any other result
Yan wins in round 2
Any other result
Dodson wins in round 3
Any other result
Yan wins in round 3
Any other result
Yan points handicap -3½
Dodson points handicap +3½
Dodson (scorecards = no action)
Yan (scorecards = no action)
Klidson Farias de Abreu
Magomed Ankalaev
Ankalaev wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Ankalaev wins by submission
Any other result
Ankalaev wins inside distance
Not Ankalaev inside distance
Ankalaev wins by decision
Not Ankalaev by decision
Ankalaev wins in round 1
Any other result
Ankalaev wins in round 2
Any other result
Ankalaev wins in round 3
Any other result
Ankalaev points handicap -3½
Abreu points handicap +3½
Ankalaev (scorecards = no action)
Abreu (scorecards = no action)
Gillian Robertson
Veronica Macedo
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Robertson wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Macedo wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Robertson wins by submission
Any other result
Macedo wins by submission
Any other result
Robertson wins inside distance
Not Robertson inside distance
Macedo wins inside distance
Not Macedo inside distance
Robertson wins by decision
Not Robertson by decision
Macedo wins by decision
Not Macedo by decision
Robertson wins in round 1
Any other result
Macedo wins in round 1
Any other result
Robertson wins in round 2
Any other result
Macedo wins in round 2
Any other result
Robertson wins in round 3
Any other result
Macedo wins in round 3
Any other result
Robertson points handicap -3½
Macedo points handicap +3½
Macedo (scorecards = no action)
Robertson (scorecards = no action)
Carlo Pedersoli Jr.
Dwight Grant
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Jr. wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Grant wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Jr. wins by submission
Any other result
Grant wins by submission
Any other result
Jr. wins inside distance
Not Jr. inside distance
Grant wins inside distance
Not Grant inside distance
Jr. wins by decision
Not Jr. by decision
Grant wins by decision
Not Grant by decision
Jr. wins in round 1
Any other result
Grant wins in round 1
Any other result
Jr. wins in round 2
Any other result
Grant wins in round 2
Any other result
Jr. wins in round 3
Any other result
Grant wins in round 3
Any other result
Jr. points handicap -3½
Grant points handicap +3½
Grant (scorecards = no action)
Jr. (scorecards = no action)
Damir Hadzovic
Marco Polo Reyes
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Hadzovic wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Reyes wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Hadzovic wins by submission
Any other result
Reyes wins by submission
Any other result
Hadzovic wins inside distance
Not Hadzovic inside distance
Reyes wins inside distance
Not Reyes inside distance
Hadzovic wins by decision
Not Hadzovic by decision
Reyes wins by decision
Not Reyes by decision
Hadzovic wins in round 1
Any other result
Reyes wins in round 1
Any other result
Hadzovic wins in round 2
Any other result
Reyes wins in round 2
Any other result
Hadzovic wins in round 3
Any other result
Reyes wins in round 3
Any other result
Hadzovic points handicap -3½
Reyes points handicap +3½
Hadzovic (scorecards = no action)
Reyes (scorecards = no action)
Ismail Naurdiev
Michel Prazeres
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Naurdiev wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Prazeres wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Naurdiev wins by submission
Any other result
Prazeres wins by submission
Any other result
Naurdiev wins inside distance
Not Naurdiev inside distance
Prazeres wins inside distance
Not Prazeres inside distance
Naurdiev wins by decision
Not Naurdiev by decision
Prazeres wins by decision
Not Prazeres by decision
Naurdiev wins in round 1
Any other result
Prazeres wins in round 1
Any other result
Naurdiev wins in round 2
Any other result
Prazeres wins in round 2
Any other result
Naurdiev wins in round 3
Any other result
Prazeres wins in round 3
Any other result
Prazeres points handicap -3½
Naurdiev points handicap +3½
Naurdiev (scorecards = no action)
Prazeres (scorecards = no action)
Chris Fishgold
Daniel Teymur
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Fishgold wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Teymur wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Fishgold wins by submission
Any other result
Teymur wins by submission
Any other result
Fishgold wins inside distance
Not Fishgold inside distance
Teymur wins inside distance
Not Teymur inside distance
Fishgold wins by decision
Not Fishgold by decision
Teymur wins by decision
Not Teymur by decision
Fishgold wins in round 1
Any other result
Teymur wins in round 1
Any other result
Fishgold wins in round 2
Any other result
Teymur wins in round 2
Any other result
Fishgold wins in round 3
Any other result
Teymur wins in round 3
Any other result
Fishgold points handicap -3½
Teymur points handicap +3½
Fishgold (scorecards = no action)
Teymur (scorecards = no action)
Damir Ismagulov
Joel Alvarez
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Ismagulov wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Alvarez wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Ismagulov wins by submission
Any other result
Alvarez wins by submission
Any other result
Ismagulov wins inside distance
Not Ismagulov inside distance
Alvarez wins inside distance
Not Alvarez inside distance
Ismagulov wins by decision
Not Ismagulov by decision
Alvarez wins by decision
Not Alvarez by decision
Ismagulov wins in round 1
Any other result
Alvarez wins in round 1
Any other result
Ismagulov wins in round 2
Any other result
Alvarez wins in round 2
Any other result
Ismagulov wins in round 3
Any other result
Alvarez wins in round 3
Any other result
Ismagulov points handicap -3½
Alvarez points handicap +3½
Alvarez (scorecards = no action)
Ismagulov (scorecards = no action)
Diego Ferreira
Rustam Khabilov
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Khabilov wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Ferreira wins by submission
Any other result
Khabilov wins by submission
Any other result
Ferreira wins inside distance
Not Ferreira inside distance
Khabilov wins inside distance
Not Khabilov inside distance
Ferreira wins by decision
Not Ferreira by decision
Khabilov wins by decision
Not Khabilov by decision
Ferreira wins in round 1
Any other result
Khabilov wins in round 1
Any other result
Ferreira wins in round 2
Any other result
Khabilov wins in round 2
Any other result
Ferreira wins in round 3
Any other result
Khabilov wins in round 3
Any other result
Ferreira (scorecards = no action)
Khabilov (scorecards = no action)
Event props
Exactly one fight ends in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly two fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly three fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly four fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly five fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly six fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly seven fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly eight fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly nine fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
No fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly one fight ends in submission
Any other result
Exactly two fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly three fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly four fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly five fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly six fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly seven fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly eight fights end in submission
Any other result
No fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly one fight goes the distance
Any other result
Exactly two fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly three fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly four fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly five fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly six fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly seven fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly eight fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly nine fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly ten fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly eleven fights go the distance
Any other result
Over 1½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 1½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 2½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 2½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 3½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 3½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 4½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 4½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 5½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 5½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 6½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 6½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 7½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 7½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 8½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 8½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 1½ fights end in submission
Under 1½ fights end in submission
Over 2½ fights end in submission
Under 2½ fights end in submission
Over 3½ fights end in submission
Under 3½ fights end in submission
Over 4½ fights end in submission
Under 4½ fights end in submission
Over 5½ fights end in submission
Under 5½ fights end in submission
Over 6½ fights end in submission
Under 6½ fights end in submission
Over 7½ fights end in submission
Under 7½ fights end in submission
Over 1½ fights go the distance
Under 1½ fights go the distance
Over 2½ fights go the distance
Under 2½ fights go the distance
Over 3½ fights go the distance
Under 3½ fights go the distance
Over 4½ fights go the distance
Under 4½ fights go the distance
Over 5½ fights go the distance
Under 5½ fights go the distance
Over 6½ fights go the distance
Under 6½ fights go the distance
Over 7½ fights go the distance
Under 7½ fights go the distance
Over 8½ fights go the distance
Under 8½ fights go the distance
Over 9½ fights go the distance
Under 9½ fights go the distance
Over 10½ fights go the distance
Under 10½ fights go the distance
Jan Blachowicz+100 36
Thiago Santos-125 36
Over 1½ rounds-125
Under 1½ rounds+100
Fight goes to decision+333
Fight doesn't go to decision-500
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Blachowicz wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Santos wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Blachowicz wins by submission
Any other result
Santos wins by submission
Any other result
Blachowicz wins inside distance+125
Not Blachowicz inside distancen/a
Santos wins inside distance+130
Not Santos inside distancen/a
Blachowicz wins by decision+650
Not Blachowicz by decisionn/a
Santos wins by decision+700
Not Santos by decisionn/a
Blachowicz wins in round 1+400
Any other resultn/a
Santos wins in round 1+350
Any other resultn/a
Blachowicz wins in round 2+550
Any other resultn/a
Santos wins in round 2+550
Any other resultn/a
Blachowicz wins in round 3+1000
Any other resultn/a
Santos wins in round 3+1200
Any other resultn/a
Blachowicz wins in round 4+2000
Any other resultn/a
Santos wins in round 4+3300
Any other resultn/a
Blachowicz wins in round 5+3300
Any other resultn/a
Santos wins in round 5+3300
Any other resultn/a
Blachowicz wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Santos wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Blachowicz wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Santos wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1+160
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+250
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+500
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 4+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 5+4000
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Santos points handicap -5½
Blachowicz points handicap +5½
Blachowicz (scorecards = no action)
Santos (scorecards = no action)
Marcos Rogerio de Lima-111 21
Stefan Struve-111 21
Over 1½ rounds-143
Under 1½ rounds+120
Fight goes to decision+200
Fight doesn't go to decision-278
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Lima wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Struve wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Lima wins by submission
Any other result
Struve wins by submission
Any other result
Lima wins inside distance+200
Not Lima inside distancen/a
Struve wins inside distance+125
Not Struve inside distancen/a
Lima wins by decision+333
Not Lima by decisionn/a
Struve wins by decision+700
Not Struve by decisionn/a
Lima wins in round 1+350
Any other resultn/a
Struve wins in round 1+450
Any other resultn/a
Lima wins in round 2+550
Any other resultn/a
Struve wins in round 2+650
Any other resultn/a
Lima wins in round 3+1100
Any other resultn/a
Struve wins in round 3+1400
Any other resultn/a
Struve points handicap -3½
Lima points handicap +3½
Lima (scorecards = no action)
Struve (scorecards = no action)
Gian Villante+175 21
Michal Oleksiejczuk-213 21
Over 2½ rounds-175
Under 2½ rounds+150
Fight goes to decision-175
Fight doesn't go to decision+125
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Villante wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Oleksiejczuk wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Villante wins by submission
Any other result
Oleksiejczuk wins by submission
Any other result
Villante wins inside distance+550
Not Villante inside distancen/a
Oleksiejczuk wins inside distance+220
Not Oleksiejczuk inside distancen/a
Villante wins by decision+275
Not Villante by decisionn/a
Oleksiejczuk wins by decision+150
Not Oleksiejczuk by decisionn/a
Villante wins in round 1+1000
Any other resultn/a
Oleksiejczuk wins in round 1+550
Any other resultn/a
Villante wins in round 2+1400
Any other resultn/a
Oleksiejczuk wins in round 2+800
Any other resultn/a
Villante wins in round 3+2500
Any other resultn/a
Oleksiejczuk wins in round 3+1600
Any other resultn/a
Oleksiejczuk points handicap -3½
Villante points handicap +3½
Oleksiejczuk (scorecards = no action)
Villante (scorecards = no action)
Liz Carmouche-152 20
Lucie Pudilova+125 20
Over 2½ rounds-333
Under 2½ rounds+250
Fight goes to decision-333
Fight doesn't go to decision+240
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Carmouche wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Pudilova wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Carmouche wins by submission
Any other result
Pudilova wins by submission
Any other result
Carmouche wins inside distance+375
Not Carmouche inside distancen/a
Pudilova wins inside distance+700
Not Pudilova inside distancen/a
Carmouche wins by decision+130
Not Carmouche by decisionn/a
Pudilova wins by decision+170
Not Pudilova by decisionn/a
Carmouche wins in round 1+850
Any other resultn/a
Pudilova wins in round 1+1200
Any other resultn/a
Carmouche wins in round 2+1200
Any other resultn/a
Pudilova wins in round 2+1800
Any other resultn/a
Carmouche wins in round 3+2200
Any other resultn/a
Pudilova wins in round 3+3300
Any other resultn/a
Carmouche (scorecards = no action)
Pudilova (scorecards = no action)
John Dodson+250 21
Petr Yan-333 21
Over 2½ rounds-357
Under 2½ rounds+275
Fight goes to decision-303
Fight doesn't go to decision+225
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Dodson wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Yan wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Dodson wins by submission
Any other result
Yan wins by submission
Any other result
Dodson wins inside distance+700
Not Dodson inside distancen/a
Yan wins inside distance+350
Not Yan inside distancen/a
Dodson wins by decision+400
Not Dodson by decisionn/a
Yan wins by decision-152
Not Yan by decisionn/a
Dodson wins in round 1+1400
Any other resultn/a
Yan wins in round 1+850
Any other resultn/a
Dodson wins in round 2+2000
Any other resultn/a
Yan wins in round 2+1200
Any other resultn/a
Dodson wins in round 3+3300
Any other resultn/a
Yan wins in round 3+2200
Any other resultn/a
Yan points handicap -3½
Dodson points handicap +3½
Dodson (scorecards = no action)
Yan (scorecards = no action)
Klidson Farias de Abreu+180 9
Magomed Ankalaev-222 9
Ankalaev wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Ankalaev wins by submission
Any other result
Ankalaev wins inside distance-111
Not Ankalaev inside distancen/a
Ankalaev wins by decision+400
Not Ankalaev by decisionn/a
Ankalaev wins in round 1+240
Any other resultn/a
Ankalaev wins in round 2+375
Any other resultn/a
Ankalaev wins in round 3+850
Any other resultn/a
Ankalaev points handicap -3½
Abreu points handicap +3½
Ankalaev (scorecards = no action)
Abreu (scorecards = no action)
Gillian Robertson-172 21
Veronica Macedo+140 21
Over 2½ rounds+100
Under 2½ rounds-125
Fight goes to decision+125
Fight doesn't go to decision-175
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Robertson wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Macedo wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Robertson wins by submission
Any other result
Macedo wins by submission
Any other result
Robertson wins inside distance+130
Not Robertson inside distancen/a
Macedo wins inside distance+333
Not Macedo inside distancen/a
Robertson wins by decision+333
Not Robertson by decisionn/a
Macedo wins by decision+325
Not Macedo by decisionn/a
Robertson wins in round 1+350
Any other resultn/a
Macedo wins in round 1+600
Any other resultn/a
Robertson wins in round 2+550
Any other resultn/a
Macedo wins in round 2+850
Any other resultn/a
Robertson wins in round 3+1100
Any other resultn/a
Macedo wins in round 3+1800
Any other resultn/a
Robertson points handicap -3½
Macedo points handicap +3½
Macedo (scorecards = no action)
Robertson (scorecards = no action)
Carlo Pedersoli Jr.-161 21
Dwight Grant+130 21
Over 2½ rounds-189
Under 2½ rounds+162
Fight goes to decision-189
Fight doesn't go to decision+137
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Jr. wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Grant wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Jr. wins by submission
Any other result
Grant wins by submission
Any other result
Jr. wins inside distance+350
Not Jr. inside distancen/a
Grant wins inside distance+300
Not Grant inside distancen/a
Jr. wins by decision+137
Not Jr. by decisionn/a
Grant wins by decision+300
Not Grant by decisionn/a
Jr. wins in round 1+650
Any other resultn/a
Grant wins in round 1+650
Any other resultn/a
Jr. wins in round 2+1000
Any other resultn/a
Grant wins in round 2+1000
Any other resultn/a
Jr. wins in round 3+2000
Any other resultn/a
Grant wins in round 3+2000
Any other resultn/a
Jr. points handicap -3½
Grant points handicap +3½
Grant (scorecards = no action)
Jr. (scorecards = no action)
Damir Hadzovic-125 21
Marco Polo Reyes+100 21
Over 1½ rounds-164
Under 1½ rounds+137
Fight goes to decision+150
Fight doesn't go to decision-200
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Hadzovic wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Reyes wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Hadzovic wins by submission
Any other result
Reyes wins by submission
Any other result
Hadzovic wins inside distance+200
Not Hadzovic inside distancen/a
Reyes wins inside distance+170
Not Reyes inside distancen/a
Hadzovic wins by decision+275
Not Hadzovic by decisionn/a
Reyes wins by decision+475
Not Reyes by decisionn/a
Hadzovic wins in round 1+450
Any other resultn/a
Reyes wins in round 1+400
Any other resultn/a
Hadzovic wins in round 2+700
Any other resultn/a
Reyes wins in round 2+600
Any other resultn/a
Hadzovic wins in round 3+1400
Any other resultn/a
Reyes wins in round 3+1200
Any other resultn/a
Hadzovic points handicap -3½
Reyes points handicap +3½
Hadzovic (scorecards = no action)
Reyes (scorecards = no action)
Ismail Naurdiev+350 21
Michel Prazeres-455 21
Over 1½ rounds-152
Under 1½ rounds+125
Fight goes to decision+162
Fight doesn't go to decision-227
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Naurdiev wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Prazeres wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Naurdiev wins by submission
Any other result
Prazeres wins by submission
Any other result
Naurdiev wins inside distance+600
Not Naurdiev inside distancen/a
Prazeres wins inside distance-139
Not Prazeres inside distancen/a
Naurdiev wins by decision+650
Not Naurdiev by decisionn/a
Prazeres wins by decision+250
Not Prazeres by decisionn/a
Naurdiev wins in round 1+1100
Any other resultn/a
Prazeres wins in round 1+225
Any other resultn/a
Naurdiev wins in round 2+1600
Any other resultn/a
Prazeres wins in round 2+375
Any other resultn/a
Naurdiev wins in round 3+2800
Any other resultn/a
Prazeres wins in round 3+800
Any other resultn/a
Prazeres points handicap -3½
Naurdiev points handicap +3½
Naurdiev (scorecards = no action)
Prazeres (scorecards = no action)
Chris Fishgold-250 21
Daniel Teymur+200 21
Over 1½ rounds-152
Under 1½ rounds+125
Fight goes to decision+175
Fight doesn't go to decision-250
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Fishgold wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Teymur wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Fishgold wins by submission
Any other result
Teymur wins by submission
Any other result
Fishgold wins inside distance-133
Not Fishgold inside distancen/a
Teymur wins inside distance+450
Not Teymur inside distancen/a
Fishgold wins by decision+425
Not Fishgold by decisionn/a
Teymur wins by decision+400
Not Teymur by decisionn/a
Fishgold wins in round 1+240
Any other resultn/a
Teymur wins in round 1+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fishgold wins in round 2+375
Any other resultn/a
Teymur wins in round 2+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fishgold wins in round 3+850
Any other resultn/a
Teymur wins in round 3+2800
Any other resultn/a
Fishgold points handicap -3½
Teymur points handicap +3½
Fishgold (scorecards = no action)
Teymur (scorecards = no action)
Damir Ismagulov-333 21
Joel Alvarez+250 21
Over 2½ rounds+100
Under 2½ rounds-125
Fight goes to decision+120
Fight doesn't go to decision-164
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Ismagulov wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Alvarez wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Ismagulov wins by submission
Any other result
Alvarez wins by submission
Any other result
Ismagulov wins inside distance+125
Not Ismagulov inside distancen/a
Alvarez wins inside distance+375
Not Alvarez inside distancen/a
Ismagulov wins by decision+175
Not Ismagulov by decisionn/a
Alvarez wins by decision+700
Not Alvarez by decisionn/a
Ismagulov wins in round 1+500
Any other resultn/a
Alvarez wins in round 1+700
Any other resultn/a
Ismagulov wins in round 2+700
Any other resultn/a
Alvarez wins in round 2+1000
Any other resultn/a
Ismagulov wins in round 3+1600
Any other resultn/a
Alvarez wins in round 3+2000
Any other resultn/a
Ismagulov points handicap -3½
Alvarez points handicap +3½
Alvarez (scorecards = no action)
Ismagulov (scorecards = no action)
Diego Ferreira+110 20
Rustam Khabilov-139 20
Over 2½ rounds-227
Under 2½ rounds+187
Fight goes to decision-227
Fight doesn't go to decision+162
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw+6600
Fight is not a drawn/a
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Khabilov wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Ferreira wins by submission
Any other result
Khabilov wins by submission
Any other result
Ferreira wins inside distance+333
Not Ferreira inside distancen/a
Khabilov wins inside distance+400
Not Khabilov inside distancen/a
Ferreira wins by decision+220
Not Ferreira by decisionn/a
Khabilov wins by decision+150
Not Khabilov by decisionn/a
Ferreira wins in round 1+500
Any other resultn/a
Khabilov wins in round 1+1400
Any other resultn/a
Ferreira wins in round 2+750
Any other resultn/a
Khabilov wins in round 2+1800
Any other resultn/a
Ferreira wins in round 3+1600
Any other resultn/a
Khabilov wins in round 3+3300
Any other resultn/a
Ferreira (scorecards = no action)
Khabilov (scorecards = no action)
Event props 55 
Exactly one fight ends in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly two fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly three fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly four fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly five fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly six fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly seven fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly eight fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly nine fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
No fights end in KO/TKO
Any other result
Exactly one fight ends in submission
Any other result
Exactly two fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly three fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly four fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly five fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly six fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly seven fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly eight fights end in submission
Any other result
No fights end in submission
Any other result
Exactly one fight goes the distance
Any other result
Exactly two fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly three fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly four fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly five fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly six fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly seven fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly eight fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly nine fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly ten fights go the distance
Any other result
Exactly eleven fights go the distance
Any other result
Over 1½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 1½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 2½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 2½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 3½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 3½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 4½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 4½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 5½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 5½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 6½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 6½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 7½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 7½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 8½ fights end in KO/TKO
Under 8½ fights end in KO/TKO
Over 1½ fights end in submission
Under 1½ fights end in submission
Over 2½ fights end in submission
Under 2½ fights end in submission
Over 3½ fights end in submission
Under 3½ fights end in submission
Over 4½ fights end in submission
Under 4½ fights end in submission
Over 5½ fights end in submission
Under 5½ fights end in submission
Over 6½ fights end in submission
Under 6½ fights end in submission
Over 7½ fights end in submission
Under 7½ fights end in submission
Over 1½ fights go the distance
Under 1½ fights go the distance
Over 2½ fights go the distance
Under 2½ fights go the distance
Over 3½ fights go the distance
Under 3½ fights go the distance
Over 4½ fights go the distance
Under 4½ fights go the distance
Over 5½ fights go the distance
Under 5½ fights go the distance
Over 6½ fights go the distance
Under 6½ fights go the distance
Over 7½ fights go the distance
Under 7½ fights go the distance
Over 8½ fights go the distance
Under 8½ fights go the distance
Over 9½ fights go the distance
Under 9½ fights go the distance
Over 10½ fights go the distance
Under 10½ fights go the distance
Last change: 2180 days ago
Expected outcome
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