November 25th
Clay Collard
Olivier Aubin-Mercier
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Over 3½ rounds
Under 3½ rounds
Over 4½ rounds
Under 4½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Collard wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Collard wins by submission
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission
Any other result
Collard wins inside distance
Not Collard inside distance
Aubin-Mercier wins inside distance
Not Aubin-Mercier inside distance
Collard wins by decision
Not Collard by decision
Aubin-Mercier wins by decision
Not Aubin-Mercier by decision
Collard wins in round 1
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 1
Any other result
Collard wins in round 2
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 2
Any other result
Collard wins in round 3
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 3
Any other result
Collard wins in round 4
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 4
Any other result
Collard wins in round 5
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 5
Any other result
Collard wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Collard wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Collard wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Collard wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Collard wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Collard wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Collard wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Collard wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Collard wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Collard wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Aubin-Mercier wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Denis Goltsov
Renan Ferreira
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Over 3½ rounds
Under 3½ rounds
Over 4½ rounds
Under 4½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Goltsov wins by submission
Any other result
Ferreira wins by submission
Any other result
Goltsov wins inside distance
Not Goltsov inside distance
Ferreira wins inside distance
Not Ferreira inside distance
Goltsov wins by decision
Not Goltsov by decision
Ferreira wins by decision
Not Ferreira by decision
Goltsov wins in round 1
Any other result
Ferreira wins in round 1
Any other result
Goltsov wins in round 2
Any other result
Ferreira wins in round 2
Any other result
Goltsov wins in round 3
Any other result
Ferreira wins in round 3
Any other result
Goltsov wins in round 4
Any other result
Ferreira wins in round 4
Any other result
Goltsov wins in round 5
Any other result
Ferreira wins in round 5
Any other result
Goltsov wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Ferreira wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Goltsov wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Ferreira wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Goltsov wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Ferreira wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Goltsov wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Ferreira wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Goltsov wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Ferreira wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Goltsov wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Ferreira wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Goltsov wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Ferreira wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Goltsov wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Ferreira wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Goltsov wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Ferreira wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Goltsov wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Ferreira wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Larissa Pacheco
Marina Mokhnatkina
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Over 3½ rounds
Under 3½ rounds
Over 4½ rounds
Under 4½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Pacheco wins by submission
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by submission
Any other result
Pacheco wins inside distance
Not Pacheco inside distance
Mokhnatkina wins inside distance
Not Mokhnatkina inside distance
Pacheco wins by decision
Not Pacheco by decision
Mokhnatkina wins by decision
Not Mokhnatkina by decision
Pacheco wins in round 1
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins in round 1
Any other result
Pacheco wins in round 2
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins in round 2
Any other result
Pacheco wins in round 3
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins in round 3
Any other result
Pacheco wins in round 4
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins in round 4
Any other result
Pacheco wins in round 5
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins in round 5
Any other result
Pacheco wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Pacheco wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Pacheco wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Pacheco wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Pacheco wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Pacheco wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Pacheco wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Pacheco wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Pacheco wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Mokhnatkina wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Magomed Magomedkerimov
Sadibou Sy
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Over 3½ rounds
Under 3½ rounds
Over 4½ rounds
Under 4½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Sy wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by submission
Any other result
Sy wins by submission
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins inside distance
Not Magomedkerimov inside distance
Sy wins inside distance
Not Sy inside distance
Magomedkerimov wins by decision
Not Magomedkerimov by decision
Sy wins by decision
Not Sy by decision
Magomedkerimov wins in round 1
Any other result
Sy wins in round 1
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins in round 2
Any other result
Sy wins in round 2
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins in round 3
Any other result
Sy wins in round 3
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins in round 4
Any other result
Sy wins in round 4
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins in round 5
Any other result
Sy wins in round 5
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Sy wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Sy wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Sy wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Sy wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Sy wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Sy wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Sy wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Sy wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Sy wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Magomedkerimov wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Sy wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Impa Kasanganay
Joshua Silveira
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Over 3½ rounds
Under 3½ rounds
Over 4½ rounds
Under 4½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Silveira wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by submission
Any other result
Silveira wins by submission
Any other result
Kasanganay wins inside distance
Not Kasanganay inside distance
Silveira wins inside distance
Not Silveira inside distance
Kasanganay wins by decision
Not Kasanganay by decision
Silveira wins by decision
Not Silveira by decision
Kasanganay wins in round 1
Any other result
Silveira wins in round 1
Any other result
Kasanganay wins in round 2
Any other result
Silveira wins in round 2
Any other result
Kasanganay wins in round 3
Any other result
Silveira wins in round 3
Any other result
Kasanganay wins in round 4
Any other result
Silveira wins in round 4
Any other result
Kasanganay wins in round 5
Any other result
Silveira wins in round 5
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Silveira wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Silveira wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Silveira wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Silveira wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Silveira wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Silveira wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Silveira wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Kasanganay wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Silveira wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Kasanganay wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Silveira wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Kasanganay wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Silveira wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Aspen Ladd
Kayla Harrison
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Ladd wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Harrison wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission
Any other result
Harrison wins by submission
Any other result
Ladd wins inside distance
Not Ladd inside distance
Harrison wins inside distance
Not Harrison inside distance
Ladd wins by decision
Not Ladd by decision
Harrison wins by decision
Not Harrison by decision
Ladd wins in round 1
Any other result
Harrison wins in round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 2
Any other result
Harrison wins in round 2
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 3
Any other result
Harrison wins in round 3
Any other result
Ladd wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Harrison wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Ladd wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Harrison wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Harrison wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Harrison wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Harrison wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Harrison wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Harrison wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Harrison wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Harrison wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Ladd wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Harrison wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Derek Brunson
Ray Cooper III
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Brunson wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
III wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Brunson wins by submission
Any other result
III wins by submission
Any other result
Brunson wins inside distance
Not Brunson inside distance
III wins inside distance
Not III inside distance
Brunson wins by decision
Not Brunson by decision
III wins by decision
Not III by decision
Brunson wins in round 1
Any other result
III wins in round 1
Any other result
Brunson wins in round 2
Any other result
III wins in round 2
Any other result
Brunson wins in round 3
Any other result
III wins in round 3
Any other result
Brunson wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
III wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Brunson wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
III wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Brunson wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
III wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Brunson wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
III wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Brunson wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
III wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Brunson wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
III wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Brunson wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
III wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Brunson wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
III wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Brunson wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
III wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Brunson wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
III wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Gabriel Braga
Jesus Pinedo
Over 3½ rounds
Under 3½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Braga wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Braga wins by submission
Any other result
Pinedo wins by submission
Any other result
Braga wins inside distance
Not Braga inside distance
Pinedo wins inside distance
Not Pinedo inside distance
Braga wins by decision
Not Braga by decision
Pinedo wins by decision
Not Pinedo by decision
Braga wins in round 1
Any other result
Pinedo wins in round 1
Any other result
Braga wins in round 2
Any other result
Pinedo wins in round 2
Any other result
Braga wins in round 3
Any other result
Pinedo wins in round 3
Any other result
Braga wins in round 4
Any other result
Pinedo wins in round 4
Any other result
Braga wins in round 5
Any other result
Pinedo wins in round 5
Any other result
Braga wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Pinedo wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Braga wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Pinedo wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Braga wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Pinedo wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Braga wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Pinedo wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Braga wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Pinedo wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Braga wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Pinedo wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Braga wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Pinedo wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Pinedo wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Pinedo wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Khai Wu
Phil Caracappa
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Wu wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Caracappa wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Wu wins by submission
Any other result
Caracappa wins by submission
Any other result
Wu wins inside distance
Not Wu inside distance
Caracappa wins inside distance
Not Caracappa inside distance
Wu wins by decision
Not Wu by decision
Caracappa wins by decision
Not Caracappa by decision
Wu wins in round 1
Any other result
Caracappa wins in round 1
Any other result
Wu wins in round 2
Any other result
Caracappa wins in round 2
Any other result
Wu wins in round 3
Any other result
Caracappa wins in round 3
Any other result
Wu wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Caracappa wins by unanimous decision
Any other result
Wu wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Caracappa wins by split/majority decision
Any other result
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1
Any other result
Wu wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Caracappa wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Wu wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Caracappa wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Wu wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Caracappa wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Either fighter gets points deducted
Any other result
Clay Collard+230+240+220+210+198+210+210 92
Olivier Aubin-Mercier-315-300-270-275-260-275-275 92
Over 1½ rounds-500-450-500
Under 1½ rounds+320+300+320
Over 2½ rounds-250-250-250
Under 2½ rounds+185+180+185
Over 3½ rounds-155-150-155
Under 3½ rounds+118+115+118
Over 4½ rounds-108-110-108
Under 4½ rounds-121-120-121
Fight goes to decision-110+120-106-104+100-106
Fight doesn't go to decision-145-150-125-125-133-125
Fight starts round 2-650
Fight won't start round 2+390
Fight starts round 3-260
Fight won't start round 3+192
Fight starts round 4-168
Fight won't start round 4+130
Fight starts round 5-128
Fight won't start round 5-102
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+4500+5000+6600+4500
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Collard wins by TKO/KO+550+550+650+600+500+650
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO+400+400+500+440+400+500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Collard wins by submission+2000+2000+2400+2000+1600+2400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission+250+250+280+310+210+280
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Collard wins inside distance+500+450
Not Collard inside distance-900-800
Aubin-Mercier wins inside distance+150+120
Not Aubin-Mercier inside distance-200-163
Collard wins by decision+450+450+460+430+400+460
Not Collard by decisionn/an/an/an/a-649n/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by decision+165+150+185+180+175+185
Not Aubin-Mercier by decisionn/an/an/an/a-250n/a
Collard wins in round 1+1400+1500+1400+1700
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 1+525+550+500+550
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Collard wins in round 2+1800+2300+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 2+700+700+700+850
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Collard wins in round 3+2200+2900+2200+2400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 3+1000+1200+900+1100
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Collard wins in round 4+2500+3000+2500+2900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 4+1400+1800+1200+1500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Collard wins in round 5+3000+3400+2800+3500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 5+1800+2500+1400+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Collard wins by unanimous decision+550
Any other resultn/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by unanimous decision+200
Any other resultn/a
Collard wins by split/majority decision+1400
Any other resultn/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by split/majority decision+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+380+380+400+380
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+1700
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+550
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+575+500+600+575
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+2000
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+850
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+800+850+800+800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+2400
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1100
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 4+1050+1200+1000+1050
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 4+2900
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 4+1500
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 5+1300+1500+1200+1300
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 5+3500
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends in round 5+1800
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+2000
Any other resultn/a
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 1+2000+1900+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1500+1300+1500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Collard wins by submission in round 1-118+6000+6000+6000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 1-118+900+1000+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 2+2400+2800+2400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 2+2000+1700+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2900+3500+2900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2500+2700+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 4+3500+3700+3500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 4+3300+3800+3300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Collard wins by TKO/KO in round 5+4000+4200+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by TKO/KO in round 5+4000+5000+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Collard wins by submission in round 2-118+6600+9000+6600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 2-118+1300+1200+1300
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Collard wins by submission in round 3-118+7500+10000+7500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 3-118+1700+2100+1700
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Collard wins by submission in round 4-118+9000+11000+9000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 4-118+2200+3000+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Collard wins by submission in round 5-118+10000+11000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins by submission in round 5-118+2800+3900+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+215+220
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+240+260
Any other resultn/an/a
Collard wins in round 1 or 2+950+950
Any other resultn/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 1 or 2+300+300
Any other resultn/an/a
Collard wins in round 3 or 4+1400+1400
Any other resultn/an/a
Aubin-Mercier wins in round 3 or 4+600+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+205+205
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 3 or 4+425+425
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-141-141
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+410
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+155
Any other resultn/a
Collard wins in final round or by decision+410
Any other resultn/a
Aubin-Mercier wins in final round or by decision+155
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+750+750+750
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+950+1100+950
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1300+1600+1300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4+1800+2100+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5+2200+2600+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+700+850+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+950+1100+950
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+1200+1800+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 4+1800+2600+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 5+2200+3200+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Denis Goltsov-280-275-260-265-260-275-265 92
Renan Ferreira+210+225+210+205+196+210+205 92
Over 1½ rounds+148+130+148
Under 1½ rounds-200-175-200
Over 2½ rounds+290+275+290
Under 2½ rounds-435-400-435
Over 3½ rounds+475+500+475
Under 3½ rounds-770-901-770
Over 4½ rounds+650+650+650
Under 4½ rounds-1115-1408-1115
Fight goes to decision+700+800+750+800+700+750
Fight doesn't go to decision-1600-1400-1430-2000-1587-1430
Fight starts round 2-106
Fight won't start round 2-122
Fight starts round 3+250
Fight won't start round 3-360
Fight starts round 4+420
Fight won't start round 4-700
Fight starts round 5+620
Fight won't start round 5-1250
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+4500+5000+8000+4500
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO+120+125+148+125+150+148
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO+275+275+275+270+225+275
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by submission+180+175+225+280+210+225
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by submission+2000+2000+2400+1800+2500+2400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins inside distance-225-225
Not Goltsov inside distance+165+163
Ferreira wins inside distance+250+200
Not Ferreira inside distance-360-275
Goltsov wins by decision+1200+1200+1400+1300+700+1400
Not Goltsov by decisionn/an/an/an/a-1587n/a
Ferreira wins by decision+1800+1800+1900+1600+1400+1900
Not Ferreira by decisionn/an/an/an/a-10000n/a
Goltsov wins in round 1+110+130+175+118
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins in round 1+500+550+450+500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins in round 2+440+490+400+600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins in round 2+900+1000+800+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins in round 3+1100+1400+1000+1300
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins in round 3+2000+2100+2000+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins in round 4+2000+2500+1400+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins in round 4+3000+3400+2500+3400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins in round 5+3000+3700+2500+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins in round 5+4000+4800+3300+6000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by unanimous decision+1600
Any other resultn/a
Ferreira wins by unanimous decision+2200
Any other resultn/a
Goltsov wins by split/majority decision+3500
Any other resultn/a
Ferreira wins by split/majority decision+5000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1-157-135+110-157
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+118
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+500
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+380+300+275+380
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+600
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+850+800+800+850
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+1300
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 4+1500+1500+1000+1500
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 4+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 4+3400
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 5+2800+2000+1600+2800
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 5+4000
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends in round 5+6000
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+450
Any other result-750
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 1+275+260+275
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 1+575+650+575
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by submission in round 1-118+390+500+390
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by submission in round 1-118+4000+3800+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1100+800+1100
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1300+1200+1300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2000+2100+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2400+2400+2400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 4+3400+3600+3400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 4+3500+3800+3500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by TKO/KO in round 5+6000+5500+6000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by TKO/KO in round 5+6000+5500+6000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by submission in round 2-118+1400+1400+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by submission in round 2-118+6600+6500+6600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by submission in round 3-118+2500+3300+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by submission in round 3-118+10000+11000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by submission in round 4-118+4000+5500+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by submission in round 4-118+13000+18000+13000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Goltsov wins by submission in round 5-118+7000+9000+7000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Ferreira wins by submission in round 5-118+18000+24000+18000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO-200-220
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+165+230
Any other resultn/an/a
Goltsov wins in round 1 or 2-141-141
Any other resultn/an/a
Ferreira wins in round 1 or 2+325+325
Any other resultn/an/a
Goltsov wins in round 3 or 4+800+800
Any other resultn/an/a
Ferreira wins in round 3 or 4+1500+1500
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2-385-385
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 3 or 4+525+525
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+600+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+1600
Any other resultn/a
Goltsov wins in final round or by decision+1100
Any other resultn/a
Ferreira wins in final round or by decision+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+123+150+123
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+540+470+540
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1100+1100+1100
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4+1900+2100+1900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5+3400+3000+3400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+325+450+325
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1200+1200+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2200+2900+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 4+3500+4800+3500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 5+6000+7000+6000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Larissa Pacheco-1450-1600-1400-1115-1200-1205 90
Marina Mokhnatkina+850+900+800+700+660+700 90
Over 1½ rounds-155-150
Under 1½ rounds+117+115
Over 2½ rounds+128+130
Under 2½ rounds-167-175
Over 3½ rounds+188+215
Under 3½ rounds-265-300
Over 4½ rounds+240+275
Under 4½ rounds-360-400
Fight goes to decision+250+260+265+360+300
Fight doesn't go to decision-360-380-385-530-450
Fight starts round 2-225
Fight won't start round 2+172
Fight starts round 3+106
Fight won't start round 3-134
Fight starts round 4+182
Fight won't start round 4-240
Fight starts round 5+270
Fight won't start round 5-400
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+4500+5000+8000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO-165-175-139-160-150
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO+3000+3000+2200+3200+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Pacheco wins by submission+350+325+450+420+450
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by submission+1400+1400+1600+1500+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Pacheco wins inside distance-280-300
Not Pacheco inside distance+200+210
Mokhnatkina wins inside distance+1100+700
Not Mokhnatkina inside distance-10000-1587
Pacheco wins by decision+350+325+335+500+350
Not Pacheco by decisionn/an/an/an/a-549
Mokhnatkina wins by decision+1200+1200+1900+1300+900
Not Mokhnatkina by decisionn/an/an/an/a-3333
Pacheco wins in round 1+150+175+240
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins in round 1+2800+3100+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pacheco wins in round 2+380+380+450
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins in round 2+3500+4000+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pacheco wins in round 3+650+650+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins in round 3+5000+6500+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pacheco wins in round 4+950+1000+900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins in round 4+5500+6500+3300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pacheco wins in round 5+1500+1800+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins in round 5+6600+8000+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pacheco wins by unanimous decision+400
Any other resultn/a
Mokhnatkina wins by unanimous decision+1400
Any other resultn/a
Pacheco wins by split/majority decision+1200
Any other resultn/a
Mokhnatkina wins by split/majority decision+3000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+175+160+220
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+205
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+2500
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+325+340+400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+370
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+3000
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+650+600+600
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+700
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+4500
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 4+1100+900+800
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 4+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 4+6000
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 5+1800+1500+1000
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 5+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends in round 5+7000
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+900
Any other result-3500
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 1+290+250
Any other resultn/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 1+5000+9000
Any other resultn/an/a
Pacheco wins by submission in round 1-118+1100+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 1-118+3500+4300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 2+500+500
Any other resultn/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 2+6000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 3+950+800
Any other resultn/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 3+8000+16000
Any other resultn/an/a
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 4+1600+1300
Any other resultn/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 4+10000+16000
Any other resultn/an/a
Pacheco wins by TKO/KO in round 5+2500+2300
Any other resultn/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by TKO/KO in round 5+12000+17000
Any other resultn/an/a
Pacheco wins by submission in round 2-118+1700+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 2-118+4500+5500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pacheco wins by submission in round 3-118+2800+2700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 3-118+6600+9500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pacheco wins by submission in round 4-118+4000+3800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 4-118+8000+9500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pacheco wins by submission in round 5-118+6600+6500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mokhnatkina wins by submission in round 5-118+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO-175-175
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+300+330
Any other resultn/an/a
Pacheco wins in round 1 or 2-114
Any other resultn/a
Mokhnatkina wins in round 1 or 2+1500
Any other resultn/a
Pacheco wins in round 3 or 4+430
Any other resultn/a
Mokhnatkina wins in round 3 or 4+3000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2-136
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3 or 4+380
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+210
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+275
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+1700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+230+240
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+430+500
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+800+800
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4+1400+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5+2200+2100
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+750+850
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1200+1400
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2000+2300
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 4+3000+3000
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 5+4500+4500
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Magomed Magomedkerimov-238-225-235-220-196-200-220 92
Sadibou Sy+195+190+195+175+152+163+175 92
Over 1½ rounds-625-649-625
Under 1½ rounds+400+400+400
Over 2½ rounds-345-333-345
Under 2½ rounds+235+220+235
Over 3½ rounds-250-250-250
Under 3½ rounds+180+180+180
Over 4½ rounds-180-188-180
Under 4½ rounds+135+140+135
Fight goes to decision-150-160-167-162-163-167
Fight doesn't go to decision+110+125+128+128+120+128
Fight starts round 2-850
Fight won't start round 2+520
Fight starts round 3-360
Fight won't start round 3+260
Fight starts round 4-260
Fight won't start round 4+192
Fight starts round 5-192
Fight won't start round 5+150
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+4500+5000+5000+4500
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO+425+350+430+460+350+430
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Sy wins by TKO/KO+500+500+750+550+450+750
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by submission+500+450+600+600+600+600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Sy wins by submission+2500+2500+2400+2600+1800+2400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins inside distance+215+200
Not Magomedkerimov inside distance-300-275
Sy wins inside distance+450+400
Not Sy inside distance-750-649
Magomedkerimov wins by decision+150+150+143+160+150+143
Not Magomedkerimov by decisionn/an/an/an/a-200n/a
Sy wins by decision+300+300+320+280+240+320
Not Sy by decisionn/an/an/an/a-350n/a
Magomedkerimov wins in round 1+700+800+800+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins in round 1+1500+1600+1400+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins in round 2+950+1000+1000+1150
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins in round 2+1800+2100+1800+2400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins in round 3+1400+1900+1200+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins in round 3+2400+2900+2000+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins in round 4+1800+2300+1600+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins in round 4+2800+3100+2200+3000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins in round 5+2400+2900+2000+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins in round 5+3300+3700+2500+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by unanimous decision+200
Any other resultn/a
Sy wins by unanimous decision+350
Any other resultn/a
Magomedkerimov wins by split/majority decision+800
Any other resultn/a
Sy wins by split/majority decision+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+510+500+450+510
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+800
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+1800
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+750+650+650+750
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+1150
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+2400
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1000+1200+900+1000
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+1400
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+2800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 4+1200+1400+1200+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 4+1800
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 4+3000
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 5+1500+1800+1400+1500
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/an/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 5+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends in round 5+4000
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+2500
Any other resultn/a
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1400+1400+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 1+2200+1900+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 1-118+1800+1800+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins by submission in round 1-118+6000+8000+6000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1900+1700+1900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 2+2900+2500+2900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2200+3100+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 3+3300+3300+3300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 4+2800+3600+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 4+3500+3600+3500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by TKO/KO in round 5+3300+4600+3300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Sy wins by TKO/KO in round 5+4500+4300+4500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 2-118+2500+2300+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins by submission in round 2-118+7000+10000+7000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 3-118+3000+4000+3000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins by submission in round 3-118+8000+12000+8000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 4-118+3500+4700+3500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins by submission in round 4-118+9000+13000+9000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins by submission in round 5-118+4500+6000+4500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Sy wins by submission in round 5-118+10000+16000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+180+220
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+450+550
Any other resultn/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins in round 1 or 2+450+450
Any other resultn/an/a
Sy wins in round 1 or 2+1100+1100
Any other resultn/an/a
Magomedkerimov wins in round 3 or 4+800+800
Any other resultn/an/a
Sy wins in round 3 or 4+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+300+300
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 3 or 4+540+540
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision-230-230
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+125
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+290
Any other resultn/a
Magomedkerimov wins in final round or by decision+125
Any other resultn/a
Sy wins in final round or by decision+290
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+700+800+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+1000+1000+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1150+1800+1150
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4+1400+2000+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5+2000+2500+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1200+1600+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1500+1900+1500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+1800+3300+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 4+2800+3800+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 5+3300+4800+3300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Impa Kasanganay-205-200-210-210-200-225-210 92
Joshua Silveira+170+160+175+165+154+175+165 92
Over 1½ rounds-245-250-245
Under 1½ rounds+175+180+175
Over 2½ rounds-122-120-122
Under 2½ rounds-107-110-107
Over 3½ rounds+123+125+123
Under 3½ rounds-165-163-165
Over 4½ rounds+163+165+163
Under 4½ rounds-225-225-225
Fight goes to decision+225+200+180+280+180+180
Fight doesn't go to decision-330-270-250-390-250-250
Fight starts round 2-280
Fight won't start round 2+205
Fight starts round 3-116
Fight won't start round 3-112
Fight starts round 4+142
Fight won't start round 4-186
Fight starts round 5+205
Fight won't start round 5-280
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+4500+5000+8000+4500
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO+120+125+150+135+163+150
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins by TKO/KO+600+600+750+550+600+750
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by submission+900+900+900+1200+1000+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins by submission+350+350+500+380+350+500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins inside distance+100+110
Not Kasanganay inside distance-135-150
Silveira wins inside distance+240+225
Not Silveira inside distance-360-333
Kasanganay wins by decision+330+325+330+390+300+330
Not Kasanganay by decisionn/an/an/an/a-450n/a
Silveira wins by decision+1000+1000+650+950+450+650
Not Silveira by decisionn/an/an/an/a-800n/a
Kasanganay wins in round 1+420+430+600+450
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins in round 1+625+500+600+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins in round 2+600+600+800+600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins in round 2+900+1100+900+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins in round 3+900+1000+1000+950
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins in round 3+1400+1600+1400+1700
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins in round 4+1300+1500+1200+1500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins in round 4+1800+2300+2000+2400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins in round 5+1800+2200+1600+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins in round 5+2500+3100+2800+3300
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by unanimous decision+380
Any other resultn/a
Silveira wins by unanimous decision+1200
Any other resultn/a
Kasanganay wins by split/majority decision+1100
Any other resultn/a
Silveira wins by split/majority decision+2800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+255+190+255
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+450
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+900
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+390+360+390
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+600
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+600+600+600
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+950
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1700
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 4+950+950+950
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 4+1500
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 4+2400
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 5+1500+1400+1500
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 5+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends in round 5+3300
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1200
Any other resultn/a
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 1+575+500+575
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 1+2000+1300+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 1-118+2200+3200+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins by submission in round 1-118+1400+950+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 2+750+700+750
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 2+2500+2700+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1150+1200+1150
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 3+3500+3500+3500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 4+1800+1700+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 4+5000+4900+5000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by TKO/KO in round 5+2800+2500+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Silveira wins by TKO/KO in round 5+6000+6500+6000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 2-118+2900+4200+2900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins by submission in round 2-118+1900+1900+1900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 3-118+4000+7000+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins by submission in round 3-118+2800+2600+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 4-118+5500+9500+5500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins by submission in round 4-118+3500+3500+3500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Kasanganay wins by submission in round 5-118+7500+11000+7500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Silveira wins by submission in round 5-118+5000+4900+5000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO-125-130
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+250+280
Any other resultn/an/a
Kasanganay wins in round 1 or 2+225+225
Any other resultn/an/a
Silveira wins in round 1 or 2+480+480
Any other resultn/an/a
Kasanganay wins in round 3 or 4+575+575
Any other resultn/an/a
Silveira wins in round 3 or 4+1050+1050
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1 or 2+116+116
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 3 or 4+350+350
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+140+140
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+275
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+540
Any other resultn/a
Kasanganay wins in final round or by decision+275
Any other resultn/a
Silveira wins in final round or by decision+540
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+375+330+375
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+510+550+510
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+750+950+750
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4+1300+1300+1300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5+2000+1900+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+750+700+750
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1150+1400+1150
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+1700+2000+1700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 4+2400+2800+2400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in submission in round 5+3300+3800+3300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Aspen Ladd+550+550+500+575+490+500 59
Kayla Harrison-800-800-700-1000-800-800 59
Over 1½ rounds-220
Under 1½ rounds+155
Over 2½ rounds-109-138
Under 2½ rounds-122+105
Fight goes to decision+110-110+120-122-105
Fight doesn't go to decision-150-120-165-102-125
Fight starts round 2-400
Fight won't start round 2+290
Fight starts round 3-174
Fight won't start round 3+136
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+4500+5000+8000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins by TKO/KO+1600+1600+1900+1600+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Harrison wins by TKO/KO+250+250+245+340+275
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins by submission+1800+1800+1700+1800+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Harrison wins by submission+225+225+220+340+200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Ladd wins inside distance+1000+900
Not Ladd inside distance-5000-3333
Harrison wins inside distance-115-120
Not Harrison inside distance-115-110
Ladd wins by decision+1100+1100+1300+950+1200
Not Ladd by decisionn/an/an/an/a-10000
Harrison wins by decision+130+125+138+105+130
Not Harrison by decisionn/an/an/an/a-175
Ladd wins in round 1+1800+2200+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Harrison wins in round 1+250+330+225
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins in round 2+2500+2800+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Harrison wins in round 2+440+550+400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins in round 3+3300+3700+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Harrison wins in round 3+850+1200+600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Ladd wins by unanimous decision+1400
Any other resultn/a
Harrison wins by unanimous decision+165
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins by split/majority decision+2800
Any other resultn/a
Harrison wins by split/majority decision+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+270
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+1900
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+250
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+450
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+2500
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+410
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+950
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+3500
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+650
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1200
Any other result-10000
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 1+3800
Any other resultn/a
Harrison wins by TKO/KO in round 1+750
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 1-118+4200
Any other resultn/an/a
Harrison wins by submission in round 1-118+750
Any other resultn/an/a
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 2+4600
Any other resultn/a
Harrison wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1100
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins by TKO/KO in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Harrison wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2400
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 2-118+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Harrison wins by submission in round 2-118+1100
Any other resultn/an/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 3-118+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Harrison wins by submission in round 3-118+2400
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+215+270
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+200+280
Any other resultn/an/a
Ladd wins in round 1 or 2+1300
Any other resultn/a
Harrison wins in round 1 or 2+165
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins in final round or by decision+850
Any other resultn/a
Harrison wins in final round or by decision-135
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+950
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+650
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+950
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+1900
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Derek Brunson-130-145-135-113-118-120 59
Ray Cooper III+110+120+115-110-108-105 59
Over 1½ rounds-148-138
Under 1½ rounds+110+105
Over 2½ rounds+155+150
Under 2½ rounds-215-200
Fight goes to decision+215+200+215+200+165
Fight doesn't go to decision-300-270-315-265-225
Fight starts round 2-240
Fight won't start round 2+184
Fight starts round 3+112
Fight won't start round 3-140
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+4500+5000+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Brunson wins by TKO/KO+350+325+375+380+350
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
III wins by TKO/KO+130+150+165+145+140
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Brunson wins by submission+450+475+540+550+700
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
III wins by submission+1000+1000+1150+1200+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Brunson wins inside distance+215+200
Not Brunson inside distance-300-275
III wins inside distance+120+110
Not III inside distance-165-150
Brunson wins by decision+330+325+380+350+400
Not Brunson by decisionn/an/an/an/a-649
III wins by decision+900+900+800+950+400
Not III by decisionn/an/an/an/a-649
Brunson wins in round 1+480+600+500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
III wins in round 1+275+340+300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Brunson wins in round 2+750+900+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
III wins in round 2+480+500+550
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Brunson wins in round 3+1100+1600+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
III wins in round 3+850+900+900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Brunson wins by unanimous decision+380
Any other resultn/a
III wins by unanimous decision+1100
Any other resultn/a
Brunson wins by split/majority decision+1200
Any other resultn/a
III wins by split/majority decision+2800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+175
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+525
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+375
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+290
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+750
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+550
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+550
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+950
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+950
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+900
Any other result-3500
Brunson wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1000
Any other resultn/a
III wins by TKO/KO in round 1+400
Any other resultn/a
Brunson wins by submission in round 1-118+1500
Any other resultn/an/a
III wins by submission in round 1-118+2800
Any other resultn/an/a
Brunson wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1500
Any other resultn/a
III wins by TKO/KO in round 2+600
Any other resultn/a
Brunson wins by TKO/KO in round 3+2600
Any other resultn/a
III wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1000
Any other resultn/a
Brunson wins by submission in round 2-118+2200
Any other resultn/an/a
III wins by submission in round 2-118+3600
Any other resultn/an/a
Brunson wins by submission in round 3-118+3500
Any other resultn/an/a
III wins by submission in round 3-118+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO-150-155
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by submission+320+400
Any other resultn/an/a
Brunson wins in round 1 or 2+320
Any other resultn/a
III wins in round 1 or 2+160
Any other resultn/a
Brunson wins in final round or by decision+210
Any other resultn/a
III wins in final round or by decision+470
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+250
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+410
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+750
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2400
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Gabriel Braga-120-105-105-110-118-110 52
Jesus Pinedo+100-115-115-112-108-110 52
Over 3½ rounds-138
Under 3½ rounds+105
Fight goes to decision+100+100+100
Fight doesn't go to decision-135-130-133
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6500+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/a
Braga wins by TKO/KO+300+300+240
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO+240+225+230+240
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Braga wins by submission+1200+1200+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Pinedo wins by submission+1000+1000+950+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Braga wins inside distance+250+180
Not Braga inside distance-360-250
Pinedo wins inside distance+200+180
Not Pinedo inside distance-280-250
Braga wins by decision+250+250+240
Not Braga by decisionn/an/a-350
Pinedo wins by decision+300+300+480+400
Not Pinedo by decisionn/an/an/a-649
Braga wins in round 1+750+700
Any other resultn/an/a
Pinedo wins in round 1+650+700
Any other resultn/an/a
Braga wins in round 2+1100+900
Any other resultn/an/a
Pinedo wins in round 2+850+900
Any other resultn/an/a
Braga wins in round 3+1400+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Pinedo wins in round 3+1100+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Braga wins in round 4+2000+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Pinedo wins in round 4+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Braga wins in round 5+2400+2000
Any other resultn/an/a
Pinedo wins in round 5+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/a
Braga wins by unanimous decision+300
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by unanimous decision+350
Any other resultn/a
Braga wins by split/majority decision+900
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by split/majority decision+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+600
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+900
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+1200
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 4+1500
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 5+2000
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+2000
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 1+800
Any other resultn/a
Braga wins by submission in round 1+1500
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by submission in round 1+1400+2500
Any other resultn/an/a
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 2+1150
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1500
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 4+1900
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by TKO/KO in round 5+2400
Any other resultn/a
Braga wins by submission in round 2+2200
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by submission in round 2+1800+3400
Any other resultn/an/a
Braga wins by submission in round 3+2800
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by submission in round 3+2200+4500
Any other resultn/an/a
Braga wins by submission in round 4+4000
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by submission in round 4+3300+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Braga wins by submission in round 5+5000
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins by submission in round 5+4000+6000
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+110
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by submission+550
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins in round 1 or 2+330
Any other resultn/a
Pinedo wins in round 3 or 4+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+375
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Khai Wu+240+270+250+188+205+230 31
Phil Caracappa-330-350-320-275-280-300 31
Over 2½ rounds-175
Under 2½ rounds+130
Fight goes to decision-135-135-150
Fight doesn't go to decision+100+105+110
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+5000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/a
Wu wins by TKO/KO+1100+1100+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Caracappa wins by TKO/KO+550+550+600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Wu wins by submission+550+550+550
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Caracappa wins by submission+300+300+275
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Wu wins inside distance+400+350
Not Wu inside distance-650-549
Caracappa wins inside distance+200+225
Not Caracappa inside distance-280-333
Wu wins by decision+650+650+600
Not Wu by decisionn/an/a-1408
Caracappa wins by decision+110+100-105
Not Caracappa by decisionn/an/a-125
Wu wins in round 1-100000+900
Any other resultn/an/a
Caracappa wins in round 1-100000+500
Any other resultn/an/a
Wu wins in round 2-100000+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Caracappa wins in round 2-100000+900
Any other resultn/an/a
Wu wins in round 3-100000+1400
Any other resultn/an/a
Caracappa wins in round 3-100000+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Wu wins by unanimous decision+800
Any other resultn/a
Caracappa wins by unanimous decision+130
Any other resultn/a
Wu wins by split/majority decision+2200
Any other resultn/a
Caracappa wins by split/majority decision+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends within 0:01-1:00 of round 1+1600
Any other resultn/a
Wu wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Caracappa wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Wu wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Caracappa wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Wu wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Caracappa wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+380
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by submission+185
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter gets points deducted+2000
Any other resultn/a
Last change: 318 days ago
Expected outcome
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