Fabricio Werdum |
Mark Hunt |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight starts round 4 |
Fight won't start round 4 |
Fight starts round 5 |
Fight won't start round 5 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Werdum wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Hunt wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Werdum wins by submission |
Any other result |
Hunt wins by submission |
Any other result |
Werdum wins inside distance |
Not Werdum inside distance |
Hunt wins inside distance |
Not Hunt inside distance |
Werdum wins by decision |
Not Werdum by decision |
Hunt wins by decision |
Not Hunt by decision |
Werdum wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Hunt wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Werdum wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Hunt wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Werdum wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Hunt wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Werdum wins in round 4 |
Any other result |
Hunt wins in round 4 |
Any other result |
Werdum wins in round 5 |
Any other result |
Hunt wins in round 5 |
Any other result |
Werdum wins by unanimous decision |
Any other result |
Hunt wins by unanimous decision |
Any other result |
Werdum wins by split/majority decision |
Any other result |
Hunt wins by split/majority decision |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Werdum points handicap -5½ |
Hunt points handicap +5½ |
Werdum has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Hunt has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Werdum has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Hunt has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Jake Ellenberger |
Kelvin Gastelum |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Ellenberger wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Ellenberger wins by submission |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins by submission |
Any other result |
Ellenberger wins inside distance |
Not Ellenberger inside distance |
Gastelum wins inside distance |
Not Gastelum inside distance |
Ellenberger wins by decision |
Not Ellenberger by decision |
Gastelum wins by decision |
Not Gastelum by decision |
Ellenberger wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Ellenberger wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Ellenberger wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Gastelum wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Gastelum points handicap -3½ |
Ellenberger points handicap +3½ |
Ellenberger has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Gastelum has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Ellenberger has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Gastelum has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Dennis Bermudez |
Ricardo Lamas |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Bermudez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Lamas wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Bermudez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Lamas wins by submission |
Any other result |
Bermudez wins inside distance |
Not Bermudez inside distance |
Lamas wins inside distance |
Not Lamas inside distance |
Bermudez wins by decision |
Not Bermudez by decision |
Lamas wins by decision |
Not Lamas by decision |
Bermudez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Lamas wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Bermudez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Lamas wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Bermudez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Lamas wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Bermudez points handicap -3½ |
Lamas points handicap +3½ |
Bermudez has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Lamas has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Bermudez has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Lamas has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Augusto Montano |
Chris Heatherly |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Montano wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Heatherly wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Montano wins by submission |
Any other result |
Heatherly wins by submission |
Any other result |
Montano wins inside distance |
Not Montano inside distance |
Heatherly wins inside distance |
Not Heatherly inside distance |
Montano wins by decision |
Not Montano by decision |
Heatherly wins by decision |
Not Heatherly by decision |
Montano wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Heatherly wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Montano wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Heatherly wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Montano wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Heatherly wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Montano points handicap -3½ |
Heatherly points handicap +3½ |
Montano has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Heatherly has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Montano has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Heatherly has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Edgar Garcia |
Hector Urbina |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Garcia wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Urbina wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Garcia wins by submission |
Any other result |
Urbina wins by submission |
Any other result |
Garcia wins inside distance |
Not Garcia inside distance |
Urbina wins inside distance |
Not Urbina inside distance |
Garcia wins by decision |
Not Garcia by decision |
Urbina wins by decision |
Not Urbina by decision |
Garcia wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Urbina wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Garcia wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Urbina wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Garcia wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Urbina wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Garcia points handicap -3½ |
Urbina points handicap +3½ |
Garcia has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Urbina has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Garcia has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Urbina has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Leonardo Morales |
Yair Rodriguez |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Morales wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Rodriguez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Morales wins by submission |
Any other result |
Rodriguez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Morales wins inside distance |
Not Morales inside distance |
Rodriguez wins inside distance |
Not Rodriguez inside distance |
Morales wins by decision |
Not Morales by decision |
Rodriguez wins by decision |
Not Rodriguez by decision |
Morales wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Rodriguez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Morales wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Rodriguez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Morales wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Rodriguez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Rodriguez points handicap -3½ |
Morales points handicap +3½ |
Morales has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Rodriguez has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Morales has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Rodriguez has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Alejandro Perez |
Jose Quinonez |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Perez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Quinonez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Perez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Quinonez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Perez wins inside distance |
Not Perez inside distance |
Quinonez wins inside distance |
Not Quinonez inside distance |
Perez wins by decision |
Not Perez by decision |
Quinonez wins by decision |
Not Quinonez by decision |
Perez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Quinonez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Perez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Quinonez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Perez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Quinonez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Quinonez points handicap -3½ |
Perez points handicap +3½ |
Perez has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Perez has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Quinonez has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Jessica Eye |
Leslie Smith |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Eye wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Smith wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Eye wins by submission |
Any other result |
Smith wins by submission |
Any other result |
Eye wins inside distance |
Not Eye inside distance |
Smith wins inside distance |
Not Smith inside distance |
Eye wins by decision |
Not Eye by decision |
Smith wins by decision |
Not Smith by decision |
Eye wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Smith wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Eye wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Smith wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Eye wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Smith wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Eye points handicap -3½ |
Smith points handicap +3½ |
Eye has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Smith has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Eye has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Smith has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Gabriel Benitez |
Humberto Brown |
Over 1½ rounds |
Under 1½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Benitez wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Brown wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Benitez wins by submission |
Any other result |
Brown wins by submission |
Any other result |
Benitez wins inside distance |
Not Benitez inside distance |
Brown wins inside distance |
Not Brown inside distance |
Benitez wins by decision |
Not Benitez by decision |
Brown wins by decision |
Not Brown by decision |
Benitez wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Brown wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Benitez wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Brown wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Benitez wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Brown wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Benitez points handicap -3½ |
Brown points handicap +3½ |
Benitez has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Brown has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Benitez has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Brown has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Guido Cannetti |
Henry Briones |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Cannetti wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Briones wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Cannetti wins by submission |
Any other result |
Briones wins by submission |
Any other result |
Cannetti wins inside distance |
Not Cannetti inside distance |
Briones wins inside distance |
Not Briones inside distance |
Cannetti wins by decision |
Not Cannetti by decision |
Briones wins by decision |
Not Briones by decision |
Cannetti wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Briones wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Cannetti wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Briones wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Cannetti wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Briones wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Briones points handicap -3½ |
Cannetti points handicap +3½ |
Cannetti has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Briones has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Cannetti has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Briones has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Marco Antonio Beltran |
Marlon Vera |
Over 2½ rounds |
Under 2½ rounds |
Fight goes to decision |
Fight doesn't go to decision |
Fight starts round 2 |
Fight won't start round 2 |
Fight starts round 3 |
Fight won't start round 3 |
Fight is a draw |
Fight is not a draw |
Beltran wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Vera wins by TKO/KO |
Any other result |
Beltran wins by submission |
Any other result |
Vera wins by submission |
Any other result |
Beltran wins inside distance |
Not Beltran inside distance |
Vera wins inside distance |
Not Vera inside distance |
Beltran wins by decision |
Not Beltran by decision |
Vera wins by decision |
Not Vera by decision |
Beltran wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Vera wins in round 1 |
Any other result |
Beltran wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Vera wins in round 2 |
Any other result |
Beltran wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Vera wins in round 3 |
Any other result |
Wins Fight of the Night |
Not awarded FOTN |
Vera points handicap -3½ |
Beltran points handicap +3½ |
Beltran has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Vera has fastest KO of the Night |
Any other result |
Beltran has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
Vera has fastest Submission of the Night |
Any other result |
DraftKings | BetMGM | Caesars | BetRivers | FanDuel | BetWay | Bet365 | Unibet | PointsBet | Props | |||
Fabricio Werdum | 35 | |||||||||||
Mark Hunt | 35 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 4 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 4 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 5 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 5 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Werdum inside distance | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Hunt inside distance | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Werdum by decision | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Hunt by decision | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins in round 4 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins in round 4 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins in round 5 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins in round 5 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins by unanimous decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins by unanimous decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Werdum wins by split/majority decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt wins by split/majority decision | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Werdum points handicap -5½ | ||||||||||||
Hunt points handicap +5½ | ||||||||||||
Werdum has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Werdum has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Hunt has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jake Ellenberger | 25 | |||||||||||
Kelvin Gastelum | 25 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Ellenberger inside distance | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Gastelum inside distance | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Ellenberger by decision | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Gastelum by decision | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Gastelum points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Ellenberger has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gastelum has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Dennis Bermudez | 25 | |||||||||||
Ricardo Lamas | 25 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Bermudez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lamas wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bermudez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lamas wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bermudez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Bermudez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Lamas wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Lamas inside distance | ||||||||||||
Bermudez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Bermudez by decision | ||||||||||||
Lamas wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Lamas by decision | ||||||||||||
Bermudez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lamas wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bermudez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lamas wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bermudez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lamas wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Bermudez points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Lamas points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Bermudez has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lamas has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Bermudez has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Lamas has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Augusto Montano | 25 | |||||||||||
Chris Heatherly | 25 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Montano wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Heatherly wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Montano wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Heatherly wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Montano wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Montano inside distance | ||||||||||||
Heatherly wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Heatherly inside distance | ||||||||||||
Montano wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Montano by decision | ||||||||||||
Heatherly wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Heatherly by decision | ||||||||||||
Montano wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Heatherly wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Montano wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Heatherly wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Montano wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Heatherly wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Montano points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Heatherly points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Montano has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Heatherly has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Montano has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Heatherly has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Edgar Garcia | 25 | |||||||||||
Hector Urbina | 25 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Garcia wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Urbina wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Garcia wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Urbina wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Garcia wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Garcia inside distance | ||||||||||||
Urbina wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Urbina inside distance | ||||||||||||
Garcia wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Garcia by decision | ||||||||||||
Urbina wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Urbina by decision | ||||||||||||
Garcia wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Urbina wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Garcia wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Urbina wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Garcia wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Urbina wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Garcia points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Urbina points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Garcia has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Urbina has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Garcia has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Urbina has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Leonardo Morales | 25 | |||||||||||
Yair Rodriguez | 25 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Morales wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Morales wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Morales wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Morales inside distance | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Rodriguez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Morales wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Morales by decision | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Rodriguez by decision | ||||||||||||
Morales wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Morales wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Morales wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Morales points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Morales has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Morales has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Rodriguez has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Alejandro Perez | 24 | |||||||||||
Jose Quinonez | 24 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Perez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Quinonez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Perez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Quinonez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Perez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Perez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Quinonez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Quinonez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Perez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Perez by decision | ||||||||||||
Quinonez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Quinonez by decision | ||||||||||||
Perez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Quinonez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Perez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Quinonez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Perez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Quinonez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Quinonez points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Perez points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Perez has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Perez has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Quinonez has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Jessica Eye | 25 | |||||||||||
Leslie Smith | 25 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Eye wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Eye wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Eye wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Eye inside distance | ||||||||||||
Smith wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Smith inside distance | ||||||||||||
Eye wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Eye by decision | ||||||||||||
Smith wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Smith by decision | ||||||||||||
Eye wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Eye wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Eye wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Eye points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Smith points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Eye has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Eye has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Smith has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Gabriel Benitez | 25 | |||||||||||
Humberto Brown | 25 | |||||||||||
Over 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 1½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Benitez wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brown wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Benitez wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brown wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Benitez wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Benitez inside distance | ||||||||||||
Brown wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Brown inside distance | ||||||||||||
Benitez wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Benitez by decision | ||||||||||||
Brown wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Brown by decision | ||||||||||||
Benitez wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brown wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Benitez wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brown wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Benitez wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brown wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Benitez points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Brown points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Benitez has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brown has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Benitez has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Brown has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Guido Cannetti | 25 | |||||||||||
Henry Briones | 25 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Cannetti wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Briones wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cannetti wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Briones wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cannetti wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Cannetti inside distance | ||||||||||||
Briones wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Briones inside distance | ||||||||||||
Cannetti wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Cannetti by decision | ||||||||||||
Briones wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Briones by decision | ||||||||||||
Cannetti wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Briones wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cannetti wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Briones wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cannetti wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Briones wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Briones points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Cannetti points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Cannetti has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Briones has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Cannetti has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Briones has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Marco Antonio Beltran | 25 | |||||||||||
Marlon Vera | 25 | |||||||||||
Over 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Under 2½ rounds | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 2 | ||||||||||||
Fight starts round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight won't start round 3 | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | ||||||||||||
Fight is not a draw | ||||||||||||
Beltran wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Vera wins by TKO/KO | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Beltran wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Vera wins by submission | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Beltran wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Beltran inside distance | ||||||||||||
Vera wins inside distance | ||||||||||||
Not Vera inside distance | ||||||||||||
Beltran wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Beltran by decision | ||||||||||||
Vera wins by decision | ||||||||||||
Not Vera by decision | ||||||||||||
Beltran wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Vera wins in round 1 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Beltran wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Vera wins in round 2 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Beltran wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Vera wins in round 3 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Wins Fight of the Night | ||||||||||||
Not awarded FOTN | ||||||||||||
Vera points handicap -3½ | ||||||||||||
Beltran points handicap +3½ | ||||||||||||
Beltran has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Vera has fastest KO of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Beltran has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result | ||||||||||||
Vera has fastest Submission of the Night | ||||||||||||
Any other result |