Magomed Magomedov
Patchy Mix
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Over 3½ rounds
Under 3½ rounds
Over 4½ rounds
Under 4½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight starts round 4
Fight won't start round 4
Fight starts round 5
Fight won't start round 5
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Mix wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Magomedov wins by submission
Any other result
Mix wins by submission
Any other result
Magomedov wins inside distance
Not Magomedov inside distance
Mix wins inside distance
Not Mix inside distance
Magomedov wins by decision
Not Magomedov by decision
Mix wins by decision
Not Mix by decision
Magomedov wins in round 1
Any other result
Mix wins in round 1
Any other result
Magomedov wins in round 2
Any other result
Mix wins in round 2
Any other result
Magomedov wins in round 3
Any other result
Mix wins in round 3
Any other result
Magomedov wins in round 4
Any other result
Mix wins in round 4
Any other result
Magomedov wins in round 5
Any other result
Mix wins in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 4
Fight doesn't end in round 4
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Fight ends in round 5
Fight doesn't end in round 5
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Magomedov wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Mix wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 4
Any other result
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 5
Any other result
Magomedov wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Mix wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Magomedov wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Mix wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Magomedov wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Mix wins by submission in round 4
Any other result
Magomedov wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Mix wins by submission in round 5
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Magomedov wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Magomedov wins in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 5
Any other result
Cedric Doumbe
Jaleel Willis
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Doumbe wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Willis wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Doumbe wins by submission
Any other result
Willis wins by submission
Any other result
Doumbe wins inside distance
Not Doumbe inside distance
Willis wins inside distance
Not Willis inside distance
Doumbe wins by decision
Not Doumbe by decision
Willis wins by decision
Not Willis by decision
Doumbe wins in round 1
Any other result
Willis wins in round 1
Any other result
Doumbe wins in round 2
Any other result
Willis wins in round 2
Any other result
Doumbe wins in round 3
Any other result
Willis wins in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Doumbe wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Willis wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Doumbe wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Willis wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Doumbe wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Willis wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Doumbe wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Willis wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Doumbe wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Willis wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Doumbe wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Willis wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Doumbe wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Willis wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Doumbe wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Willis wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Costello van Steenis
Gregory Babene
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Steenis wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Babene wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Steenis wins by submission
Any other result
Babene wins by submission
Any other result
Steenis wins inside distance
Not Steenis inside distance
Babene wins inside distance
Not Babene inside distance
Steenis wins by decision
Not Steenis by decision
Babene wins by decision
Not Babene by decision
Steenis wins in round 1
Any other result
Babene wins in round 1
Any other result
Steenis wins in round 2
Any other result
Babene wins in round 2
Any other result
Steenis wins in round 3
Any other result
Babene wins in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Steenis wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Babene wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Steenis wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Babene wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Steenis wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Babene wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Steenis wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Babene wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Steenis wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Babene wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Steenis wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Babene wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Steenis wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Babene wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Steenis wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Babene wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Jonas Bilharinho
Yves Landu
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Bilharinho wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Landu wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Bilharinho wins by submission
Any other result
Landu wins by submission
Any other result
Bilharinho wins inside distance
Not Bilharinho inside distance
Landu wins inside distance
Not Landu inside distance
Bilharinho wins by decision
Not Bilharinho by decision
Landu wins by decision
Not Landu by decision
Bilharinho wins in round 1
Any other result
Landu wins in round 1
Any other result
Bilharinho wins in round 2
Any other result
Landu wins in round 2
Any other result
Bilharinho wins in round 3
Any other result
Landu wins in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Bilharinho wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Landu wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Bilharinho wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Landu wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Bilharinho wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Landu wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Bilharinho wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Landu wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Bilharinho wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Landu wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Bilharinho wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Landu wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Bilharinho wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Landu wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Bilharinho wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Landu wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Archie Colgan
Thibault Gouti
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight starts round 2
Fight won't start round 2
Fight starts round 3
Fight won't start round 3
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Colgan wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Gouti wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Colgan wins by submission
Any other result
Gouti wins by submission
Any other result
Colgan wins inside distance
Not Colgan inside distance
Gouti wins inside distance
Not Gouti inside distance
Colgan wins by decision
Not Colgan by decision
Gouti wins by decision
Not Gouti by decision
Colgan wins in round 1
Any other result
Gouti wins in round 1
Any other result
Colgan wins in round 2
Any other result
Gouti wins in round 2
Any other result
Colgan wins in round 3
Any other result
Gouti wins in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 1
Fight doesn't end in round 1
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 2
Fight doesn't end in round 2
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Fight ends in round 3
Fight doesn't end in round 3
Colgan wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Gouti wins by TKO/KO in round 1
Any other result
Colgan wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Gouti wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Colgan wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Gouti wins by TKO/KO in round 2
Any other result
Colgan wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Gouti wins by TKO/KO in round 3
Any other result
Colgan wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Gouti wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Colgan wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Gouti wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Either fighter wins by submission
Any other result
Colgan wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Gouti wins in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Colgan wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Gouti wins in final round or by decision
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in submission in round 3
Any other result
Imamshafi Aliev
Mike Shipman
Louie Sutherland
Slim Trabelsi
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Sutherland wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Trabelsi wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Sutherland wins by submission
Any other result
Trabelsi wins by submission
Any other result
Sutherland wins by decision
Not Sutherland by decision
Trabelsi wins by decision
Not Trabelsi by decision
Sutherland wins in round 1
Any other result
Trabelsi wins in round 1
Any other result
Sutherland wins in round 2
Any other result
Trabelsi wins in round 2
Any other result
Sutherland wins in round 3
Any other result
Trabelsi wins in round 3
Any other result
Sutherland wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Trabelsi wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Sutherland wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Trabelsi wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Sutherland wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Trabelsi wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Mansour Barnaoui
Yusuke Yachi
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Barnaoui wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Yachi wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Barnaoui wins by submission
Any other result
Yachi wins by submission
Any other result
Barnaoui wins by decision
Not Barnaoui by decision
Yachi wins by decision
Not Yachi by decision
Barnaoui wins in round 1
Any other result
Yachi wins in round 1
Any other result
Barnaoui wins in round 2
Any other result
Yachi wins in round 2
Any other result
Barnaoui wins in round 3
Any other result
Yachi wins in round 3
Any other result
Barnaoui wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Yachi wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Barnaoui wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Yachi wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Barnaoui wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Yachi wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Mike Shipman
Steven Hill
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Shipman wins in round 1
Any other result
Hill wins in round 1
Any other result
Shipman wins in round 2
Any other result
Hill wins in round 2
Any other result
Shipman wins in round 3
Any other result
Hill wins in round 3
Any other result
Shipman wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Hill wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Shipman wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Hill wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Shipman wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Hill wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Aspen Ladd
Ekaterina Shakalova
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Ladd wins in round 1
Any other result
Shakalova wins in round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 2
Any other result
Shakalova wins in round 2
Any other result
Ladd wins in round 3
Any other result
Shakalova wins in round 3
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Shakalova wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Shakalova wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Ladd wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Shakalova wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Asael Adjoudj
Bruno Fontes
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Fight is a draw
Fight is not a draw
Adjoudj wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Fontes wins by TKO/KO
Any other result
Adjoudj wins by submission
Any other result
Fontes wins by submission
Any other result
Adjoudj wins by decision
Not Adjoudj by decision
Fontes wins by decision
Not Fontes by decision
Adjoudj wins in round 1
Any other result
Fontes wins in round 1
Any other result
Adjoudj wins in round 2
Any other result
Fontes wins in round 2
Any other result
Adjoudj wins in round 3
Any other result
Fontes wins in round 3
Any other result
Adjoudj wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Fontes wins by submission in round 1
Any other result
Adjoudj wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Fontes wins by submission in round 2
Any other result
Adjoudj wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Fontes wins by submission in round 3
Any other result
Magomed Magomedov+310+310+300+400+330+300 73
Patchy Mix-395-400-450-625-460-400 73
Over 1½ rounds-350
Under 1½ rounds+240
Over 2½ rounds-166-175
Under 2½ rounds+136+130
Over 3½ rounds-120
Under 3½ rounds-110
Over 4½ rounds+130
Under 4½ rounds-175
Fight goes to decision+150+172+150
Fight doesn't go to decision-200-230-200
Fight starts round 2-430
Fight won't start round 2+290
Fight starts round 3-196
Fight won't start round 3+150
Fight starts round 4-118
Fight won't start round 4-110
Fight starts round 5+124
Fight won't start round 5-160
Fight is a draw+5000+6600+5000+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/a
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO+700+800+800+750+600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Mix wins by TKO/KO+700+700+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedov wins by submission+1400+1600+1900+1500+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Mix wins by submission+100+115+120
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedov wins inside distance+500+450
Not Magomedov inside distance-900-800
Mix wins inside distance-120
Not Mix inside distance-110
Magomedov wins by decision+700+550+650+850+500
Not Magomedov by decisionn/an/an/an/a-1000
Mix wins by decision+200+240+200
Not Mix by decisionn/an/a-275
Magomedov wins in round 1+1600+2100+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mix wins in round 1+340+340+350
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedov wins in round 2+2000+2500+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mix wins in round 2+500+650+550
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedov wins in round 3+2400+2700+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mix wins in round 3+700+850+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedov wins in round 4+2800+2900+3300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mix wins in round 4+900+1100+900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Magomedov wins in round 5+3300+3400+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Mix wins in round 5+1300+1400+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+270+333
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+1900
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+500+500
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+650+600
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+2500
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 4+850+800
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/an/a
Fight ends in round 4+3000
Fight doesn't end in round 4n/a
Fight ends in round 5+1000+1600
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/an/a
Fight ends in round 5+4000
Fight doesn't end in round 5n/a
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 1+3000
Any other resultn/a
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1900
Any other resultn/a
Magomedov wins by submission in round 1-115+5500
Any other resultn/an/a
Mix wins by submission in round 1-115+450
Any other resultn/an/a
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 2+3400
Any other resultn/a
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 2+3200
Any other resultn/a
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 3+3700
Any other resultn/a
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 3+3800
Any other resultn/a
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 4+4000
Any other resultn/a
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 4+5000
Any other resultn/a
Magomedov wins by TKO/KO in round 5+4900
Any other resultn/a
Mix wins by TKO/KO in round 5+6000
Any other resultn/a
Magomedov wins by submission in round 2-115+6500
Any other resultn/an/a
Mix wins by submission in round 2-115+850
Any other resultn/an/a
Magomedov wins by submission in round 3-115+7000
Any other resultn/an/a
Mix wins by submission in round 3-115+1000
Any other resultn/an/a
Magomedov wins by submission in round 4-115+8000
Any other resultn/an/a
Mix wins by submission in round 4-115+1400
Any other resultn/an/a
Magomedov wins by submission in round 5-115+9000
Any other resultn/an/a
Mix wins by submission in round 5-115+1800
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+370
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by submission-105
Any other resultn/a
Magomedov wins in round 1 or 2+1150
Any other resultn/a
Magomedov wins in round 3 or 4+1700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in final round or goes to decision+600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+2100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 4+2500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 5+3000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+410
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+750
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+950
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 4+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 5+1600
Any other resultn/a
Cedric Doumbe-485-600-700-560-550-500 53
Jaleel Willis+370+425+400+350+390+350 53
Over 1½ rounds-130-122-110
Under 1½ rounds-104+100-120
Over 2½ rounds+175+200
Under 2½ rounds-250-275
Fight goes to decision+225+260+240+265+240
Fight doesn't go to decision-330-380-345-390-350
Fight starts round 2-190
Fight won't start round 2+144
Fight starts round 3+130
Fight won't start round 3-168
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+4500+5000+6600
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Doumbe wins by TKO/KO-175-200-177-160-150
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Willis wins by TKO/KO+1000+900+1300+1100+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Doumbe wins by submission+900+900+750+900+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Willis wins by submission+1600+1300+1800+1600+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Doumbe wins inside distance-200-250
Not Doumbe inside distance+150+175
Willis wins inside distance+650+600
Not Willis inside distance-1400-1408
Doumbe wins by decision+350+400+400+420+400
Not Doumbe by decisionn/an/an/an/a-649
Willis wins by decision+800+550+750+800+500
Not Willis by decisionn/an/an/an/a-1000
Doumbe wins in round 1-100000+170+175
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Willis wins in round 1-100000+1500+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Doumbe wins in round 2-100000+380+350
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Willis wins in round 2-100000+2400+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Doumbe wins in round 3-100000+550+500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Willis wins in round 3-100000+3100+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+135+163
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+165
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+1600
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+310+275
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+320
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+2200
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+470+400
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+550
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+3000
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Doumbe wins by TKO/KO in round 1+200
Any other resultn/a
Willis wins by TKO/KO in round 1+2500
Any other resultn/a
Doumbe wins by submission in round 1-118+1900
Any other resultn/an/a
Willis wins by submission in round 1-118+3300
Any other resultn/an/a
Doumbe wins by TKO/KO in round 2+450
Any other resultn/a
Willis wins by TKO/KO in round 2+3800
Any other resultn/a
Doumbe wins by TKO/KO in round 3+650
Any other resultn/a
Willis wins by TKO/KO in round 3+4900
Any other resultn/a
Doumbe wins by submission in round 2-118+3200
Any other resultn/an/a
Willis wins by submission in round 2-118+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Doumbe wins by submission in round 3-118+4200
Any other resultn/an/a
Willis wins by submission in round 3-118+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO-210
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by submission+650
Any other resultn/a
Doumbe wins in round 1 or 2-135
Any other resultn/a
Willis wins in round 1 or 2+950
Any other resultn/a
Doumbe wins in final round or by decision+200
Any other resultn/a
Willis wins in final round or by decision+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+175
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+390
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+550
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+2200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2900
Any other resultn/a
Costello van Steenis-380-400-450-420-460-400 53
Gregory Babene+300+300+300+275+330+300 53
Over 1½ rounds+120+118+110
Under 1½ rounds-162-144-150
Over 2½ rounds+270+275
Under 2½ rounds-420-400
Fight goes to decision+380+350+350+360+350
Fight doesn't go to decision-650-550-560-560-549
Fight starts round 2-142
Fight won't start round 2+110
Fight starts round 3+190
Fight won't start round 3-260
Fight is a draw+5000+5000+6600+4500+5000+8000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Steenis wins by TKO/KO+200+200+235+210+225
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Babene wins by TKO/KO+800+800+900+750+600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Steenis wins by submission+125+125+165+145+150
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Babene wins by submission+650+650+700+950+900
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Steenis wins inside distance-225-250
Not Steenis inside distance+165+175
Babene wins inside distance+380+400
Not Babene inside distance-650-649
Steenis wins by decision+550+525+510+500+400
Not Steenis by decisionn/an/an/an/a-649
Babene wins by decision+1400+1200+1300+1400+900
Not Babene by decisionn/an/an/an/a-3333
Steenis wins in round 1-100000+145+140
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Babene wins in round 1-100000+950+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Steenis wins in round 2-100000+360+350
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Babene wins in round 2-100000+1700+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Steenis wins in round 3-100000+750+800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Babene wins in round 3-100000+2400+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+128+100+105
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+148
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+650
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+245+280+300
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+325
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+1300
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+700+550+600
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+850
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+2500
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Steenis wins by TKO/KO in round 1+450
Any other resultn/a
Babene wins by TKO/KO in round 1+1700
Any other resultn/a
Steenis wins by submission in round 1-118+330
Any other resultn/an/a
Babene wins by submission in round 1-118+2100
Any other resultn/an/a
Steenis wins by TKO/KO in round 2+900
Any other resultn/a
Babene wins by TKO/KO in round 2+3000
Any other resultn/a
Steenis wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1700
Any other resultn/a
Babene wins by TKO/KO in round 3+4000
Any other resultn/a
Steenis wins by submission in round 2-118+700
Any other resultn/an/a
Babene wins by submission in round 2-118+3400
Any other resultn/an/a
Steenis wins by submission in round 3-118+1300
Any other resultn/an/a
Babene wins by submission in round 3-118+4800
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+140
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by submission+105
Any other resultn/a
Steenis wins in round 1 or 2-160
Any other resultn/a
Babene wins in round 1 or 2+600
Any other resultn/a
Steenis wins in final round or by decision+280
Any other resultn/a
Babene wins in final round or by decision+850
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+330
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+260
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+1100
Any other resultn/a
Jonas Bilharinho-205-210-210-225-205-225 53
Yves Landu+170+170+160+163+166+175 53
Over 1½ rounds-335-275
Under 1½ rounds+220+200
Over 2½ rounds-177-172-175
Under 2½ rounds+128+140+130
Fight goes to decision-150-140-143-146-150
Fight doesn't go to decision+110+110+106+114+110
Fight starts round 2-480
Fight won't start round 2+330
Fight starts round 3-215
Fight won't start round 3+168
Fight is a draw+5000+5000-100000+4500+5000+5000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Bilharinho wins by TKO/KO+225+200+225+240+240
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Landu wins by TKO/KO+900+1050+1050+1000+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bilharinho wins by submission+1000+950+950+1000+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Landu wins by submission+1400+1300+1300+1400+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bilharinho wins inside distance+180+150
Not Bilharinho inside distance-250-200
Landu wins inside distance+600+600
Not Landu inside distance-1200-1408
Bilharinho wins by decision+165+175+175+190+163
Not Bilharinho by decisionn/an/an/an/a-225
Landu wins by decision+260+250+260+260+240
Not Landu by decisionn/an/an/an/a-350
Bilharinho wins in round 1-100000+440+400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Landu wins in round 1-100000+1500+900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Bilharinho wins in round 2-100000+750+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Landu wins in round 2-100000+2000+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Bilharinho wins in round 3-100000+1100+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Landu wins in round 3-100000+2600+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+310+300
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+420
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+1300
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+500+500
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+650
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+1700
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+800+800
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+1050
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+2400
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Bilharinho wins by TKO/KO in round 1+550
Any other resultn/a
Landu wins by TKO/KO in round 1+2500
Any other resultn/a
Bilharinho wins by submission in round 1-118+2300
Any other resultn/an/a
Landu wins by submission in round 1-118+3200
Any other resultn/an/a
Bilharinho wins by TKO/KO in round 2+950
Any other resultn/a
Landu wins by TKO/KO in round 2+3200
Any other resultn/a
Bilharinho wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1400
Any other resultn/a
Landu wins by TKO/KO in round 3+4000
Any other resultn/a
Bilharinho wins by submission in round 2-118+3300
Any other resultn/an/a
Landu wins by submission in round 2-118+4200
Any other resultn/an/a
Bilharinho wins by submission in round 3-118+4800
Any other resultn/an/a
Landu wins by submission in round 3-118+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+175
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by submission+650
Any other resultn/a
Bilharinho wins in round 1 or 2+240
Any other resultn/a
Landu wins in round 1 or 2+850
Any other resultn/a
Bilharinho wins in final round or by decision+135
Any other resultn/a
Landu wins in final round or by decision+220
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+460
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+750
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+2100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2900
Any other resultn/a
Archie Colgan-625-700-800-670-600-649 53
Thibault Gouti+455+475+460+410+410+450 53
Over 1½ rounds-286-250
Under 1½ rounds+195+175
Over 2½ rounds-141-128-138
Under 2½ rounds+106+106+105
Fight goes to decision-115-125-127-120-125
Fight doesn't go to decision-115-105-107-106-105
Fight starts round 2-410
Fight won't start round 2+290
Fight starts round 3-186
Fight won't start round 3+144
Fight is a draw+5000+5000-100000+4500+5000+5000
Fight is not a drawn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Colgan wins by TKO/KO+150+150+170+210+200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Gouti wins by TKO/KO+1400+1500+1500+1100+800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Colgan wins by submission+600+700+700+700+500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Gouti wins by submission+2500+2500+2400+1800+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Colgan wins inside distance+120+120
Not Colgan inside distance-165-163
Gouti wins inside distance+900+600
Not Gouti inside distance-3500-1408
Colgan wins by decision+110+100+104+110+120
Not Colgan by decisionn/an/an/an/a-163
Gouti wins by decision+900+750+750+850+700
Not Gouti by decisionn/an/an/an/a-1587
Colgan wins in round 1-100000+360+300
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Gouti wins in round 1-100000+1700+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Colgan wins in round 2-100000+650+500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Gouti wins in round 2-100000+2000+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Colgan wins in round 3-100000+900+800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Gouti wins in round 3-100000+3400+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+270+275
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+320
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 1+2000
Fight doesn't end in round 1n/a
Fight ends in round 2+500+450
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/an/a
Fight ends in round 2+550
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 2+2500
Fight doesn't end in round 2n/a
Fight ends in round 3+700+700
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/an/a
Fight ends in round 3+850
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Fight ends in round 3+3500
Fight doesn't end in round 3n/a
Colgan wins by TKO/KO in round 1+500
Any other resultn/a
Gouti wins by TKO/KO in round 1+2700
Any other resultn/a
Colgan wins by submission in round 1-118+1500
Any other resultn/an/a
Gouti wins by submission in round 1-118+4100
Any other resultn/an/a
Colgan wins by TKO/KO in round 2+950
Any other resultn/a
Gouti wins by TKO/KO in round 2+3000
Any other resultn/a
Colgan wins by TKO/KO in round 3+1200
Any other resultn/a
Gouti wins by TKO/KO in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Colgan wins by submission in round 2-118+2600
Any other resultn/an/a
Gouti wins by submission in round 2-118+4800
Any other resultn/an/a
Colgan wins by submission in round 3-118+3200
Any other resultn/an/a
Gouti wins by submission in round 3-118+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Either fighter wins by TKO/KO+160
Any other resultn/a
Either fighter wins by submission+550
Any other resultn/a
Colgan wins in round 1 or 2+195
Any other resultn/a
Gouti wins in round 1 or 2+950
Any other resultn/a
Colgan wins in final round or by decision-135
Any other resultn/a
Gouti wins in final round or by decision+750
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 1+420
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 2+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in TKO/KO/DQ in round 3+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 1+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 2+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in submission in round 3+2500
Any other resultn/a
Imamshafi Aliev-900
Mike Shipman+600
Louie Sutherland+400+425+380+335+350+350 20
Slim Trabelsi-535-600-600-530-480-500 20
Fight goes to decision-100000
Fight doesn't go to decision-100000
Fight is a draw+5000-100000
Fight is not a drawn/an/a
Sutherland wins by TKO/KO+650
Any other resultn/a
Trabelsi wins by TKO/KO+100
Any other resultn/a
Sutherland wins by submission+2500
Any other resultn/a
Trabelsi wins by submission+400
Any other resultn/a
Sutherland wins by decision+800
Not Sutherland by decisionn/a
Trabelsi wins by decision+200
Not Trabelsi by decisionn/a
Sutherland wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Trabelsi wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Sutherland wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Trabelsi wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Sutherland wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Trabelsi wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Sutherland wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Trabelsi wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Sutherland wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Trabelsi wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Sutherland wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Trabelsi wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Mansour Barnaoui-650-650-800-670-750-649 20
Yusuke Yachi+470+475+460+380+500+450 20
Fight goes to decision-100000
Fight doesn't go to decision-100000
Fight is a draw+5000-100000
Fight is not a drawn/an/a
Barnaoui wins by TKO/KO+400
Any other resultn/a
Yachi wins by TKO/KO+1400
Any other resultn/a
Barnaoui wins by submission+100
Any other resultn/a
Yachi wins by submission+1800
Any other resultn/a
Barnaoui wins by decision+225
Not Barnaoui by decisionn/a
Yachi wins by decision+600
Not Yachi by decisionn/a
Barnaoui wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Yachi wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Barnaoui wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Yachi wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Barnaoui wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Yachi wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Barnaoui wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Yachi wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Barnaoui wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Yachi wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Barnaoui wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Yachi wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Mike Shipman-105-110-115-113-110-110 14
Steven Hill-115-110-115-122-110-120 14
Fight goes to decision-100000
Fight doesn't go to decision-100000
Fight is a draw-100000
Fight is not a drawn/a
Shipman wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Hill wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Shipman wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Hill wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Shipman wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Hill wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Shipman wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Hill wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Shipman wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Hill wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Shipman wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Hill wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Aspen Ladd-225-225-240-225-220-225 14
Ekaterina Shakalova+185+185+180+155+176+175 14
Fight goes to decision-100000
Fight doesn't go to decision-100000
Fight is a draw-100000
Fight is not a drawn/a
Ladd wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Shakalova wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Shakalova wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Shakalova wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Shakalova wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Shakalova wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Ladd wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Shakalova wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Asael Adjoudj-225-210-200-225-210-225 20
Bruno Fontes+185+175+150+155+170+175 20
Fight goes to decision-100000
Fight doesn't go to decision-100000
Fight is a draw+5000-100000
Fight is not a drawn/an/a
Adjoudj wins by TKO/KO+250
Any other resultn/a
Fontes wins by TKO/KO+600
Any other resultn/a
Adjoudj wins by submission+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fontes wins by submission+1200
Any other resultn/a
Adjoudj wins by decision+125
Not Adjoudj by decisionn/a
Fontes wins by decision+400
Not Fontes by decisionn/a
Adjoudj wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Fontes wins in round 1-100000
Any other resultn/a
Adjoudj wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Fontes wins in round 2-100000
Any other resultn/a
Adjoudj wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Fontes wins in round 3-100000
Any other resultn/a
Adjoudj wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Fontes wins by submission in round 1-118
Any other resultn/a
Adjoudj wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Fontes wins by submission in round 2-118
Any other resultn/a
Adjoudj wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Fontes wins by submission in round 3-118
Any other resultn/a
Last change: 198 days ago
Expected outcome
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